Is it possible to go back in time?
Can not understand how to back, like 3 years ago and change this? Or is it nonsense? In short discussed.Right, no time.
fuck you it not? you know perfectly well what it is. Otherwise, where I know I'm on call tomorrow and not do?
There is no time. The time is useful to measure events to know what happened and when.
The computer has the time, but the past is in the computer can't be returned if the condition is not taking care of in advance.
In the computer clock, is clock cycles(Hertz), and need to return the state of memory, such as the fact that it was five minutes ago(one second is some number of megahertz, depending on the power of the computer).
Goes back to the past is necessary to preserve the present, and this will require a lot of memory. Man will fail but it is theoretically possible.
There is a theory.What type of through the black hole to return to.But back anymore.
Because by changing the past you really are nichrome not change and create
alternate reality type.
You can see partly the past. Just take a look at stars in the night sky, we see them as they were very, very long time)
to go back in time and start kruzis the maximum speed on the phone evil 1 nuclear students. that was the pockets and batherty.
have a good luck to have such an antimatter. she's like a matter of only anti and I can hardly imagine what she looks like
so if there is a lot of such displacement field as anti black hole and you will ride into the past, here.
it is in scientific pitch approach of antimatter as it is not proven and that no matter how unsaid it doesn't exist. why not there is no is not possible.
Time moves forward, or rather the perception of time is such a vector. Because events occur. If events cease to happen, it will mean stopping time. There are no other options: neither physically nor gnoseologically
in short, if it is proved that the time flows in the same coordinate system in different ways
but indirect evidence of this is the expansion of space at a speed greater than the speed of light once
but this in itself does not involve acceleration or deceleration of the flow of time as well as with super massive objects
voschem then hypothetically travel to the past will be possible if time is a point of singularity. but technically all the information there can unichtojat. and so making a very long pitch leap into the future true in your special space you would get in the past. however from the point of view of a person that would not the past but an alternate reality, it.
in any case, the technical means to do so is likely impossible in life.
MunchkiN 616
in short, if it is proved that the time flows in the same coordinate system in different ways
According to the theory of relativity time flows through different on different systems count. (Loreta conversion, the conversion time).
And this is proved experimentally in the experiment the Havel-Keating
My childhood was thinking, suddenly the past never happened, I can and my mind just appeared, and can and does not happening any events. In the brain, memory is stored information about the past tense and what was past, but actually nothing happens, I just remember that life events happened and I am busy now for any job, but then events are not razvivayutsya and everything is in place.
it is necessary that the time passed was different in one system of coordinates and velocities
I imagine a situation like this - what time is identical figuratively speaking-density space. and the density of the space suggests some connection with matter or matter is the consequence of this curvature. in practice, this would mean that the speed of propagation of information in space is uneven. those for example in galaxy photons travel at the same speed and in the voids where the distance between galaxies is great just with great speed as it would lead to different visual distortions of space and increase in the peripheral glow of the galaxies. and according to peck's observations, the opposite occurs and the speed according to Einstein is always the same.
change the speed of light, you can still explain if you withdraw from the corpuscular theory of light creeping in a certain air which lies in a space with a different density then the explanation of versanyi magnetic fields in space and possibly quantum gravity, dark matter and other crap. but nothing like that yet.
and the experience, as I wrote above objective proof of change of flow of time is not. because even in a black hole the speed of light does not change. moves only the light color frequency. and stop time then no more than like slowing of chemical reactions in Nike temperature. and cryogenic freezing as a time machine is so-so.