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Deep Throat 26.01.20 04:10 pm

Why Tommy can't swim? (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)

Well? warm water, chemical waste disposal, though the winter though the summer - swim in zdoroe?
what motivated the developers here creating this opportunity? indeed, in the BCC swim is still possible.
and modification on this account. what can be done by, because there are sa and VSS. to take scripts and do it, because the city transferred - transfer and the ability to swim.
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Tumult 26.01.20

Because scored in his pocket with a dozen guns, and even the phone (and at that time the bricks were!).

DarkFluX 26.01.20

just because you don't know how=)

hou5e 26.01.20

No, it's because of laziness of developers. They polenilis to do underwater world this time. And because of the stupid graphics - of course, two.

N1KO 26.01.20

Bad diver - prevent the egg :))

GTAman 26.01.20

Hungry shark will help the bad diver)))

N1KO 26.01.20

Sure, Tommy can't swim due to the fact that in Vice city there are no sharks :)

383033 26.01.20

Rather the idea is developers.

M.A.K. 26.01.20

melting nakupil

Sukkubus 26.01.20

great idea about laziness. Did the water clear, the bottom is painted on and ready.
When I played Vice community thought at the bottom you can walk (if water) and thereby removing the water level you can safely, without any restrictions to get to the second island. Imagine my surprise when I immediately fell...

mannequin 26.01.20

> Yes, he does not like water, and all)))
Oh, that's right. Hydrophobia him. And Claude too. And Carl, like a strong, healthy nigger, does not suffer such garbage.

RJ_de_Rex 26.01.20

R* didn't want to get a little old and write something else, and in SA the fantasy they played out :)))

mannequin 26.01.20

It's boring.

RJ_de_Rex 26.01.20

Much more fun on the water ride with Chita

mannequin 26.01.20

And take off from water, if the code typed on the fly.))

xaxaxayyyyyy 26.01.20

Tommy not umeeet to swim because well girls it))) well, you are ponimaete))so he can't know everything))

Tommy Vercetti aka Tomver 26.01.20

Already it's clear why Tommy doesn't swim. Subject to the furnace, and then have the flood began to float!

My_name_is_Anabelle 26.01.20

His soul is sinful to the bottom pulls))))

Kohami 26.01.20

and he tries to Weiss to swim, the helicopter bullets poljubac get as Sanaa) just in the rank of the mission with the Weiss Isho not dodumalis(!)

Tumult 26.01.20

Eh, you losers, how do I sting you!
I complacent itself...

Last time I reduced images larger than 400 pixels wide, next time I will delete such posts (Jura).

[Celldweller] 26.01.20

and where in prison you can swim?