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DiLouk 16.02.20 10:10 pm

Premium tanks (World of Tanks)

Prem. tanks is a technique which can only be bought for gold or to get in some action.
They are not in the chain of research and immediately have guards status.
From pleasant things - the cheap repair and ammo + premium multiplier of money and experience x1.5, and if you have a premium account - all 2.0.
Share impressions about Prem.tanks! Well, asking the questions, of course.

In version 0.33 I had a Churchill storm LT. Slow and clumsy, but with good armor and fast reload. Farm on it - not weak. From eight to forty thousand credits. One problem is the tower in the center. Lean around the corner will cover faster than the drive tower.

Now (0.4.6) bought Matilda. About the same, but the cooldown longer interfere. Tower is better, but very slowly spinning. The spread is small but the information burns. And in General - there is not a medium tank, it's heavy. Maybe after a pumping crew it will be better, but I don't think it's enough. Churchill wins in the dry.
Battle in Himmelsdorf a couple of times, punched KV, gave 16K. repair 900 (I lived to see the victory) shells 500. Profit of 15K. considering a premium account.
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Midfield 16.02.20

Hwui, M3 Lee, a drain 34. so vinyl much =)
And Yes, you're still not passed the ultimate test - the T30 without the stabilizer.

k0tas 16.02.20

The T30 I have is with the stub and hwui I liked PTS =)

Kelt 16.02.20

you're too greedy with my T30.

Yeah I really like not played) but the last time I was able to appreciate the nerf) But even in this scenario, with the Hero managed to bend)

You wonder still that's why alpha strike on the T30 now (when happy 600 HP shot) and before when it was under 800.. This is two big differences...

Midfield 16.02.20

Perverted O. o
Although I went through it when he didn't have screens.

_Rogal_Dorn_ 16.02.20

MB might be weird but tanks have armor(not American) and almost always to increase it need to become a diamond.KV-5 in my opinion is the most ganovim tank.
And Yes, I think that the picture looks like.KV-5 drivers real TT,Loew - FRI STAJJL, etc. tayp - for strykow (Rial stelnikov for which the flock is all).All this of course IMHO.

Kelt 16.02.20

You tell me more about the angles bro)

_Rogal_Dorn_ 16.02.20

Take your KV-5, and I'll roll out his harp)

k0tas 16.02.20

Prem tanks barn, KT and T32 forever xD

Geralt from Rivia 16.02.20

Please tell me premiummy tank(level 8, of course).
There is no preference.The arms are straight.
Well, almost =).

k0tas 16.02.20

Geralt from Rivia
read the topic completely, here is all about them telling

Geralt from Rivia 16.02.20

The topic I have read.
I would like to hear the opinion of an expert datausage...Well 10K battles.

_Rogal_Dorn_ 16.02.20

Geralt from Rivia
Preferences are not can not be.A class of equipment still like.

Midfield 16.02.20

Geralt from Rivia
The type 59. Despite the small capacity, it is able to enter (unlike KV-5) on Board opponents, punching and inflicting damage, which on the KV-5, hard to do. Also on ST in General more fun to farm. And yield they about the same
Well, a lion is a lion he is a lion that is sad bullshit gameplay with poor Dpmu gun, cardboard case but can cause damage to the heavies LVL 10 (Type 59 and KV-5 there just not throwing).

_Rogal_Dorn_ 16.02.20

Mead,MB you don't have to go to the KV-5 in the side of the opponent,but this does not mean that it does not get the others.And he doesn't need if you can't punch the target in the forehead or around her,you stupid RAM.

Midfield 16.02.20

Strand, IN PRINCIPLE, should not try to go to another bundle in the side, especially if it is a strand of the same level to get through it. If the cord is needed - the heavy miserable shit.
And Yes, even if you go to the Board of ISU-4 or E-75, the probability of break equal to the quotient from division by zero :3
And RAM can and lion.
KV-5 great DP, but he stupidly nowhere to implement it - except on ST level 7, because ST-8 level shells the KV-5 is not bad fly.

Kelt 16.02.20

Tell me pliz - like straight-arm world come to the side of the enemy on the KV-5?)

It's like buying a ticket to 1 end)

_Rogal_Dorn_ 16.02.20

Lev RAM ? O_o it's like the KV-5 more weight and speed.Better than him ramming only Maus,E100 well

Kelt 16.02.20

O_o..but nothing that blows E50 T-54 by ramming it with slides, full 54 km/h for 500 damage?))))

k0tas 16.02.20

Yes, E-50 in terms of ramming a gesture )

Kelt 16.02.20

that's why, fifty dollars can disassemble the T-54 without straining because, in addition to the first shot - the RAM is already skilled can tip the scales in the direction of the German trolley...