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Alex coachman 12.11.21 10:55 pm

Mysticism, UFOs and the Epsilon Program (Grand Theft Auto 5)

Ûž Mysticism and UFOs Ûž

UFOs on Mount Josiah at the foot of which is a military base.
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Fan of Ostashkovts 12.11.21

Here is my investigation, write your opinion about the cult.

Sieghardt 12.11.21

The mystery of the cult is that this is a money scam. The secret is revealed.

Alex coachman 12.11.21

Since the game is parody, then everything can turn out so that the epsilonists are right and there will be strong evidence of this. But so yes. They have all sorts of poor people and psychos in the unsaved. And those who are being saved are prosperous, rich, white people.

AlSar 12.11.21

Fan Ostashkovtsa
Please do not reproduce the same topics.
Mysticism, UFOs, Epsilon are centrally discussed here.

GasoLine | GL 12.11.21

really, P * decided not to hide and cut out all the mysticism, it's very cool, the main thing is not to overdo it and not turn it into SR4, there is a
clue to the cult in any 5k

: the cult building is similar to the one that allegedly was near the Vinewood inscription in SA

andras77 12.11.21

I think the cult is not finished on the tractor ... 1 out of 10 treatises of the cult and the girl from the cult sent SMS like a riddle, probably there is a need to look for a treatise ...



Do not post the same thing on different topics.

Fan of Ostashkovts 12.11.21

In general, here is my video at the expense of the cult.

kramorvs 12.11.21

The cult of altruists - who are they?
1. What do they do with the kidnapped people?
2. Has anyone tried to sneak into their camp? if so, what came of it and what did you find there?

Vuzya 12.11.21

I flew there. walked around the territory, glanced around. and u flew :)

Dobriy514 12.11.21

where is it?

Le0_o 12.11.21

1. They drink their blood
2. There the mountain and the terrain look like a picture of a mountain from Mount Chiliand (some mountains, straight); if you get there, I will attack.

Vuzya 12.11.21

nobody attacked me. no need.

TommyAssassin 12.11.21

I was there. There was also a sentry without pants.

Dobriy514 12.11.21

answer where is it?

dlinkz 12.11.21

The funicular had a place where I had to come after passing the game, I came and there was a treatise of the epsilonists 1/10, and Marnie sent a text message "Where the first of the fleets lost the battle with the waves, there is the message." Where to find the second part of the treatise? (Maybe there is a sunken alien ship? Somewhere I saw this screen)

Completely traveled 12.11.21

and this is after the mission "Renouncing the Truth", where you meet Chris live, and then transport the money in a white car. I just completed it (interrupted all the epsilonists and took the money), and then there are more epsilon missions?

Haiiro Ookami 12.11.21

All Epsilon treatises:
Which between points A and B is in a tunnel. A and B are the entrances to the tunnel.

MrShake 12.11.21

The cult of altruists.

RockFeller 12.11.21

Collected all 50 UFO parts. They gave a luminous typewriter and that's it. In general, only wasted time :( I thought they would give the ship.