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Alexander Evgenievich 31.01.22 02:30 pm

How do you get away from the police? (Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005))

In what places do you hide from the police? In what ways do you get away from it?
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Shephard [USSR] 31.01.22

Seen, sometimes such an interesting glitch happens when you drive over the spikes themselves - there is absolutely nothing for your car, you can continue to ride from the police as much as you like. But the fact is that after this bug, you can not go to the garage.
It's happened two or three times already. After that I had to restart the game.

DevIL667eXe 31.01.22

I get away from the cops in a proven and reliable way: I start the pursuit "at the donut", I drive on the Rosewooda highway and start winding circles on it, when I get the right reward and fulfill all the conditions, I hide in the stadium.

[[[RIP]]]]]] 31.01.22

Classic method :)

Ukrop[Bull1] 31.01.22

I don’t leave, I fool around with them until I get bored =)

like life 31.01.22


Chef_Chelios 31.01.22

in rosewood there is one track along which the most it is to drive with the cops (where the very first garage and store) is circular. You will complete all the required tasks until help arrives (especially normal. It works with cops of the 5th level) and quickly go to the stadium (there will be a snake with sharp turns from the ring) only very carefully as soon as the post immediately on the speedbreaker you fly out of the snake and immediately on the slippers you take down the first interrupter to the stadium (I collect 300,000 pieces at a time) and everything is nearby the cooling zone and you safely left the cops
on it, they never caught me

NFS ALEX 31.01.22

Who plays on the advanced police level, there is an underground tunnel in Rockport, leaving 99% regardless of the level of the police.

Lexa Tr 31.01.22

And I camp from the outlet! Hee hee!

infernal fan.ru 31.01.22

i'm at the bus stop

MWInside 31.01.22

And I camp from the outlet! Hee hee! - Alt+F4 is much easier ;)))

infernal fan.ru 31.01.22

I have done this before!!!

Banzay-RUS 31.01.22

And I camp from the outlet! Hee hee! You pull out, your OS will fly and the computer will burn. Here are those and hee hee

infernal fan.ru 31.01.22

yes it is, literally! Yes?

ProSto_GonShik 31.01.22

How am I leaving? I press the slipper to the floor, turn on the nitro and fly myself faster than the wind, knocking down fragile structures to spite the cops)))))

sexrs 31.01.22


How am I leaving? I press the slipper to the floor, turn on the nitro and fly myself faster than the wind, knocking down fragile structures to spite the cops)))))


RedStyle7 31.01.22

If Pts need to leave, I always go either to the stadium or to the bus station. It's always easy to get away from them.

ProSto_GonShik 31.01.22

I always go to the subway in Rockport, there is a structure there and a shelter is nearby, the advantage is that the helicopter loses you there)))

lady racer 31.01.22

I love to ride with the cops, and the longer the better. And the most suitable place for this is the freeway around Rosewood (highway 99). Wide, spacious, barriers and cops - hit - I don't want to. On this highway, the police will definitely not catch you.

lady racer 31.01.22

And further. There are some places that are not labeled as "hidden points", but are quite safe. I use, for example, a glass-enclosed car park in Rosewood (when you are challenged to a duel for 7th place, the Kamikaze on the video leaves the cops through this place) - the main thing is to climb a level higher.

KXAMUL 31.01.22

I love space with a bunch of cops on my tail! so the perimeter of the whole city is a choice for me, but if you really need to run away, then I’m going to Camden Beach