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Abbat76 06.04.20 07:23 pm

Proof that GG Sint? (Fallout 4)

I'll just leave this here. Read p 1 and P2 (second screenshot) and was moved:


apparently, GG is a prototype synth-hunter of the third generation. A kind of Hunter mk3+ ...
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Abbat76 06.04.20

Zefos: so, father... he's the son... put their creation at the head of the Institute??? (If you play for the Institute)
In one of his last conversations with his Father GG hears something like this: for the leadership of the institution does not need a scientist. It needs a Leader!. Dad could go for something to put at the head of the Institute is the creation. which in the opinion of the Father would be the real Leader. We have already noticed the fact that his Father experimented on the synths-child he was interested in the issues of development of AI. Otherwise create a model of the eternal child does not make sense is how to create an adult Cinta with another program in another body, there is no special sense. Probably was first created Sint-child. And algorithms development, which was debugged it was later already invested in Cinta-GG. Then Yes, such a self-developing AI in the body of the GG could very well claim the role of Leader of the Institute. And this in its development of Sint would have to be guided by free will. So the Father carefully convince GG to take the side of the Institute and implements loyalty to him forcibly from the outside. A leader needs to be formed by their own beliefs, then he won't rebel )

... such are the mind games ))))

Marquess 06.04.20


But it turns out that he is the first synth of the new generation, even to the hunters (or not?). In the 3rd fallout synths and the Institute were not so powerful.So hunters 4 part of the logic must be much better than HS, but in fact the opposite. Sense to first do a high end synth, and then intends to reduce the ability of new models? If the SG and Sint, it is a special project, unique in its kind, these are no more. But who created it and why? Sean was then still small.

Abbat76 06.04.20

F3 synths are third generation already. Sheriff rivet city is an example.
While the Institute was still very powerful, if your synth has sent a peasant with a hunter from Massachusetts to Washington DC. They had to overcome the territory of the States of Connecticut, Pennsylvania, across Maryland, and then to reach Washington ). distance, in principle, not too big - 437 miles. a little more than five hundred kilometers on foot )
I think that he is a young synth that was created for a couple of days before he got out of the cryo tube :) And the memories just introduced ;)

Abbat76 06.04.20

saa0891: yeah,in the third part and Vegas GG was also a synth.
No argument. You may think that PowerArmor in all games in the series did not require fuel and worked on the integrated nuclear reactor, and suddenly there's a Nuclear Blocks as consumables ) does the fact that the events take place in different worlds or is it only means that the developers got around to detailing the gameplay in this matter?

OpusAstartes 06.04.20


Well, let's start.
Abbat76 wrote:
1. NKR looks like a Confederate army. What ENT is? President Tandy spinning in his grave from this Laura!
NKR looks fine, to the point and in the spirit of the original. Combat armour in General, almost one to one, if it is about aesthetics.

Abbat76 wrote:
2. Caesar's Legionnaires. Really? LOR? Are you serious?
And what of this? Or NV at all new factions should not be there?
I have been reading ancient books, carbon monoxide poisoning in the Republic of Ingushetia (which was extremely effective in his time, especially in military craft), gathered supporters and forward - to conquer the world.

Abbat76 wrote:
3. statesmontana new strange weapons. which he has never been in the world of Fallout.
Simply enchanting statement.
Probably 70% of all weapons NV has under itself the basis of weapons of F2.
For the remaining 25% has logical reasons for their occurrence near Vegas.
Well, 5% of ad-libbing. It's not statusmenu.
Either the examples in the Studio (only once with a logical explanation as to why this type of weapons in the Mojave can't be), or unsatisfactory.

Abbat76 wrote:
4. BS, no BS. In any game of the series. since the original F1 was not this stupid BS, like in FNV. Pussies that hid under the earth is all of a sudden BS? Dudes in power armor that completely merged Confederate army - ancharova and just hid. that's really nonsense-the...
In NV you played?
From BS were superior in technology, Yes.
But, father Elijah (who was then at the helm) ordered BS move from Hidden Valley to HELIOS as really wants to acquire orbital weapons.
Wanted this for so long and tried that brought the situation to the point that BS was surrounded by superior forces of the NKR, having even a tactical advantage.
Almost the entire Chapter shot down eventually, Elijah ran away (for the secret he revealed, but"laser pointer to restore is not found), HB retreated back into the bunker and not gleaming, for they are few, but many.

Abbat76 wrote:
5. ankaravi that overpowered BS, you can not overcome the ancient Romans - legionaries! Tracing the chain it appears that the Roman legions are superior to the high-tech soldiers in power armor and Gauss rifles, miniganom and Gatling lasers! What ENT is?
The situation at the beginning of NV - Legion of and Nagorno-Karabakh can not beat each other.
NCR - superior technology, fortified positions, the loyalty of the local population.
The Legion - superiority in numbers, discipline, a network of spies.
NKR, as the main force in the region is forced to waste energy on maintaining order, protecting their supply chains, and combating saboteurs and spies of the Legion, the maintenance of morale in the armed forces, fighting corruption and so on.
BS got a kick from NKR due to the small size and tactical errors.
NCR might get a kick from the Legion for the same reason that real RI from the barbarians at the time (exaggerating).

