Is it comfortable to play the keyboard? (Dark Souls 3)
I played the second part on the keyboard, it was generally inconvenient and the letters were not translated yet. How are you doing in this part? No gamepadMrWorld
There is no need to exaggerate, in the second part quite tolerable control beat keyboard + mouse.
In the third part, surprisingly extremely convenient control, it is very easy and simple to control the character, as well as to use all the fighting techniques.
It is more convenient to control here than in the second one. But still, I put the attacks on the keyboard in the old fashioned way, and I use the mouse for review
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What are you whining, well, seriously! you just did not understand the logic of the location of the keys. Open the menu, assign keys and read! For me, there is no problem. Use "E", "R" drink estus. shift + wheel to change weapons. shift + pcm super reception of the right weapon and so on
Representatives of the bourgeois class play exclusively on a gamepad, sitting comfortably on the couch and sipping a whiskey or brandy.
Personally, I play on a wired controller for the Xbox 360. This seems to me much more comfortable than using a keyboard and mouse. Although, compared to the previous installments of the series in Dark Souls III, the keyboard controls have become much smoother and more comfortable.
I put Xbox 360 Joy, jump on pressing the nipple PPC, 30 minutes of setting up Klavomish Profit.
Unless these crooked designs can make a convenient control on a PC, they don't even have such a concept in their heads.
As far as I understand, these fucking degenerates did not do the mapping of the keys again.
Klava is convenient, but the mouse (personally with me) goes crazy! Review, sensitivity, set as much as 0 and still the sensitivity is too strong, and everything is twitching! But the two side buttons for game settings are great of course +!
All controls are shown for the gamepad. At the very beginning it says "read the message" - it is indicated A for the gamepad. Went through all the keys - does not read. There is no such action in the keyboard settings. So what?
E tried it, the right mouse click is also responsible for the B button!
In the settings, this is the interaction function
Edvins is
the "E" button by default, in the control configuration this is the Interaction option (penultimate tab), and the Confirm option (last tab)
The second part on the keyboard was calm. The only target was inconvenient, but since I was playing as a warrior, I didn't care.