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K.I.L.L.J.O.Y 22.09.19 12:03 pm

How do You feel about Pro show on TV ?

Personally, I am very negative!!! And how are You?
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Kovboy belomor 22.09.19

My mother had cancer surgery was done in 1987 died tomorrow will be six months and it is because of people like you have destroyed a great country. Like you did what couldn't Hitler the rest of Europe. Gorbachev, the Ukrainian Yatsenyuk the same like you patriots stole and drink sindengo one in Germany the other in America. Yes Yeltsin was a great man what is the salary of the kid? Haven't seen her in a year or so, which hospitals PERSONALLY I had a SIMPLE APPENDIX AND SAID THIS is the HOSPITAL now the money will bring the native all do and I have it snapped in place the week I was there seven months he lived and was peeing through a tube. And about the turnover of power Merkel tell..

A.Soldier of Light 22.09.19

Hellhound_Anger wrote:
support active on TV pension reform
For example? Support it sounds like? I heard only a statement of fact that the increase this will be. There is no fact of the public on the Federal channel of discussion, propaganda is not, it's just the lack of discussion. Although it is somehow crumpled, but this is a typical problem of any decision that affects the whole population. And it concerns not only Russia, by the way.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
tell how good it is to retire at 65 / 68 years.
And who says it and why his personal opinion is now propaganda?
Zhirinovsky, there's a lot of funny says, and if one of the liberastov in the Studio focuses on the negative words, the moderator indicates that *it is his personal opinion*, that's all.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
about raped dogs, foam girl
Not heard. The boy heard, and it was that fake. Ha ha, the fake one all the time and all? 8) the Idea caught? And how many lies the Western media? Newbie in the back seat ))
Focusing on one fake, because more than anything to dwell on, nothing more to cover Pro-Western pack. The plane was shot down, people are being poisoned, the war started blah-blah-blah... zero facts, all single-handedly refuted in court, nothing has been proved (courts and was not nearly). But the European court of human rights ruled Russia to pay compensation to two men in a much more important event: two gays at 50,000 euros (like) =] Well, they say, discrimination, blah-blah-blah. Would be better to look under his nose and noticed, for example, our (in my country) gatherings of SS veterans...
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
And the story about the ALLEGED isnailed girl in Europe?
To fend off easy: what was the news about the rape of a character of one or another European or American who has become objectionable to the authorities? In Sweden the case in the United States and not only, from now and remember. Under the pretext of rape, or rather, verbally unproven stuffing politically possible to deal with objectionable.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
While in Moscow this REALLY happened to a 13-year-old in the cadet school. Someone told?
And here I agree, we should talk. And not only about this case, you have in Russia is full of such what prefer not to say. Assumption: not to sow the seeds of discord and not to ruin friendship of peoples, because sometimes abusers - all sorts of non-Russians, and it is fraught... But I'm still against the silence. However, issue advocacy is not directly concerned, is another.

Hellhound_Anger wrote:
Even the Levada surveys show how well the Russians live, how much they get, how things grow.
Thanks for that, at least one piece of real propaganda showed 8) Apparently, they interrogated selectively.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
Kiselevschina Collapsin on the main Federal channels.
The Nightingale that I heard from his words, always speaks clearly, in fact. Never anything of propaganda from his words not heard in its programs. Why is it a negative is not realized. Probably because he was a Jew ^_^
Who can deny Russia's problems, he is a propagandist. The fact, however, that you have a real heap of problems, from utilities to trash mob, it's all true about this one way or another say by your Federal channels. Count, right?...

Kovboy belomor 22.09.19

What are your arguments I'm not anything except rudeness is not seen. Where you said if your in America, this mortgage is cheap what is there 46% are unable to buy a house. And what do I do it in an example of the result that emerged, and the rain and echo of Moscow. And you're right I HATE I would have gladly burned in nuclear fire if they burn with me. They know that so we figure take here and buy like you, krokosenko and Saakashvili.

Nikolay Ololay 22.09.19

Do not watch TV, there is a continuous brainwashing

Kovboy belomor 22.09.19

That's the main problem of our country the terrible who essentially created the country of a tyrant and a psychopath. Nicholas 2 who was unable to hold the Holy Empire, Stalin who raised the country the whole of Europe did a tyrant and a psychopath. Gorbachev and Yeltsin have you yourself about they wrote cool understand meny. Just like you and Putin is not the problem in our country.

Ded gey 22.09.19

We are forced to hate America. People must hate all of Us and not to envy their life.

K.I.L.L.J.O.Y 22.09.19

We are forced to hate America
This is the whole problem , we RUB on these g*VNO-propaganda channels as bad in the West and in the United States, and their own problems do not cover.Only vtyuhivayut Russian zombie minds what they are bad that at them there is a mess, the attacks and all sorts of problems... yeah we blah just idyll...

Kovboy belomor 22.09.19

Ded gey
Jealous of whoever was in General bad. Everything is relative, personally I am currently happy that I have neither of which does not hurt. That at least is not live in the poorest African country. I have housing, though not very high but the salary. And that my country is not Ironing your favorite America.

