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Voin Morgota 07.11.19 11:15 am

Kokorin and Mamaev, who's the show-off?

Honestly I was satisfied (not paid off), now, enough already. Seriously the judge's daughter knocks two young girls, one to death the other disabled for life. While the court case successfully became pregnant, and all the fucking her little child that my grandmother 10 years not vospitat? The theft and six months in a colony settlement or house arrest. Power in the Prado says the people so moronic? That's supposedly from justice who does not go away, no, of course if you steal tens of billions and then hundreds.You warn will give a couple of months so say the odds. And then when you're on the Cote d'azur will be announced in the international wanted list. May already have enough over guys fun? They have three times spent.
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ColonelJason 07.11.19

Mayamenstate wrote:
What happens with people in General? My grandma on any comment the answer starts with xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. She never before never talked
I understand your grandmother - if I was forced daily to hear your lengthy arguments I, probably, too soon would develop Tourette's syndrome.

Voin Morgota 07.11.19

And in vain, first I have not spoken of myself that I represent a threat to the government, to me is ridiculous. But if there is real opposition, not the current bullshit then a lot of things can happen, stupid enough as shown by dill and Venezuela, a lot of people from what is believe that the Yankees give them a lot of dollars and well-fed carefree life. And then carves disagree. And be simpler and. what these veiled insults?

Mayamenstate 07.11.19

What are the arguments? I did not say anything. I, for example, just walk into the kitchen, seeing the empty kitchen table is a knife. Go to the gym and ask him to clean up. Grandma said to me: Well take it and get your. I told her: why do I have to remove it if I don't put there?. Grandma says to me this xxxxxxxx phrase goes to the kitchen, opens the box, throws a knife at him, said: The happy?, syrause and closes it. The next day, on an empty kitchen table-a fork, and the next day, spoon. Let's see how you would react to such a provocative everyday-aggressive statements and actions. Here are today rubbing carrots on a grater, sprinkle with sugar, left a plate on the table to give her a juice and soak up that sugar. Come - half not. Ask grandma: But where are the carrots?. She told me: I ate a little bit. I said, From my plate? Why do you I have not asked permission? I would have to put down?. She told me: why should I you still ask? The carrots I grow in the country. You're not? Oh, and greedy you become. Provocation with slander. Yes, someone oversees. But this knowledge changes nothing. As APCS rod.

ColonelJason 07.11.19

Warrior Of Morgoth
Warrior Morgoth wrote:
But if there's real opposition
You continue to demonstrate a complete misunderstanding of the nature of social processes. No real opposition will never have any relation to the mob. The real opposition is part of the elite that wants to change the current state system, or, at worst - military, but certainly not the mob.Check who Cromwell, Bonaparte, and other Lions. And if the mob manages to reach the struggle for power, it stands exclusively their personal interests, thereby either perekusyvay from the mob to the elite, or dying in the process. With regards to your examples of Ukraine and Venezuela - folk in them acts only as a weak-willed tool, what I was saying.
Warrior Morgoth wrote:
And be simpler and. what these veiled insults?
In what place they are veiled? I say everything is in plain text, without any ambiguity, and you are just confused zavualirovannosti abuse with the lack of obscene language.

Voin Morgota 07.11.19

Should I continue? tell me what would you do without mobile? The mob is the same strike force which sucks.
ColonelJason wrote:
I say everything is in plain text, without any ambiguity, and you are just confused zavualirovannosti abuse with the lack of obscene language.
And you ask about a second-class population? Not good in obset to be rude to you like no one was rude.

Mayamenstate 07.11.19

In order to avoid the mob, metal anodize.
Spoilera nothing under nothing mean. So talk to the West. It is time to switch from Bush legs Yes vodka Putinka and speak literally.
Warrior Of Morgoth
But when I bought a cast iron frying pan and first fried on it, so I have all my teeth turned black and the tongue was completely black.
Spoilergate, and why Ukraine's symbol - the Trident of Neptune?

ColonelJason 07.11.19

Warrior Of Morgoth
Warrior Morgoth wrote:
tell me what would you do without mobile?
I'm not saying that such processes take place without any participation of the mob - I said from the beginning:
ColonelJason wrote:
the maximum that she can expect is to be cannon fodder in some revolutionary kneading, though not black sprodyusirovanny, and not to her advantage held.
That stupid mobile use who wants, I'm not arguing. Thus, I stand by it: the mob is not (by itself) is no threat to the government. But it can act as a tool for violent change of power. Without any likely benefit to themselves.

Voin Morgota 07.11.19

The fact of the matter is that the opposition is without mobile nothing, like the power though. I strongly doubt that the army will fight against its own people, at least not all. Therefore, never understood the people support the coup, such as they are for the people trying.

Gauguin 07.11.19

ColonelJason wrote:
a generator of text and meaningless gibberish, written by hand
Apparently, your crazy prank slightly delayed...and it is a huge mass of posts - many months to the present time, and all so..ahem.. experiment with a couple of users of the website...well, your passion can only envy.
By the way, funny to see how you revile Luminous Soldier, because he unlike you, though, sometimes produces something that pulls in the product person with an IQ above double digits, at least at the level of everyday adequacy. The idea is that leave you as an eccentric psychiatrist leaves the patient in the chamber with padded walls and silence to savor the process would be the most reasonable solution, but periodically you continue to amaze me (and not only me) new horizons offered by your dangerous mix of ridiculous stupidity and no less ridiculous arrogance. This kind of talent with a minus sign and it deserves a kind of recognition.

