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Gameslove 19.02.20 10:45 pm

First impressions of the game (The Walking Dead: Season 2)

In the first episode everything is just fine, a fascinating and addictive story, great graphics, played on a 4K 3840 x 2160 extension.

Rating 10/10

Waiting for the continuation.
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StillAlive163rus 19.02.20

I wouldn't say full, it is hard serednyachok. But this is only the beginning! The plot is not disclosed. Expected better, if only Clem didn't kill...

DarkGamer_BRA 19.02.20

Clem won't die (Well I think so) what do you think who is going to kill Christa but I personally think she sees Kenny or Lily as her and that there is, well, somehow

Montessss 19.02.20

I was very sorry about the dog....

Mark_Dacascos 19.02.20

I'm talking about the first season.

Eh1deZ 19.02.20

comments not in that steppe swam....

D I S M A L 19.02.20

Tom X
Thank you very much, was looking for =)

suarez777 19.02.20

with the dog too much.Some monsters have created a game.Disappointed in Telltale.In the world and so much violence,even in the game this show.Minus the fat.In the second episode will appear Christa,what it says about Clem.Kenny in the second episode won't appear for,but in the future,his appearance looks obvious.

Anatoly1977 19.02.20

I have a positive impression, very pleased with the 1st episode.

NightHawkreal 19.02.20

Very good, but sometimes too tight.

Rexu 19.02.20

I'm sorry of course, but what do you expect? You were expecting a game called Walking dead will be without violence? If you're sick of violence in games, then don't play them. Nobody's forcing you. Just don't call the developer of monsters and put them fat minus for the fact that they did the right thing.

sitroen888 19.02.20

From playing just a storm of emotions! I think it only gets better and better. TELLTALE on top.

staskrr 19.02.20

What happened to kada's the second episode:DD? Want everything at once)))

zlobni gad 19.02.20

Am I the only one wondering what the dog in this case, the whole time we ate ,although so thin and how it have been stretched? About people do not say where after 16 months of normal food and clean water find ? In 2 years a lot of things just simply fell into disrepair .About the fact that gas and electricity, nuclear power plants and other without human hands will not work I think it makes no sense to speak. With clothes and survival ,not to mention arms and about the harsh months of the year also neponyatki. Not to mention the electricity and other things. Unfortunately such are the banal things do not think through not only in video games.

TheBatleOfMySoul 19.02.20

It was a pity If...

NightHawkreal 19.02.20

zlobni gad
Little girls :)
The dog in the woods may survive - to catch mice and other rodents, besides the fact that she's stuck in this place for two years, may have lost masters and returned to their old camp. In 16 months of canned food and some other products nothing will happen, besides, it happens in the countryside here and plenty of water and hunt\people fishing. Clothes generally just camaraderie. Interesting though - all these stations without human care were to fail and make the explosions, fires and contamination.

zlobni gad 19.02.20

That's right, mice and rodents, and how much the dog needs per day and how this activity steals energy ?In order to survive she needs something bigger -squirrels ,rabbits. I'm not even talking about the fact that the currency in the woods, too, lacked that everything what could reach would have eaten. About the camp -rather, it is in this forest all this time protruded. About the hosts nothing is known. Maybe it is they in the second episode appears, because Clem saw their photo. About canned food - maybe for a year and a half and not in good conditions, but if dust and other dirt -you are horrified, like rust these banks and adhesions eats. The contents of this course also spoils. About glass cans do not say-burst or infested with larvae of shit will become. Water Yes, but in terms of fans and in the woods - I would not dare to drink not filtered 100,500 times -parasites in her Mama do not cry. Hunting/fishing is possible, but difficult, even humans with weapons(from firearms won't shoot) and especially the dog. Clothing Yes,you can smartedit, but the dirt and other infection from the corpse of detail in the kit. You can of course and in the houses you search, if the moths and mold not eaten. About the station I had in mind. About weapons my Sombrillo of it - all you know about firearms and noise, but no one thought to get or make silencers.

zlobni gad 19.02.20

Again rastraivaet the fact that the essence of choice and consequences as there are none. What would you do, you still have to go through the story and you cannot change it. The only thing you can change -the nature and time of death of the characters. Three are four options provide you with this freedom. Affect the plot in fact you can not like to make really independent decisions, because whatever you choose , you will be forced to do what the developers intended in the story. It doesn't matter who you save Shawn or duck, kill Larry or not, steal supplies from the car and other elections in fact solve nothing. You stupidly still forced to go on already laid track. Yes, the mechanics are essentially the same group with diametrically opposed priorities together and trying to survive, although everyone will squabble over every detail. Even the characters of the individuals remained the same, changed only the mask. It is clear that the whole group will die, it does not need to be Vanga or Nostradamus. The main thing will survive if Clem or not. Yes and it is immediately clear who you actually throw, and who is not. I think for anybody in the third and fourth season will not be a surprise that a pregnant negritoski will be Clem's friend, and Sarah and Negro husband -will krisada as Carlos and Nick is an idiot. The characters are in fact kleczewie. For me personally, for example importantly,the story itself was filed interesting, although predictable. It is clear that in the second episode we learn how all of this small group who threw something and now goddamn scared about the consequences. In the fourth and fifth will die or all or remain a couple. In General, its important to not Kosovo and monotonous,and so we wait until Feb-March.

NightHawkreal 19.02.20

Zombyakov from the hunters APB.
It depends on what canned food, army WWII and now is. And water is hardly what happened, what could happens to her outside of the zombies, so from the springs is drinkable. Clothes also in stores and in cupboards is not spoiled. And better to hunt with traps.

About the consequences - wait for the second season.

zlobni gad 19.02.20

APB, not APB ,but sometimes they can eat the prey. About conserva agree with the caveat on the technology of manufacturing. You can drink if it is running. Clothes in stores and cabinets are not to deteriorate when there are people watching this. Without this, it will eat the moth dust and fungus. Hunting traps , well, you can ,but if they firstly have, and secondly, if you're not stupid Yankees, who in his own trap plucked. About the consequences - I hope that is really wrong.

Vitalik Fomin 19.02.20

The game has pleased me very much, but I hope that it will not make game of the year, as it did with previous parts