The daily routine
Do you notice that every day you are doing several times the same thing day after day, or do you have each day is different, that is, every day something new. For example dois rises early in the morning, goes to school, sits there for 6 lessons, comes home, does his homework, sits down at the computer or go for a walk, the next day all the same. It's too boring and depressing. And how are you?when with work worked all day come go to sleep and all these people fuck, I hate having to sleep not Spokane!
it is not a mental disorder, just when you are in the borderline between sleep and awake, there may be auditory and visual hallucinations - it's just so the brain prepares for sleep
auditory and visual hallucinations
It is unhealthy signs. And yourself still not thinking aloud ?
It is unhealthy signs
if before going to sleep, when lying with closed eyes and fall asleep, it is quite healthy signs
I saw the advertising where the computer can be controlled by thought. type the future is now. is this true?
It is unhealthy signs. And yourself still not thinking aloud ?
Yes, let him! He's so busy, you Troll.
Yes, let him! He's so busy, you Troll.
I don't care , MNU immunity to these buzzwords and concepts.
And I do not the fact that you are here yourself think, and give it is a normal advice, if you heard voices, and regularly, consult a specialist and do not convince yourself that it is okay, crazies always think of myself as surovymi.
All really zadolbal. I do not want to do anything. I don't see my future. You always want to sit at home and do nothing.
I don't care , MNU immunity to these buzzwords and concepts
I suddenly became a master Troll :) and for me it's icon give?
perhaps hallucinations loudly, but the chaotic manifestations of thought when falling asleep is normal
the dadada't have time to look around for 26 years :) 16 was like yesterday and you will believe me.
A Reasonable Man
Tony Quick
Hmm. I never get bored. I just always liked being alone.
I am a Student that, as a schoolboy, but only a student, and after lectures I go home, and begin to prepare for seminars, work part time in the Dean's office, the group occupying the position of steward is a routine and boring thing of course, but still. Rest together with fellow classmates in a night club, or sit around on the beach with a bottle of tequila (just in the best traditions of the film Knockin=)) every morning I go for a run or take a weekend bike rental and ride along the seashore, breathing in the sea breeze. Yes, my life is monotonous, but it can be diluted with new contacts and good mood, then you will seem, that is what it was yesterday, we, we make drab vivid memories of our lives!!!
And yourself still not thinking aloud ?
Is that not normal? I often lead a conversation, laughing to myself. Come play your favorite game, and in his mind with someone, discuss something, argue about something, prove that he/she is wrong. Distract much, because of what often lose.
one brought forth the result bleat!!!! jump out the window!!! all sasat'!!!
Oh, this eternal human problem. She was, is and will be, as most do not live and survive. Some even from the mind. You're doing routine work, to have money to buy food and pay bills. Sometimes it works to save money for a trip to the sea once here. Here it is and variety. I like, too, hoarded, hoarded and accumulated on a new graphics card, rtx 2080. Before that sat on the gt 450 5 years... And all. Life sparkle with new colors))) even in a virtual world, but everyone has their own priorities)
By the way, even unpacking we decided to remove ?