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M3d1k 22.03.20 09:31 pm

Vision after waking up

This garbage has been going with me for a year and quite regularly ( once every week or two for sure ). Here's the kicker, when I after a dream open your eyes,you see a meter or two from me of a spider( and sometimes bees) it is quite large with thin legs and it usually creeps in their web,at first I was afraid,or rather in the beginning,then I thought maybe I confuse dreams with reality,but it was repeated again and again and I was sure that I couldn't sleep,I tried to wipe his eyes at this point and blink,but it doesn't help vision usually have dissolved in the time interval from 15 seconds up to minutes.While nothing to the appearance of this remarkable stuff didn't happen ( actually, my life is boring and monotonous :)) I don't drink, don't smoke and don't smoke lyapok,in General, a without bad habits. Actually, I wonder who that thinks about it and maybe someone had similar cases.
PS I Know that maybe is not quite the right forum for such questions,but still interesting to read what the users talk about it.
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de5tr0yer 22.03.20

sleep did not try? and away from the computer

M3d1k 22.03.20

Yes, and here a comp ?! when sitting for long in a dream may reflect something from the game for example, but I'll say that sit a little now,sometimes do not fit over the day. And before I slept normally for 10-12 hours.
Another detail noticed by the spider,he isn't projected in my eyes (if I may say so :)). ie, if I turn the other way it will not migrate with me, but stays in the original position.

Antioh 22.03.20

An overdose like this crap happens.

Antoine777 22.03.20

same garbage, only I see not a spider, and a naked girl. Happy with everything.

user 492 22.03.20

I have such garbage when abruptly Wake up, brain still asleep, and the ceiling hallucinations, clots of something black and terrible, dark spots, sometimes tentacles like an octopus but always black if a moment to see them disappear when the brain wakes up fully. Apparently sleep disorders or psyche, and th can be otherworldly)

Antioh 22.03.20

user 492
An overdose like this crap happens.

user 492 22.03.20

The fact of the matter is that there is no overdose, no, even antipsychotics is not accepted, just after I have paranoid schizophrenia on a couple of delusional depersonalization in the brain that burned out)

M3d1k 22.03.20

user 492
I also had the idea that the brain does not have time to knock out a dream,but then why always a spider(almost) ?!..in a dream in General, spiders do not see,shall then the last fragment of the dream to appear. And it is strange that it does not move with me(not projected,save position) as if after waking up, I see the subtle worlds for a moment :D
Maybe I have the potential of psychic ?! :D

hamingu 22.03.20

I immediately realized that you have the potential of psychic! Left to reveal!

M3d1k 22.03.20

)) Yeah, and be rich by playing on your bets !

de5tr0yer 22.03.20

you've been sleeping psychic, and every day stronger and stronger))

Dzhek Uolters 22.03.20

The author hypnopompic hallucinations. This is normal, I too have suffered similar childhood. To the doctor not to go, I can recommend only to walk outside and breathe the fresh air.

Chernoe otrode 22.03.20

Take a Shoe and kill that spider. It becomes easier.

M3d1k 22.03.20

Jack Walters
But this is an interesting answer,without any hints on my supposedly freaky life. Will have to read about hypnopompic or whatever they are hallucinations,maybe that's the whole point.
Black offspring
I have not tried to approach him,I think he'll go stealth and disappear :D

Chernoe otrode 22.03.20

And we ought to try. Attempt - not torture.

Infiltrator 22.03.20

Maybe the author is open a portal to a parallel world.

user 492 22.03.20

I, too, the position is saved, turn their eyes and it is always in the same place, on the ceiling)

M3d1k 22.03.20

Without A Name
Well, about a parallel world of course I doubt :)
But that oddity was recorded,Yes.
Now really think narik )) ..Actually, the trick with the house was this, was the new year, my father only at home and no one at all (not the animals one) sitting in my room,don't go nowhere, whap ! smell stinks
gas,I go to the kitchen there are open for a full two burners (stove old Soviet,to set fire to himself necessary) off,blown,I'm going back through somewhere around an hour,again the same garbage, this time, the current does not laugh :D .. my father said that domovye spoiled and parasail with him,the couple said aloud, and then all was fine, I still can't find explanation of this case.

M3d1k 22.03.20

The skeptics are skeptics,but damn all the same kind of inexplicable garbage there.

Infiltrator 22.03.20

You Troll the house,that is awful. In General, there are special experts that come measure with our instruments is there anyone else in the house, and the like.