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OUT.OFf.CONTROL 10.12.21 12:07 am

WW barb cl (Diablo 2)

I want to hear your opinion on the skill / stat points and barb gear on the cl, especially the weapon ...
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Archon guard 10.12.21

combine harvester clearly
other options are not subject to consideration

combine harvester

Torum. 10.12.21

I can hardly perceive the curve of writing, so Torum media. I was even connected with q2 in absentia, according to Google pictures.

OUT.OFf.CONTROL 10.12.21


passed 10.12.21

natrez aka natural resistance (m)

OUT.OFf.CONTROL 10.12.21

cv the barb is ready and swinging)) there is one question what kind of amku would you advise on the class to do it? fury? poizon + fury? silt how ??

OUT.OFf.CONTROL 10.12.21

kakuiu javazonku zdelati? kuda sk kinuti

OUT.OFf.CONTROL 10.12.21

furi eto ponyatno light skills? a vot tanka s en4em kakie skili need to ka4?

Obsessed 10.12.21

OUT.OFf.CONTROL, one unpleasant moment must be taken into account - the lich doesn't come from the crash. and mana "burns" quickly. therefore Martel / Lance with ed from ~ 150, are, in my opinion, more interesting (and expensive) options. Martel has higher durability (often there is little fan to repair), but Lance has more range (damage radius). therefore I am "for" what you can catch earlier with good ed (max 200%) and, preferably, manalich. ias is not important.

What amku do you advise on the class to create one?
i would only try java. for hcs she needs konvopal and, ideally, amul "2 ama, 35+ fres, ...". further, when she is behind him, I suggest dressing like this:
shield + sprinkles - Sigon, armor - Twitch, belt - Goldwrap, hat - Tarnhelm, rings - "res, dex, life" racks, sneakers - rarka with 30% frw + cuts (37-40 fire + ...). in fact, these are max ias + skills, the cuts will be in a deep anus, all hope has fallen. dex with gear we bring up to 65 (throwing spear requirements, sold on Hella), more - mandatory, ench - desirable.
you don't need to tank it, mana will be very lacking, so you should pump energy (and Konvopal - Meditation). you should not rely on manalich - nat. the damage is very small.
with skills it is stupid: dodges by 1, pierce by 5+, the rest in Lightning fury, Charged strike and what enhances them.

budget alternative - full set of Iratha, Twitch, tower shield with 3 diamonds, the rest is rare.
for hcs, you can take the unique shields Bverrit keep or The Ward, - with Twitch there will be 75% block.

all this ^ is my IMHO. ^ _ ^

Eln 10.12.21

my IMHO is completely different, but arguing on this topic for the thousandth time is too lazy)

RainInTheNight 10.12.21

Maybe over time there will be a guide on different assemblies of cl barb, if someone needs it (me first of all :)).

tunecx 10.12.21

http://tinylink.net/53838 d2-jsp; p
here I got interested in the topic about perf dimands in vepon, for damage to undead, because it's nice to change 458% of units into 6-juice. martel, but apparently it works a little differently.
as calculated in the link above.
decided to dispel the myth and share.
It turns out that dimand is only a bonus, and does not work the same as the original unit

Yeshua Ha-Nozri 10.12.21

in the same place it is written, + damage to undead. what else to count there?

RainInTheNight 10.12.21

Yeshua Ha-Nozri

passed 10.12.21

it works a little differently
vs undead is off-weapon ed, like damage from auras, etc., even if the source is in the weapon, i.e. the harm of the disc itself does not increase

Obsessed 10.12.21

passed,: D

Annor 10.12.21

above the budget option was discussed
in the hands of the bone hammer
mittens + helmet sigon (ar and ll)
amul + 1 ring angelic
second ring ml ar +++
armor belt and boots remain a personal matter for everyone - already from this we have 10l + a lot of ar + crush

Annor 10.12.21

CDS gave a martel to drive 170+ units (2 pal 7 ml)))
imba did not roll either with bx or with martels (

Annor 10.12.21

I'm talking about this - 1 rings + amul is enough)
but while there is no martel - the bone hammer is the very thing)
you just need to love him and he will reciprocate you)

RainInTheNight 10.12.21

Very effective assembly, I advise everyone to pump and go pvp with my maroon barb for loot. Just pre-dress the rarki better)

6Kau6 10.12.21

Go play in the evenings on the cell ... otherwise it turns out 20-30 xx per evening and everything falls apart ... you have to clean the nmx alone ...