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Embleboy 26.12.19 09:55 am

What you hate most about Heroes 5? (Heroes of Might and Magic 5)

Anyone that pisses me off? Me for example, when a computer goes a long, slow and type thinks and + more
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Bonefacij 26.12.19

I do not like that you can't play Union

PAKHAN 26.12.19

Petty comments - mouths in the videos are not opening... It's not a movie, after all.
The lack of random maps - not like and do not use.
Town portal to return...
But in General, still play the second and I think that since the heroes are degraded. Others looked like normal game with version 3.5, when absorbed the missing elements from the second. But then, just like steel.

C[o]Y[o]T[e] 26.12.19

And I hate one spell of raising the dead or something like that.The undead raises on always and ostalnije battle.There is no analogue (or not seen).
Maps are large,the computer goes slow,the pack gathers a huge patient.

Vovandus 26.12.19

the fact that some of us got loaded and sohranyaetsya long, and the enemy is a long walk , so I have one piece of advice ladies throw out your koniki, the game is not to blame, me for example still flying and the translation way too perfect, load y name is written normally as the download. The only thing that is annoying is the animation during battle, so it can be disabled

Nekrofil 26.12.19

Hate that Archangels can not revive themselves that the heroes of the Dark Elves kill Armagedona your Dragons immune to magic, that mass of learning magic need to take an additional skill, not enough to learn the magic to the last level. The lack of mages complex magic – like Day of the Gods, Hour of Power as it was in a series of Sword and Magic, no mages mixed magic in the study of 2 schools of magic at the level of Skilled (and beats from magic and curses, but it's worth a lot Mann), the absolute disappearance of treatment, the mass of the resurrection at least level 20.
The lack of increase class hero while learning the skills too neraduet. The imbalance of the magic of it – Evil can put on a Live Puppet Master (Suggestion), Blindness (Blindness), Frenzy (Battle frenzy) that in battles with neutrals completely changes the course of the battle, the live well is nothing like that. Have to do Sedation for Light magic, the enemy can walk, but can not attack. Delhi magic that increases the life and number of shots? If it is an RPG, then why it is impossible to choose skills? Why should I choose from what is available to me, for example, which is better for a sorcerer, Leadership or War Machines, or can be Destructive magic which he now naredili??? And is it normal that lock Haven is a Bastion of Order, defenders of light Related magic Black, is how to understand???
Unrealistic did the absence of a simultaneous impact, as it was 4 Characters, it turns out that the soldiers voluntarily become under attack and only after that – if you survive, hit back – bredyatina. Why remove the ability dolnestic units to hide behind perianesthesia?? It would be logical to do both in 4 - ahead is a Huge ENT and closes the chest small elf Archer shooting from behind. Why units Soldiers from the hero is attack and defense, and the units the Mages - the Power of Magic and knowledge of character is not transmitted?? Why units of Magi (argilite, Archmages, high druids) when they are 5 they better beat magic, and when they are 500, then suddenly become archers, and their magic damage is not more than 50 units???
I removed the deniers of magic "Barbarians" gave them a large amount of life, attack, and armor, and mass strikes and would be game balance. Also managed to upset a future addon. Correctly what for to invent and create a new race when you can paint people in a bloody outfits just to change skills and characteristics, and BAM everything is ready. And how do You dwarf Stormlord with the size of the Archangel?? Or maybe it's steroid gnomon-mutant from Chernobyl))?

jade of blade 26.12.19

the blow and then strike in response to the full squad?) go cure in a psychiatric hospital.
ie you shoot at arimagham archers IRS... koroche you nubila-has been tanned.

Nekrofil 26.12.19

A clarification for those who have just recovered in a mental hospital – not a blow and then a punch in the answer in full force, and simultaneously kick both attacking and defending as it was 4 characters more realistic. About mages - take 5 - units of arilica, Supreme Archmage or druid look how they cause damage with magic, and how physically - remember. Then take 500 units of each type, and you will see that the physical damage increased by 100 times, and ONLY the magic 10, a further increase in magic damage neproishodit, even if you increase the number of units to 5,000. The question of why increasing the number of units, magic damage increases disproportionately???

A.Soldier of Light 26.12.19

because the formula for calculating the level curve :) other explanation I can not give

Ase Of Life 26.12.19

2 Nekrofil simultaneously kick both attacking and defending as it was 4 characters more realistic realistic???!!! When you're hit in the face (no offense) you zakryvaetsya or trying to hit at the same time?

Nekrofil 26.12.19

Ase Of Life - you not reasonable a lot of mutual nakatov boxers? And fencings - isn't there a mutual shock at the same time??

