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Henk111 19.02.20 11:42 pm

Mat in voice acting (Far Cry 3)

Where to download Rusik for Far Cry 3 that he was without a mate?
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D.Artist 19.02.20

Tred cultural gentlemen EPT =)

Bombardirovschik 19.02.20

If this game smacked each other in the point,and Mat would not exist,this topic would not have arisen.
And if by chance crushed the woman in the game,I scourged themselves with whips.

skromnyj 19.02.20

he has understood what has been written...??? apparently you have to be severely messed up that would catch your idea,if you want to talk about the queers you to other sites dear
the Goblin in the voice every three words mate,he has long stick and takes it in the same way as conventional Russian language without expletives,when a man ten times a day says the word HY for him, this word is as common and normal as for example, the word subway,such people are a priori can not see anything wrong with what the kids are playing games with obscene voice.
about the murders in the games ,show me one game where there is no murder,even in the same baby Mario that is not a step murder(blows jumping head turtles, etc.) following the Goblin-your logic mate you can safely cram in everything in the game without an alternative voice arguing that once they kill and mate there is nothing wrong and let children safely play games abundant profanity.
about perverts you either did not read carefully what I wrote above either do not read,I repeat for the 500th time for deaf-blind radeyuschie for Mat in this game,mate in some games such as this is the place to be and even to atmospheric probably necessary,and for me personally it is quite annoying but on the contrary,but the alternative voice needs to be present for the reasons outlined in previous posts.

mister611 19.02.20

the alternative voice must be present - agree 100%

Bombardirovschik 19.02.20

the Goblin in the voice every three words mate,he has long stick and takes it in the same way as conventional Russian language without expletives,when a man ten times a day says the word HY for him, this word is as common and normal as for example, the word subway,such people are a priori can not see anything wrong with what the kids are playing games with obscene voice
Mat is the usual Rusko yayk.Them swear in the ancient times.Or is it a dialect of what would be?So who trashed=yy?
By the way,all the same question-did you protest,created a theme in mass effect 3 that there is a homosexual?

OakSorcerer 19.02.20

The fact that there are guts, blood and killing don't bother, and the Mat just so much enters into a stupor. Silly as it goes. Generally in this situation, do not swear, when you shoot back what is narco from Kalash + skunk that's about to devour + brother killed in front of the GG and he died in his arms? The Mat was necessary.

skromnyj 19.02.20

if you mate and have a regular Russian language and you have a family it is accepted to communicate between children and parents swearing then I feel sorry for these families.
about mass effect 3 again you see what we smoked...I even on the forum of this game did not look, not to mention the fact that to create themes,and again, what does homosexual I did not understand,I'm sorry the grass does not indulge apparently so I understand you not given

skromnyj 19.02.20

another carefully reading posts...

OakSorcerer 19.02.20

I'm sorry, next time the whole topic will re-read =)

Charli_Braro 19.02.20

+18,and that says it all,(I understand that all of these numbers *****,in principle, correct,because +18 this does not mean that children can't play in these games,Yes,Yes, as paradoxical as it may sound,it's just a protection company in particular Ubisoft from PE satanae with the fact that full of stoned student shoot or cut your entire class or all your friends,and then it turned out that he was fond of such games, +18,and you can apply to the court,and in the presence the packaging of the game cherished characters, that's your problem...)no alternative or choice in terms bismatrol voice should not be.
And not like,do not play...

skromnyj 19.02.20

all is not necessary,enough to run through a couple of the previous posts or read some of the posts at the top of the topic,then you would at least understand what was going on before you can insert your 3 pennies,especially for you and fans to comment on the topic being absolutely not in the subject line write in large letters
therefore, writing about the Mat in this game, you need at least stupid because no one argues with that,it is only that along with the obscene voice acting could use the presence of alternatives without the Mat no more.

KRONAR 19.02.20

the game needs to be not only an alternative voice for ninohe boys and their small children, but also alternative gameplay for them - without violence, cruelty and murder! )))
to release the game with an alternative voice,it's like to produce pornography,where naked bodies and organs are conditionally zatsenzureno squares.Maybe someone does need it,but no one will not do,because it's stupid.If the product has a 18 + rating it says that the manufacturer of this product in no way takes into account the interests of age groups under the age specified in the rating age.And all responsibility for using this product if you are under 18 lies on the conscience of those responsible for children elders.I was always in the movies was surprised how well-separated parts of the body,the sex,the drugs in the film-this is normal,and the Mat-no,no way.
by the way, children now are not those that were 20 or 30 years ago ... remember that! then 3 year old kids and 2 words could not, not now - growing up happens much earlier! so don't be alarmed if your 10 year old the kinder-surprise, will be talk like a 40 year-old savage man )))) are to blame!

skromnyj 19.02.20

you know the irony about alternative gameplay however, will answer,violence or murder in one form or another present in almost any game all children play such games is the fact good or bad is another question.no one will make games with alternative gameplay because firstly it is time-consuming and costly process,and secondly not a single person even if he is a child, even an adult such games would not play,the third is just nonsense.
as for the alternative voice to create its developers or localizers pardon the expression as two fingers...
the downsides of this 0,plus those that the child from an early age will not absorb Mat and accept him as my own, accordingly, it as a mother and to talk with their peers and adults.
I don't think you like it when some five year old kid going to send you to h. y or n...I hear it in games.
you contradict yourself, first claiming that there is nothing wrong in the fact that children will play games with the presence of the Mat, and immediately to mention the fact that we are to blame that the child will talk like a 40 year-old savage man.