VerniteTrusy 22.09.19

Politics on ng so sad that even writing cheto lazy..
Glory to Ukraine!

Opaca but the first interesting character drawn, just look at his nickname - the killer of the Anglo-Saxons =))

Kovboy belomor 22.09.19

I'm sorry but when they saved us from hunger, Oh yeah when allocated dibs on destruction voenproma having left without work a lot of people? Maybe when Basayev and Hatab were fighters for dermokratiyu? If your Yeltsin ruled for another couple of years, you now live in the Moscow Principality. So you're all clear and that you put Kiselyov asked you on account of Solovyov.

Kovboy belomor 22.09.19

Hmm well I must be a lover of the Anglo-Saxons? Nation in comparison with which Hitler's angel white and fluffy.

A.Soldier of Light 22.09.19

the killer of the Anglo-Saxons wrote:
The terrible who essentially created the country of a tyrant and a psychopath. Nicholas 2 who was unable to hold the Holy Empire, Stalin who raised the country the whole of Europe did a tyrant and a psychopath. Gorbachev and Yeltsin have you yourself about they wrote cool understand meny.
Just noticed, I fully agree. The sanctity of Nikolashka - a very controversial issue...
Ded gey wrote:
We are forced to hate America. People must hate all of Us and not to envy their life.
They have for that love. However, the same applies to other countries, not all, but some. However, to hate the country because of the actions of the authorities - the issue is one 8) do Not love the people, the government, or that contrino? No specifics, and we need it.
I would have looked as if began to think the American people about their government if they knew the whole truth about the crimes of USA in the 20th century at least... Also, what about the mainstream in the US? For example, gay pride parades are considered in the mainstream of the norm, Clinton was the real President, and trump ghoul, so it should have them )) Why is he a vampire - informed to to start.

Hellhound_Anger wrote:
The dialogue doesn't have to be. Excuse me, but to watch THIS litter that incites hatred, or promotes, this is at least disgusting.
Comrade, are you healthy? That Nightingale carries, what litter? Justify or merged, it's simple. Argue.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
Propaganda is a distortion of the facts. And they constantly mislead and distort the facts:
I do not understand about pensions, but I know that your pensions in Russia are small, with fewer than we have in Estonia. Your average salary in the country is officially, about 37 000, which is also, incidentally, below (twice!), than us =] Yes, somewhere just two times and below, lol. But the gasoline is twice cheaper than us 8)
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
In Russia it is impossible, but about Europe nagovoriti possible.
Know what you mean. He saw the trend in the Russian media about the world they are telling the truth, it is. Yes I do ;] But the events in Russia not all saying that we should say it is useful to say. It is, alas. That is, if I want to know what is in the West, in Syria, Ukraine and so on, I know more of the truth will see it in your media.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
For the downed Boeing already have documents and confirmation. Will have to answer.
Aw, snap, I mean can you believe the Western media? Okay )) no, No, we'll look into it more on this topic we can talk ) Oh, I'll be surprised 8)
Remember, here sometime ago, in August and in the fall of 2008 was a heated discussion of the war in South Ossetia. Oh it was fun on the forum )) And found that lo and behold, the Russian media was telling the truth from the beginning, and West lie. And only crazy Pro-Westerners are left to believe the nonsense that wrote the Georgians from the start. Will see about the plane and other things will be absolutely the same.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
I believe them more, because we if deny, then the TRUTH. Counter-arguments against are not provided.
Blunt. There is a simple argument: where is the evidence? They are not, but the charges are. Slander is obvious, the political background is not visible is that fools. Do not reckon yourself to be so naive.
Besides, it is easy to do something similar: special forces sprayed gas on its territory, a couple of citizens of England are dying, Russia accuses Britain of murder escaped out the British ;] Understand? It is necessary to prove, to prove...
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
Sidetrack, distort reality, to talk nonsense and fairy tales.
Just remember invited to transfer a Nightingale experts from the West ) Well exactly their style. Them a question, they ignore the question of the translation of the shooter (and you have a small pension! Oh-La-La hawthorn!) - a typical tactic of a demagogue.
Astral Divinity
Some generalization and exaggeration. However, as comrade above.
Why write stories about the atrocities of the Anglo-Saxons, if their crimes - a historical fact? Humor )) And the Americans for the Indians answered...

Ded gey 22.09.19

the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Well, I kind of have no home, no job. And education 9 classes.

K.I.L.L.J.O.Y 22.09.19

For example, gay pride parades are considered the mainstream norm. - Well considered and that it is a sin or...???
and trump ghoul, so it should have them )) Why is he a vampire - informed to to start. - Trump ghoul because he is Pro-Russian poodle that's not right. Quarreled with all your friends and partners in NATO, because Putin admires, he just waffles! . What else is there to say - rukalitso.

Kovboy belomor 22.09.19

Ded gey
I also have a 9 and a locksmith, Turner da fucking hell the janitor finally. It is not only our problem, how to get more, but work less.