Abbat76 wrote:
6. old house. Well, he's something all right, but his army of robots from what Laura got? LAURA by such manufacturer and the model number did not exist in the United States before the war.
It can cost the same to play HB and not run it for 15 hours?
Securitron was created and produced by the House (or rather house industries with Timidly) to house.
Considering his condition before the war - could not afford it.
Oh and a small detail of the house, de facto, the owner Timidly.

Abbat76 wrote:
7. The idea that after a nuclear Apocalypse the world is ruled ... the CASINO!? ... I'm not gone completely. I find it hard to imagine that a hungry sick beggar instead of a few caps to buy a stimpak or iguana-on-stick - run casino, there to leave them... the Casino is a sign of a highly developed economy and the presence of the capitalist elite, which is the customer, not goners from the Wasteland...
Yeah, because human vices and passions in the world of Fallout does not exist.
And in the time when stood in stores machines put 5 roubles and win, the people peddling the delivery of purchased with just the sausage (the cheapest essno) just to try your luck a couple of times.

Abbat76 wrote:
F4 more from the world of Fallout than in FNV...
A strong statement.
Especially with you will agree recon power armor.

Abbat76 06.04.20

The Legion - superiority in numbers, discipline, a network of spies.
Yeah. i.e. the village of Arroyo , where the people like the guys from Caesar's Legion was supposed to beat the brakes off of Kravtsev their discipline and spies? Excellent argument: if you're disciplined and you have a lot, your knives and sticks safely withstand infantry units with automatic weapons, snipers and machine guns. Unsatisfactory.
OpusAstartes: NKR looks fine, to the point and in the spirit of the original. Combat armour in General, almost one to one, if it is about aesthetics.
Did you see battle armor in F2 the soldiers of NKR and NKR armed soldiers in FNV? First, apart from the police, in F2 all the troops of the NKR dressed in battle armor. do all what possible to meet. And in FNV the crowds and herds of soldiers dressed in do not understand what shinelike during the first world war, through the one with goggles red Baron, from the same period, strapped to a cork helmets of British colonial infantry. Imputed battle armor of unknown species, there are only some Rangers NKR. and only the elite have them. The rest of the NKR Rangers are playing like the cowboys with the same hats and glasses. With the Tippet F1/F2 does not correspond at all )
OpusAstartes: Either the examples in the Studio (only once with a logical explanation as to why this type of weapons in the Mojave can't be), or unsatisfactory
offhand is a submachine gun under 10mm cartridge and anchor of jackhammer. The rest is mostly irrelevant to the LAURA has. Was also an attempt to make the plasma rifle from the F2, but for some reason she got the name plasmolen and a nasty look.
unique to F2 solar Scorcher turned into FNV in pop laser gun with recharging, which is inserted instead of the Wallpaper microkernel machine or something.
but everything else is either a parody of a weapon F2 (as my favorite pistol :)))), or absolutely indigestible chyudo. about absolutely useless grenade launchers all systems and ridiculous triple barrel machine guns under 10mm cartridge, coupled with a dog's brain (+electronic nose and ears!) do not want to talk - they are fun as banter, Yes, but the Tippet there was no smell never. well, okay, in your DLS they are very well blended and well I went to the same )))
OpusAstartes: And in the time when stood in stores machines put 5 roubles and win
I don't know where you stood these machines. I even in Soviet times, this garbage never heard. And casinos in our country OUTSIDE the LAW. So, speaking of that. supposedly Lorne when the casino ruled the post-apocalyptic future of Fallout ))) Black plague sleep wouldn't never, well, not hear your opinion )))))
OpusAstartes: a Strong statement.
Especially with you will agree recon power armor.
Reckon (whatever you mean) does not affect the spirit of the game, which is very good. Certainly the spirit of the Massachusetts wastelands on the order closer good old classic Fallout from the Black plague than cowboy Saga FNV with the beautiful blue sky and blooming cacti.

Zefos 06.04.20

Abbat76 wrote:
In fact, the popularity of the game is determined by the orientation of the product the widest possible audience.
You are wrong here, your dear arbor has released a foul 4 for a wider audience, and what happened?
But it turned out a total simplification of the game, and with the manners of a console, Oh yeah and another thing with the building should not be forgotten.
In the first 2 hours of the game you're in power armor with a machine gun and kill Deathclaw, Oh yeah, the kids were happy...
In fact, FNV is an improved F3, but with a different plot FNV gave a lot more freedom showed a much greater attention to detail.
The popularity of the product depends on the willingness and capabilities of the developer, few people say about the game that good if everywhere is trash, even if the game is designed for all categories of players. When something is made for people, not for show, it is immediately obvious that these games you buy even without the discount, and thank the developers.
Abbat76 wrote:
The original F1 and F2 did not have such a big success primarily because the game was designed for its own audience
Sorry never played these games, F2 attempt was, but the primitive graphics are pushed away from these games.Abbat76 wrote:
A leader needs to be formed by their own beliefs, then he won't rebel )
And anything that this leader... will do nothing as a leader and more like a mercenary, which all send to the leader and give the job...
The GG - leader, more like a puppet, just as it is strange to give uncontrolled AI to manage something, it is naive to say the least.

