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Abbat76 06.04.20 07:23 pm

Proof that GG Sint? (Fallout 4)

I'll just leave this here. Read p 1 and P2 (second screenshot) and was moved:


apparently, GG is a prototype synth-hunter of the third generation. A kind of Hunter mk3+ ...
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Faustinho Red-White 06.04.20

I haven't passed F4, and only know about sintech can't, but a couple of questions formed. And how can a synth be tired, want to sleep and eat, get hooked on drugs, catch an addiction to alcohol and subjected to the damaging effects of radiation? Seems to me if GG synth, then at least for radiation he wouldn't have cared. And all the crap on it wouldn't work...

Ilya Panikarov 06.04.20

Pre-war Sint even more already 4-th generation? Weird.

NightHawkreal 06.04.20

Faustinho Red-White
Sint is created to a person to not be different, and I would have them at once featured.

Abakan200 06.04.20


Zhasl 06.04.20

Yes GG Sint, so does his mom and dad SYNTH, synth was his grandfather and grandmother , great grandparents and so on

main1991 06.04.20

GG terminator is not Sint in cryo tubes all dead hero is not a concern - he's a cyborg, and unlike polupostelnyj the likes of androids - the skeleton HS is made of a rare titanium (otherwise the perk without breaks). Marcus Wright remember everything? The most modern for the terminator.

pe8t4joe 19.11.20

You are extremely complicating the situation and looking for meaning where it is not, clinging to the details.
The fact that a person in general remembers only certain moments of his life does not mean that he is a synth. DIMA and Kasumi misled, eventually ended up leaving her parents with her as a human being.
If you're talking about the Father's speeches, that he wanted to see his father again, and so on, I'm also quoting, "I've spent years wondering what you look like, thinking about how much we've lost in this time." The main character is given the post of director not because he was a project initially, but because it is, damn, Fallout 4, you in any faction can become its hero. Again, look for meaning where it's not.

pe8t4joe 19.11.20

Perks in the game are not an indicator of anything, it's an ordinary pumping, you come up with.

pe8t4joe 19.11.20

Ilya Panikarov
Exactly. Especially since the third generation appeared thanks to the son of the main character. Finally someone is adequate.

Ripper man 17.12.20

Gg synth because it can freeze time in VATS mode

dmsg 01.02.21

1. Ghoul in good neighborliness (employee volt-tech from the beginning of the game).
Is he a synth too? Maybe then everyone is in the community of synths? Why stop paranoia in half?
2. A pre-war ship with crazy robots, constitutional. When they meet, the robots scan the gg, punching through the database and he is listed in the pre-war lists of the US troops. Actually, therefore, he is the only one in the commonwealth and is allowed on board.
3. On the day of judgment, GG was to deliver a speech "war never changes." In the post office building of Cambridge there is an old terminal where, among the archival records, it is confirmed that a veteran named "NAME" today (2077) will give a speech about the war.

Yakhychkvash 01.02.21

Nick Valentine also has a pre-war personality and memory ¯ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

Yakhychkvash 23.07.21

I'm going through now, GG is definitely not a synth:
1. Nothing is said about amnesia, and the Survivor himself repeatedly mentions his life before the war.
2. Scientists of the Institute repeatedly highlight that synths have neither real reason, nor free will, they are just machines, even if only based on human DNA. Why would they put such a head of their organization?
3. How did GG, being a mere mortal, defeat the Institute's elite hunter? Easily. GG has years of service in the real army behind him, and the "cool" synth only has exercises in simulation and shooting biomass from the wasteland.
4. The Brotherhood of Steel was able to expose Danse, who infiltrated their organization decades ago, back in the Capital Wasteland, but on the GG they did not find any data.
5. The VATS mode has something to do with the pip-boy, as mentioned in the NV. The recording on the terminal is either just an easter egg, or the scientists of the Institute managed to repeat this technology and introduce it into synths without using a pip-boy.

longerr2007 23.07.21

Yakhychkvash wrote: YG has
years of service in the real army
behind me, I play as a female Persian. She did not serve in any army, a lawyer.

evilcor 26.09.21

There was a theory that he died during the re-freezing. Sean took his DNA to create a synth. And all the memories, it's just a program!

Just pancake 28.10.21

The theory arose that we were all dead and Todd Howard replaced us with synths to play the four and write stupid comments on the forums about it.

Ed bro 23.12.21

Just Pancake
And Buy Skyrim

Allekcc123 07.02.22

Well, by the way, it’s really interesting why everyone died during the second freeze, but no

barabear 07.02.22

because this is a gazebo that does not go into details, so all sorts of theories do not make sense

longerr2007 07.02.22

He (She) is chosen.