Kovboy belomor 22.09.19

Who proved the facts in the Studio. The Peninsula is pressed, you know you really wish that there was a NATO base. Not rolling, our grandfathers died for the Peninsula that would suck as you Yankees gave. Like I said you're a typical vlassic. And the worst thing is that these bastards you will have a 3% However traitors have always had. So go and watch the rain listen how America saved Yugoslavia, Iraq and Syria, Oh yeah tell me that Assad is an animal. You yourself zombified for most tomatoes. Yes, your favorite kenadi almost burned the planet of which you are, vile and vicious Orc that Putin will not burn while the rocket is already around our borders. Scum you, that's all.

Kovboy belomor 22.09.19

Dill dill hundred pounds that banderlog channel would Garou well you do not need a visa. I – Russian. I'm the same “Colorado”.
Sovdepovskie sucks, rashist and wool.
I'm the one who loves vodka and Parade
I am the offspring of the victorious soldier.

I'm the natural Moskal,
brought up on “mom soap frame”.
I'm the one who the children of Donetsk'm sorry
who despises the States and Obama.

Do not rejoice. We are not extinct.
A lot of us – are not accustomed to eat from the belly.
We humanity instilled a life
in the chambers of the dying Union.

We survived, of course, not all.
But the survivors became stronger than steel.
We, Russian, a three-time Obruchev,
from the ashes of your conscience rose up...

For us, the Holy Motherland and mother
us, the world is afraid, because he knows:
To “mind Russia not to understand”
the fact she routinely explains

there, besides grub,
decency, dignity, and conscience.
And our, Russian “coming to you” –
for you, stupid, alas, bad news.

Do not touch Russia, gentlemen.
Remember: they beat us, and we grow up.
Listen to us. And if not, then
death was coming for a new crop...

For lice we should not check
American, are you not the Messiah.
Think of it, brother: not Syria, RUSSIA.
Think about it, and don't hurt our mother.

Kovboy belomor 22.09.19

Ded gey
Computer with an Internet I understand grandma?

A.Soldier of Light 22.09.19

Astral Divinity wrote:
Trump ghoul because he is Pro-Russian poodle that's not right.
Lol. Not, well, the mainstream thinks, because they just drummed this propaganda nonsense the Western media 8) So that everything is clear.
Astral Divinity wrote:
Quarreled with all your friends and partners in NATO
He says some NATO countries, why they do not pay the required 2%. What's the problem, what it is not right?
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
so wonderful to talk about Russia. It's already dead, right
And that is when the friends like you write something it's not. I can see problems between the West and Russia and patriotom of any country are not, thank you.
You have such style of conversation, as if you were a student. A lot of emotions. He was so passed, got on top of it.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
And You on your Estonia't worry, and do not meddle with their comments to a FOREIGN country.
And here is the receipt from demagogy )
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
If so Russia is right, what You live in Estonia?
What do I do? Me nobody is driving, there is no war, it's not bad overall.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
Nightingale droppings, that's his nickname
Didn't know that. But still I don't know is the reason why it so some hate for 8) And you haven't explained it, no arguments. I mean, you just stupidly repeat Nightingale droppings the herd? Correctly understood?
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
Russia has done a lot of troubles and problems until all the evidence against her
No. Question: why do you believe the Ukrainian media? It is their version of quoting Western media questions about the downed plane. And the question to all of liberastov (from the party Apple, for example).
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
And rightly so, as if in their Estonia there has not denied it.
Lol 8) the Official position of Estonia is to support Ukraine and its official version. Didn't you know? Now know ) and Another thing - Russians in Estonia. We do not believe, if you believe, reason to believe - zero. And you, apparently, are. Curious to know )
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
Those that take seriously Solovyov, Russia wool. Good luck bro
The arguments that will be? Still waiting for ) talking non-stop is not necessary, you are able to debate without trolling and verbal diarrhea?
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
Boeing PROVED.
From the point of view, Stalin - no doubt.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
The barbarism in other countries proved.
What is it? In Syria or what? You're talking about a fake scenario with him.weapons? Well, well ) it's all logically chewed, what, why, and who benefits.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
No need to go far, all these little green men have already shown themselves
Crimea: armed men was neobhodimy for site security during the voting, to avoid provocations and probable attacks. Over the next few years in the Crimea was detained many agents of the Ukrainian security services. Question: do you deny it and believe the believe version. Why. Well forward, argues that too much to ask? )
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
Pressed Peninsula - proved. Can not get away, no matter how You justify it.
A referendum before the new government was legitimiately. Point. Donbass - the same thing, but by itself.
Hellhound_Anger wrote:
To get, some people tell in Russia is wonderful. I'm in shock!
The fool turn it off, I beg you )) Write, in fact.

K.I.L.L.J.O.Y 22.09.19

He says some NATO countries, why they do not pay the required 2%. What's the problem, what it is not right? - You know you remind me of a not very pleasant personalities with television-type norkina, Scheinin, and similar suluki , they exactly ask the audience such that mangy questions!