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nurbak 01.12.19 09:46 pm

Easter eggs and references (Fallout 4)

War...war never changes...no,not so
Easter eggs...Easter eggs never change
Here he destroyed Boston.
Forward seekers,find and share found in the vast wasteland of good,right here
If possible,Skrenta and map,while varying interestingness
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Z P V C X G H X Z T P V R 01.12.19

On Predone, if you approach the chef, you can hear a similar phrase from Skyrim, which were uttered by the guards, very subtle Easter eggs.

mirel 01.12.19

Not far from the shelter, and that is just to the West ( between the lines) there is a makeshift underground bunker, which reminded me of the movie the Road.
So where is the map?I even looking for and can't find(to hike the entrance is very inconspicuous)

Mishutka_ept 01.12.19

I can't find where screenshots are saved. If the asylum go West, you'll see power lines, it's still the raiders should be, and just go from the power lines just to the North, and see the land entrance.

Mishutka_ept 01.12.19

Perform, then, the quest to find the missing patrol, go, not bothering anyone, see a single car driving monkey sitting, I took it, and from nowhere appeared a monster with a club (like a legendary, I fear you do not understand) escaped only by flight.
p.s. I can't say exactly where this place is. Around the city, which is South of the greenhouses.

mirel 01.12.19

you can read more what is a transmission?Either I have not opened yet either there is no encryption on the card?it's a plant or what?

Mishutka_ept 01.12.19

Line Electrical Transmission. Vysokovoltnaya mast.

mirel 01.12.19

plz make the screen - in short a mini FAQ: 1)the Game in windowed mode(or window without frames) 2)print screen on the keyboard is press(print screen prt sc" and then go to paint and click paste then save as then save and then in the message at the top of the sign pictures click and choose load all) - plz make a screenshot of the map to direct where the vault is damn - found and power lines that were,but no.

vidgin 01.12.19

Bears annealed)

As you see, in this screenshot there is something special?)

Swit-vlad 01.12.19

Plot spoiler
Spoilerage at the Institute begin to help my son radio plays the Imperial March

ZooMuS 01.12.19

If any of you wore the suit(which is radiation), you may have noticed that the glass on the broken head exactly where in the movie the Martian

partizan109 01.12.19

if the license is push F12 and when I close the game, you will shown a screen where he kept

FlamboAdskiy 01.12.19

The lunchbox vault-TEC Fallout Shelter

TheDexter 01.12.19

went to this house on the top stands in the diamond city

WhiteNiko 01.12.19

listen and where you found them, almost went the entire game and did not see them))

Rosaria Williams 01.12.19

XS reference or not, but found the suit Grognak O. o

Wayc 01.12.19

and what a location, dungeon what is on the screenshot?

mirel 01.12.19

The quest is called"Road to freedom".Spoiler will not - he will understand if that(there puzzle - if not think, then type in YouTube the name of the quest).

Abbat76 01.12.19

UFO had fallen. The pilot survived and left behind traces of green blood. If for him to go, you can find the cave where is hidden the alien. Initially aggressive. after killing you can get from his corpse..... something that you can then upgrade.

Abbat76 01.12.19

The King Of Games
Dolphin not a mutant one. The coast is full of gnawed remains, I don't think it's an Easter egg.

A Woman who obstructed cats: I found the South Boston Church yard cemetery - the entrance to the basement. In the basement - a group of ghouls, who organized the altar. On the altar - a huge portrait of the kitten, which is assigned a pile of dog ham. Legs can be picked up and fry to eat. ... Obviously, Guli not completely lost the ability to think, or this altar was erected not they...

Abbat76 01.12.19

If you go to South Boston from the North feet, right in front of the extreme houses would be a piece of the destroyed overpass. between the cars, which crumbled on top you can find the button. if it is click - come down from the top basket. It is possible to climb up to the overpass. Everything is there - a living but empty furochic, with a lonely mewing alive beautiful gray cat. One can only sympathize with the poor fellow.

Also in the game found a bunch of diverse animirovannykh of Teddy Bears. Bears on the toilet, Bear in helmets and cigarettes, and Bears with glasses Bears in hats, and even saw a Bear, from under the hand of which was sticking out the gun-trap.