a new video player on the website
Dear users, according to your numerous requests for change of video work was done by its replacement by a new version. The key difference is the use of our new player html5 standards instead of flash in the old player.At the moment the site has the ability to switch between old and new players to gauge which version is most suitable for you.
In this topic you can share your opinion about the work of the new player, problems and proposals. If you have had problems with the old player, please indicate in the form whether they are resolved in the new version.
When viewing video in a new player you are still having problems, please describe them in details in the thread of this forum.
I have a new player, my video is not showing.I have sound and a black screen((((((((
in General none of the video is not.around a black screen
not until they fix the new would not turn off Adblock is not a panacea.for get this to be a new player
Brock Samson
And now to switch to the old is impossible!!! How to watch videos on NG?!
Black screen, video is not displayed. Although in the beginning everything was fine
I have sound but no picture, although in the first day of the new player worked fine.
Braun Fuhrer
Who have a black screen no picture but has sound. You use adblockPlus? To it was added a new filter which is break video. So either turn off adblock or go back to the old version. Switch to the old version by clicking on the link under the player.
Also, each of you can send a message to adblock: you need to click on the plugin icon and select: report a problem on this page
I also have sound but no image. Helps disabling AdBlock'a, but then is climbing from all cracks. The old version of the player also works with AdBlock enabled'th, the video freezes at first, but this is easily solved by pause
Indeed, the problem with the ad blocker. Had to go back to the old player, because who in their right mind would disable the ad blocker? :)))
Ava is still not shown...
We give you new player, and you unplug Adblock, please be kind PG like a bad F2P game. Played a day is fine, and then no im not. What do you else expect?)
I have Google. I actually have had troubles with uploading video (which is still faster than the old player). But today was actually kick - this video was not displayed, was the only sound. Display only here.
If you zhmyakat f5 4 times the video begins to play, apparently Adblock blocks ads in this player through the ass.
In chrome there is no button. It is possible only directly to their forum go there and leave a message.