Zolotko555 06.04.20

if you think that he Sint that is why the Father gave the command Ggente that he passed out , when the HS Institute was blown up?? nah ...I still believe that GG can't be a synth

saa0891 06.04.20

Abbat76 wrote:
No argument. You may think that PowerArmor in all games in the series did not require fuel and worked on the integrated nuclear reactor, and suddenly there's a Nuclear Blocks as consumables ) does the fact that the events take place in different worlds or is it only means that the developers got around to detailing the gameplay in this matter?
Not an argument this is exactly what he is talking about the topic,because this mechanic was in the previous parts,what I wrote,and nothing indicates that he is a synth,so it developed had any like that to indicate through the presentation of the plot,found at the Institute,specifically about GG,even with the injuries and death of GG could be some kind of invisible stylko leave,etc., in the same Vegas at least had cybernetic implants.

lmperatorPC 06.04.20

One trololo phrase from Dimona - and BAM!
People began to invent all sorts of game.
No GG, not a synth, but VATS is part of the gameplay. And Yes, if he were really a synth, then it clearly would be more hints.
PS. And trolling Dimas about memories - so this is the tower.

vzglydizugla 06.04.20

Well, actually judging by the screenshots it seems more that the new 3rd generation of hunters wanted to push the VATS system, but why couldn't the mystery (in fact she was in any wrist PC). Anyway synths - ful counterparts person too much, had to stop at the level of terminator from Skynet.
Further, the logic as well many chances for 3 points. In the same FNV power suit in the form of a thick piece of iron on the body..... In arms as well, many of the types - factory, which is somewhat doubtful. The longer time went on without an engineering and mass Assembly lines, the less parts and more mostardini. A good quality crafted weapons and armor (and cars) could afford only those who collect pre-war technology and had engineers (BS, enclave, the Institute, gunsmiths, etc.). For the usual vagrants it would be very valuable. Yes, and working robots are rare.

NightHawkreal 06.04.20

The question remains, why if he goes up against the Institute, its just not cut down? Even in the hunters is the system.

DeniSaf 06.04.20

If a player is dismembered by a missile or any other sposobem,we see it is meat.He Sint

Abbat76 06.04.20

synthetics have a third generation meat everywhere. but the skull - the implant is inserted there. why - is unknown, possibly remote control.

Abbat76 06.04.20

Zefos: GG - leader, more like a puppet, just as it is strange to give uncontrolled AI to manage something, it is naive at least
Ie give uncontrolled insane maniac Kellogg to control all military actions of the Institute - this is normal, and to raise special project - Cinta-Manager - is naive? Ie. when Preston finds some hobo and the day makes him a General is not naive? And the fact that Armada of the Brothers Began to follow crazy ideas Maxone is not naive? And the idea of salvation synths and other toasters Subway, at the cost of lives of real people is not naive?

To create a special project Cinta-Manager for the Institute after they had Kellogg is the best option.

Why did the Father cut off HS code? Perhaps because the code Sinta-he simply is not. Perhaps because Dad was sentimental when he recreated his daddy (the last native person lost in the cryochamber same). However, this is not important - the GG in the battle system works VATS, which is implemented by the Institute in a few of the latest instances with the direct guidance of his Father. Ignore this information at least ironic %)

Abbat76 06.04.20

vzglydizugla: it seems that the new 3rd generation of hunters wanted to push the VATS system, but why couldn't the mystery (in fact she was in any wrist PC).
Wrong. VATS in F4 is a visual display in the eyes of GG. As written in the terminal. But Walt-the battle system of VATS was in F1 and F2. there's something just VATS worked like a wrist interface on the PC ;)

Wolfger 06.04.20

the author Sint

Abbat76 06.04.20

1. It does not matter what mechanics were in other parts of the series. THIS PART is a direct indication that the mode of VATS made by the Institute for the unique limited series of synths. point.
2. In FNV was cybernetic implants. But in the F2 was similar cybernetic implants, the game mechanics were DIFFERENT. What? It does not change anything in THIS GAME.
Why do players feel it is my duty to explain the impossibility of anything in F4, a reference to some other games? ))) This is totally illogical! This is the same as the losers would explain why he got an f in the classroom, referring to the fact that ancestor-chimps couldn't speak at all, and therefore he is not obliged to )))) sorry, that's the analogy I drew ))))

Abbat76 06.04.20

proof show hereditary or YAP? ))

SkEwReK 06.04.20

Need to find the corpse of gg (person) in the Institute =)