Technical issues (Dungeon Siege 3)
Approach the save point, press the E - save - the bottom says saving but nothing happens, the computer starts to hang wildly-loading under 100 percent...Click on the shortcut, I get an error(in steam window) failed to start game (error code 51). What to do?
I have solved this problem by installing DirectX 9.0 c June 2010. I have also the menu did not show, and then I put the direct x and everything appeared.
People, plz help on LVL 15 Lucas window skills the us pumped for the opener on Legionnaire does not want to go, stupidly hanging a window and nothing can be done....
What to do?
the people of helpppp played 4 days all the rules Senya include and he told me if this game is currently unavailable please try again at another time(this game is currently invalid, try again at another time) what to do?????????
Help! After installing the patch gives an error Application load error 5:0000065434 (Steam Error), put the crack from SKIDROW - now not even run (Close program)? Don't understand why!
What the f? Dungeon Siege 3 error is detected, the application will be closed, I have win xp as izbavitsya from etogo do not know and you want to play nebudu pamagite?
Nrod is a poser is not installed resolution with 60Hz on 75Hz avtomaticheski change of the ILO does anyone know how to fix??
The people, the same problem that Arhanhel-and. After the developer logo the game crashes. Reinstall DirectX and Microsoft Visual C++, video drivers, and compatibility modes do not help. Operating system: Windows 7 Ultimate x64, configuration: Intel Core i5 3,3 GHz, GeForce GTX560Ti 1024MB, 4 GB RAM, game license. Please help.
And yet STE, Visual C++,at least I was so.Poked all of the disks in a row,drove out the Visual from the disk,try to run DS3.In the end, GTA IV turned out.
Removed and reinstalled Visual C++ this way and that, but the game still crashes after the splash developers. You see, the case I have something else. And what about GTA IV???
On the desktop, with a standard error"a problem caused the program to stop running. Close this program.
perhaps bagnuty distribution. Try to change CD in store or download from another torrent.
I have digital distribution, downloaded from Steam. Tried pumping - nothing. And in any case, after reading different forums, I've realized that it's in the game, or rather, it sucks the optimization on some systems (Krivorukov Obsidian again justified its reputation of the most bahouth games in the world). At the office. the Steam forum many people complain of the same problem that I have, but, alas, the solution is never found.
uncomfortable, of course, is to recommend, but try happiness on the torrent. Money publisher you still paid, I think this sin will not be