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Demon of Night 26.11.21 10:51 pm

Impression of the full game? (Front Mission Evolved)

What are your impressions of completing this toy? =)
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Permanent_Lost 26.11.21

fell asleep in the middle of the game and took it down.

Capucha4 26.11.21

I play online, theme !!!

Han-Ga 26.11.21

1) The game is really very short, few interesting missions. In short, there is nowhere to turn around)
2) In addition to the campaign, they had to do single missions like in MW, with large, diverse maps. but no, he’s broke ...
3) Robots are like toys, some small and boring.
1) The idea of ​​an epic mech-mochilov in 3rd person (and even on PC) deserves respect.
2) Beautiful screensavers))

Capucha4 26.11.21

Yes, there is such a jamb ... And let's add to this obscenely small locations, where it is really difficult for a healthy Wanzer to turn around ... As for the Wansers themselves, the design is pretty good for me, especially the "marshmallow". It even resembles a gundama (controlled robot from the legendary mecha anime).

kuel 26.11.21

a shame for the front mission series, it was worse to outrage the series and could not, the excellent turn-based strategy of its time with a well-thought-out deep plot was turned into a stupid arcade for shkolota, shoot them all in style.

supchikdnya 26.11.21

D.Artist [Velvet Room]
I agree with your opinion, but partly ... I
had a chance to complete the game the other day ...
At first it was very interesting (the first two missions), everything is cool: beautiful robots, the ability to hang all sorts of little things on them, choose legs , handles, a lot of weapons and parts ... when I got into the hangar, my eyes just fled to the corners of the monitor.
After passing about the fifth mission, it began to get boring, the dumbest - pretentious action movie, and the truth is, it was not forgivable for the squares to make such a plot.
Of course, there are no friends for the taste and color of friends, but for me personally the game is "dead" because the plot is greasy, there is no atmosphere, PAFAS! 111 to the level of heaven does not add originality to the game (as in the case of LCA or Warhamer 40) ... Since time immemorial, the games of the park could be played for the sake of an interesting story, even if the gameplay was dead there.
and then do something like this ...
We have already seen the idea somewhere (yeah, well, you understand), but for example, to take a new medal for courage, passed in a day in one breath, despite the fact that I don't like shooters, despite the fact that we are gameplay also seen somewhere (definitely not in the "call of duty" no you guys ...)

The game is dry in terms of the plot. Passing by, I involuntarily remembered xenogears (yes, more SRSG, obscure names and snot, these are the Japanese ...) and decided for myself that if the game had such a storyline, I would have been playing it for 9000 years

Han-Ga 26.11.21

The fact of the matter is that the cars are too anime) And should be rough brutal mechs with square shoulders and solid weapons (and not cardboard, as here)

JIistik 26.11.21

I didn’t play FM before this one, but I liked this one very much ^^

Tell me, do people play in online mode, or like in Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising? Should I buy a license?

Kolomiiets 26.11.21

Today we finally got around to this igrulina.
Well ... Not my favorite MechWarrior ... But ... Playable. Lately, I have not recognized anything at all besides the MWO. And here ... Not ice, but the fur pumping hooked.

arah 26.11.21

Good people, throw someone a thread into the files of a working emulator (or link) for older versions of the game. No matter how much I pumped and put them, I can't drive them to the old Front Mission