Ase Of Life 26.12.19

Happen but rarely. So in the bulk of the first hit then you get the answer.

Decay 26.12.19

The point is that heroes do not converge two boxers, and the whole crowd of creatures. And when they encounter the idea starts slashing, so the simultaneous impact would be more realistic. But I really this system otvetku don't like the classic better alternate. And what odnovremeno better? Realism for the ears of conditional characters it will not add.

Bianor 26.12.19

Let us introduce chess a simultaneous attack? The Queen takes the pawn, grabs the response and turns into a rook. Another victim and he's a horse. After a while, the beaten former Queen pawn wearily trudges to the edge of the field in the secret hope of again becoming a Queen...

pashchok 26.12.19

Let us introduce chess a simultaneous attack? The Queen takes the pawn, grabs the response and turns into a rook. Another victim and he's a horse. After a while, the beaten former Queen pawn wearily trudges to the edge of the field in the secret hope of again becoming a Queen...

Great idea I agree :)

Nekrofil 26.12.19

Their - in chess, the battle takes place hundreds of Queens against thousands of pawns????
Take heroes - 100 cavalry Men fighting with 1000 farmers from the same castle People.
Cavalry with a run will kill all the peasants, and it is realistic, because the chance to squeeze from untrained peasants against trained and armored riders no.
But are you really going to argue that at least 10 riders to 1,000 farmers will not be able to stab a pitchfork, at least the horse in the stomach, the knight falls down, and trampled by his own? Heroes, it turns out, learned the tactics, learned the attack, summed up all as close as possible, the hero has imposed speed and just beat defenseless enemies, who first hit wins. Do you think all battles in the history of mankind took place in this scenario?

pashchok 26.12.19

Wow, the discussion! Interesting... :) I'll watch the battle from the bushes ))

Bianor 26.12.19

Nekrofil for realization asking Operation Flashpoint or Rainbow 6. In the Confrontation at worst.
In addition, read history books. Not that heavy cavalry, the usual battleships cut crosses by the hundreds with impunity.
So I know it must be 100 riders need to kill 1000 of crosses with a run (it's only a ten peasants on one of the Lancer). And just in case if someone of the crosses survive, needs to get back. It's a GAME. And playing with a lot of conventions. And in your version it's an empty chopper - no matter how you build tactics, you're still going to get loss and will win not the most skilled tactician, and one who coast the army and sat in the bushes. Even if you introduce a simultaneous blow, then only reviewing fully uravnavesil monsters as hard as possible spread their parameters. To the peasant attack/defense was 1/1, and the trooper 1000/1000, and the dragon 50000/50000, only in this case it is possible to somehow justify a simultaneous blow.

Elvin 26.12.19

Lord, offtopic... Although some movement on the forum...

Nekrofil 26.12.19

Their - So I know it must be 100 riders need to kill 1000 of crosses with a run (it's only a ten peasants per version) - French riders thought so too until we met with the English infantry ))))))).
I understand you are not against the simultaneous impact of the corrected balance. But unfortunately the balance never had heroes from 3DO, on the field he finally appeared, but after surgery, the game lost its flavor, the game stopped delay.
To be honest, he loved playing 3 heroes to beat without an answer, win without losing anyone, but after it became to play Rome Total war - began to visit the idea that the principle of the fight is too childish. Rome has taught that for every battle you have to pay and sometimes a lot, before you make someone your enemy and destroy it you need to spend a considerable preparatory period, the heroes are all much easier took a few monsters and let's go with the song wet all around. Hence, dissatisfied with the above statement.

Bianor 26.12.19

The peasants, it's not infantry.
And in real war, you had plenty of options to fight virtually without losses. What could the barbarians to oppose the Roman phalanx? It was the first tanks! And that could oppose the first tanks? MK-I did not return from combat because they were killed, but because their design was developed by the British - or the motor would cut out from overheating, or stuck in anti-personnel barriers, or caterpillar lose, or team this the van knocked out from the exhaust. What can a farmer or a fairy to make a bad dragon? Well fairies can pack to score the dragon's nose and he suffocates, and the crosses with a pitchfork? Scratch? The truth here is we are moving to a system of AOE, AOM developed in the system of bonuses and weaknesses of units. For example, Polasik - strong against cavalry, and vulnerable against archers; the Ironclad - strong against archers and picasion, vulnerable to cavalry and so forth. Moreover, if vulnerable, that's feet up and tweet. This will lead to what we see in the Disciples: Death is immune to weapons and death, but, a couple of lightning strikes and we have a place cold goods. It is suitable if such a system for the characters?

Alvin, and you move these posts to a separate topic. So it will be all good.