Solton 19.02.20

skromnyj, I respect your love for the clean language and the care of children, shake their hand and myself with both hands!!! Of course, the topic is, the posts are niochemnye, type: all went nah! a game for tough guys! Well, well... come on with them... But by and large you are trying to explain that too late to drink Borjomi, when the liver dumps! Your large letter I have read and I want to note that the essence of the question they do not change! And all this talk about: why is it, this is the alternative voice? For whom two fingers to obessively? It is necessary to someone other than skromnyj and a few weirdos (in a good and reputable sense of the word)?.

That you so calmly talk about killing in games, which is absolutely obvious for you, however, and for all of us, happened exactly what you fear in the context of on the Mat. Us that the turtles in Mario to kick that person with a knife to the throat... - a hell! It has become normal for us! In this sense almost all games. Save your friends is the official goal, but sits down at the game we're not. Personally, I'm capturing the Outpost, I think about how is too all decided to do, not about how some fictional friends to save. Think! - what for while all of the alternative voice?!! As I wrote, mate in the game sounds completely in the subject, that is exactly where it is the place to be. Note: civilians with you not fucking in the grotto talk!

Alcoholic drinks not because vodka is cheap! But because he is irresponsible, lazy bastard! And no laws about raising the price of alcohol it is not correct! This is nonsense! Like booze and would thump. And the more expensive high-quality alcohol, the more poison will be in his diet. The child is not smoke, it's not a cigarette take away from him (he had another shoot), and to instill in him a distaste for Smoking. The child is not cursed, you have no alternative voice games for him to organize and educate in the spirit of high culture, morality and nobility. Then playing Far Cry 3, he would understand that bad guys use foul language in the game and in life; but if you don't want to be a pig, then to the Mat cursing is not necessary.

If dad plays Far Cry 3, but he will never allow himself to say when child a swear word, I'm sure the game won't hurt... I mean hurt, not more than an alternative voice. What does it mean for a child of DAD and what it means for him the game?! And if the game is for him greater authority than the Pope, then daddy x&$new!!! IMHO.
But playing Far Cry 3 at children, I think better not on headphones, but generally in a separate room, while the blinders do not invent.

NSV1 19.02.20

what an abomination
this game is for sadists and perverts
threw tries

DiLouk 19.02.20

The game definitely needs to be banned for children. All boundaries of morality that ever lived, it passed.
Specifically, Mat is already so miserably, amid Bang and all the rest...
If the children are nearby (I would even look at the screen is not given, whether they are from me), to play strictly in the headphones. And the game itself to keep under ten-digit password.

skromnyj 19.02.20

That's because the Pope himself never when children are not curses, he will try to protect their children from thereof, to the extent possible and credibility here at all and my dad just does not would like his young children heard the swearing wherever it came from,and all sorts of headphones and passwords may not always be a guarantee that the child will not hear what they say,but the alternative voice is a guarantee.
In fact it is not even so much specifically about this game and generally about the gaming industry as a whole,this game is certainly not the first (although I admit this selected language I first heard it in this game) and certainly not the last with the presence of profanity,and once the target audience for this product are the same and children (it doesn't matter what number is on the package because these figures are in addition to controlling services, nobody cares) whatever was possible to protect them, if not of murder in games then at least on the Mat.
As for the murders and the so-called gang Bang I think anybody will not argue with what is on TV this good a dime a dozen(sad but true),with the only difference that there are real people and not a computer. the Persians,but the Mat is the glory of God does not come in contrast to a computer. games.

Mirvein 19.02.20

The theme, in my opinion, all about.
What for the alternative voice, if the child is swearing like a trooper? It is the opposite, don't stop cursing (as mentioned above - too late to drink Borjomi), it's only going to download another game, but paternae or stupidly going to quarrel with their peers in the stairwell about what beer to buy.
Moralfags to anything, guys! I in such games are often, you hear mats everywhere where it is not falling, and even my mother does not shrink from strong slovec, but I, oddly enough, swear infrequently and write competently. And don't drink. And don't smoke. While playing these games binge what is being said. So what games do with it. If the increased child moron, it has no voice acting doesn't help! Hunchback because, as you know, grave correct!
And indeed, I am enraged that the age ratings. Tell me, damn it, why should they be put, if not exactly the same he hears in the street a day times a hundred, as well as hear about drugs, and about the booze, they say, it's cool, and everyone is watching pron. Stupid, stupid and ridiculous. The world is already debilizirovan late to put age ratings, you can't save him! And dismemberment... That's life guys. We are prepared for the fact that we can see it in real life, but it's possible!
In short, tired of this kilometer post to write, I'll sing, and then in FC-3 play.
Good luck, my friends!

No more drugs... 19.02.20

Plus. Too late to think about morality when it's gone. I tried swearing at the child, but the time has come and I took him to the first class. He went to school literally two quarters and brought home the words that I never used in principle. I don't think the voice acting of the game will surprise someone with her red slovec. The Mat is (unfortunately) an integral part of our lives. Morellato is a utopia. I believe that it is necessary to know the line where you can screw the strong language, but where there is in General silent. But this already needs to teach the parents, together with her teachers of Russian ( and foreign) language and literature. It is important that the subjects learned these lessons. Here and there cobblers, builders, washerwomen and other zamirouski...
P. S. civil Engineers, no offense, but you anyway know about our prophetic...

Jackson[x] 19.02.20

School, games and movies are not to blame for this.
Just in our country, somehow the norm to give birth in 19. But nah what dad can be in 25 years??? Bredyatina.