How much would you like to earn?
so much to forget about the existence of moneyBelomorkanal
Borders expand as answers to old questions appear - along with the emergence of new ones.
With infinity of money, I would want an endless ownership!
Well, with such finances, this goal is fully achievable, you can wake up to have fun with the Zhidomassons.
Because the dollar has risen in price, I think 300 thousand would be enough.
With the current rise in prices for everything, this question is becoming rhetorical! Pegging your income to the ruble or the hryvnia is not stable, and in dollars there are few who receive it! The main thing is that the money you earn is enough for everything you need!
Yeah, that's for sure. With the rise in prices, the question of making money really becomes a rhetorical one, today you want one amount, and in a month it will not be enough.
Just another User
Would the salary of a Moscow deputy or his income be enough? These can be radically different amounts)))
And on the topic, I would like to be one and a half times more than I earn now.
No matter how much you earn, it will still be little. With an increase in income, both interests and needs change. So it will never be enough.
when a low-key peasant comes and tickles a feather on the neck, and asks for nothing at all, for your mortal body, you will be happy to give all that is superfluous))
With the current rate of growth of prices, not that in a month, in a few days there is not enough money set aside for a large purchase, no matter how sad it sounds!
Food, a roof over your head and occasional spending on hobbies, you don't need more. I never understood and will not understand these rat races ... more, even more, ruin health in order to earn more money, so that there will be enough for doctors who will leisurely restore this ditched at time-based rates. To twist your personality, communicate with those you hate, do what you don't see the point in, crawl and fall and so on year after year ... for the sake of a handful of candy wrappers, for which in some cases there is nothing to buy, one recyclable shit in beautiful packaging lies in stores. Or even worse, our trademark racial "work to work", with no meaning, no purpose, no result. To work off a month so that it would be enough to pay for a month of living in this cell, which is misunderstandingly called an apartment, for travel to the place of work, for lunch at work. And that's all. Raised your salary - hucksters raised prices. And no matter how you work, you are always in the shop. This is your place in the system, to be in zh0pe. And even your participation in the process of creating something is so removed by countless steps that it can be said not. Life has passed, but there is no result. If so, was it worth it to strain at all?
Well, if you think about what is the goal and what is the result ... to
live in a console apartment so that the toilet is not in the yard and is equipped with Wi-Fi is quite a goal in itself.
but you can be a free grafon poet and talk about grafon
different values ​​and grafon in life, respectively, different.