ColonelJason 07.11.19

Warrior Of Morgoth
Warrior Morgoth wrote:
The fact of the matter is that the opposition no mobile no that
Is not absolutely necessary. We are in the 91st year the authorities have changed completely mobile. Who should be removed, who should put. No one did no one asked. And the Glorious English revolution without the people nothing happened, and the Emperor Napoleon as himself (with the help of Komrad) became,and Augustus completely the support of the legions was limited. And if sometimes folk use as a tool to honor him that no does not.
Warrior Morgoth wrote:
Therefore, never understood the people support the coup, such as they are for the people trying.
After some revolutions, the mob better heal, however, it is not because of her.

Voin Morgota 07.11.19

ColonelJason wrote:
Is not absolutely necessary. We are in the 91st year the authorities have changed completely mobile. Who should be removed, who should put. No one did no one asked
Yeah only the students rushed screaming you for Yeltsin or the Communists. Gorbachev has got all the way that everyone was absolutely do not care who comes, but would this split. My father he is 70 still swearing, his mother in Magadan sugar coupons, what this freak did?!

Gauguin 07.11.19

Warrior Of Morgoth
Warrior Morgoth wrote:
absolutely do not care who comes, but would this split.
Always has been, nothing since then has changed. First Soviet nomenklatura needed to throw, then Gorbachev, then Yeltsin and now Putin. But skins - then we begin to live, there will be a good king.

ColonelJason 07.11.19

Gauguin wrote:
Apparently, your crazy prank slightly delayed...and it is a huge mass of posts - many months to the present time, and all so..ahem..
You and that joke was already made, but, in line with my not very healthy, but very devoted fan to calm down without my approval, apparently not. Going to meet you: you're a big boy and a rare wit people. But it is - in advance. I, of course, very warm at heart when I imagine how joyful it starts to wag your tail from my attention, but agree that our relationship is asymmetrical: judging by the persistence with which you try to put yourself in a pathetic beating and writhing in helpless rage is a joke, you get from this process genuinely fun. I , in turn, have much less: seriously, your humorous pieces is not as funny as you, and even read them twice - very doubtful pleasure. So when your obsession to the next time you will call to demand my attention , if you please invent something new.
Ps: but since today evening the reps, and I will not fail to re-pay attention to how readily you are willing to consolidate even the most lost to society, in terms of the intellectual functions of individuals. Once again am amazed at the fierce determination of wounded true man is willing to throw away the last shreds of dignity.

Voin Morgota 07.11.19

Here you are quite right, dad, and all the familiar peasants in V. V. P mountain. Yes and I remember as a salary for six months did not receive. Vodka pancake at the entrance gave only people would not run and complex still went bankrupt. And I understand the Yankees are already dreaming about the new Gorbachev. Lord save us. Then they are already gonna try one Moscow as part of Russia will remain And brains.. all washed and Ukraine to blame Russia. Such a work amerekosy know.

Gauguin 07.11.19

ColonelJason wrote:
You and that joke was already made
Not worth the bother unsuccessful attempts to pretend that they accept a statement of fact as a joke, Yes, and spice is a traditional festival for you banal of defense mechanisms, like projection and auditory training, designed to raise from the bottom of your unstable, to put it mildly, self-esteem. For the repetition can't blame yourself - in truth there is nothing original. Yes, and your reaction to it, despite the predictability, still takes a certain pleasure, especially on the background of your other randomly generated sheets.
ColonelJason wrote:
I will not fail to re-pay attention to how readily you are willing to consolidate even the most lost to society, in terms of intellectual functions, personality
Apparently, this idea originated from you due to the fact that you regarded my the recognition of your a kind of talent as an invitation to friendship or cooperation. I hasten to assure you that you made a mistake.

Gauguin 07.11.19

Warrior Of Morgoth
Warrior Morgoth wrote:
Here you are quite right, dad, and all the familiar peasants in V. V. P mountain
I'm not talking about your surroundings, and daydreaming about the people from some other test. Unfortunately or fortunately, I don't have the environment like friends of your fathers.

Kamred 07.11.19

I did not know for whom the media constantly write about these two characters. Bored me news about them. They are simple nevadalas players.
They just raised his hand to a government official. Draw your own conclusions.

ColonelJason 07.11.19

You make me sad before going to sleep - very sad to contemplate a pet, which is trying to do new tricks, and he looks at you with a helpless devotee of the misunderstanding, and trying to please the old. No, definitely crown your number itself is is one of my favorite ( although your range of approaches is not too broad, if not dichotomous: you either rush foaming on others, hating all living things because not everyone is born with sexual deviations like you either repeat itself is), because , it's not that nice, just rather surprising to see that you have hurt a person so much that he was willing time after time to show yourself with this, probably the most pathetic of all possible rhetorical side. But still, I would like something new.

Voin Morgota 07.11.19

I honestly don't know the dreamy people of different stuff only seen on TV. Well the Internet of course. Revolution make romance? Never will believe in this statement, They are just a tool for those who actually make the revolution. And dad, I have twenty-five years in a small village live. There are so accepted, so that the habit.

Mayamenstate 07.11.19

Is this about me? Well, let's be like all. And then let's choose gifts for their ladies. Seven months they still have to wait.

and second: