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Merinostas 03.10.19 01:09 am

Impressions from the full game (Divinity 2: Ego Draconis)

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KrouliDvaPistoleta 03.10.19

1. The main disadvantage is jerky graphics.
I normally goes. The problem is probably graphics card or drivers.

2. You can jump from any height (like in the soul of a dragon, height we transcend...)
I also liked it. But Reisen just stumbled and all, start from the last save.

3. Too much humor in the game - rabbits, books, soldiers of which provide for Stripping of trolls - the names of Caligula and Nero, etc., etc. it can be seen to smooth out the feel of the ending.
Optimists assure us that this is not the end of the game, and the end of the first part.

4. Problems with running the game, exit from it, glucobay quest with three sleeping - annoying.
With the launch of I like all the rules. With vyhodom fact. there is a problem. and generally 2 times the blue screen was. Quest sleeping corrected, already working.

5. In dragon mode there are no buttons to set height and slope.
Yes, I agree, and sometimes not lose playing time.

6. Imbalance. Explosive arrows with areal damage+crit and a bunch of corpses all around. And enemies all in a couple of places they are used (I understand why).
A couple of places - Mr. Amadasi and the gang of Ragona.
Fixed already. They became gentle and affectionate means of demolition of half of the hits from the mobs. At once put only in the case of Crete.

Kavalera 03.10.19

1. Put a localized version of the game from 1C/Snowball fight, then patchem to version 1.3.15
2. Watch the video - set all options as there shown, the picture quality is not affected, but the fps will climb well and most importantly will disappear jerky animation.
3. If you want to get rid of the ladders turn on the smoothing, if smoothing is enabled at the same time HDR to work it won't, so choose either the effects of HDR or anti-aliasing.

Lora 03.10.19

Why do you have the icon next to the nickname says that you're a girl? =)
You can jump from any height (like in the soul of a dragon, height we transcend...)
Hmm, you separately recorded in the negative? I have included in this lack of games like the crooked physics. Really, it's not realistic - like old DOS games, heh) There is also possible, constantly jumping, climbing some almost vertical wall at a fairly high altitude)

Too much humor in the game
Too much humor sometimes :) where it is necessary, the game was quite serious.

In dragon mode there are no buttons to set height and slope.
Hmm, weird, the entire game took place without having the inconvenience on this occasion)

Nevalyator 03.10.19

How do you feel about the fact that a licensed game not announced?
For example, I buy a license only because of the voice acting, I can't stand to read subtitles. So what is the difference the pirated version for 150r and licenses for the 600R. Hi there, no voice acting, only captions. I was so sorry to those 600R.

KrouliDvaPistoleta 03.10.19

Yes, I agree, after the TAO, Reisen with great voice acting - English language reduces the impression of the game.

Lora 03.10.19

The difference pirate and license number of bugs. Divinity compromised - a bug in the bug. Furthermore, Russification pirate Divinity not always quality, the texts are translated as horrible.

About Russian voice - often it happens that the original voices way better than those that picked up the localizer. I would here, for example, didn't want NWN-2 someone voiced. About Divinity - I don't know, I still somehow)

LoRDfonBlacK 03.10.19

My impressions: the game is bien! After the isometric Divine Divinity full control D2ED watched with a mixture of admiration and slightly bewildered) And after 20 minutes the game is delayed. Despite the preparations for the exams of the semester I passed the game as-the-spirit. Quite a large area, interesting plot, a well-designed system of character development, mission bonuses, the impact of actions - all of it! + brilliant voice acting, + swarnamalaya-but-from-this-even-more-explosive-on-positive-emotions-the ending!! I'm pleasantly surprised and look forward to continue))

Mihail19909 03.10.19

Great game! Even the ending is not like in the games for kids tipo Rosen and Gothic, was intrigued by the ending, I think the addition of Flames of revenge character to return from the halls and yarostno kick something Damian and his girlfriend!)

surja 03.10.19

Passed. The beginning and middle of the game like (Okolie, fjords), a promising plot overlaps the disadvantages (well, almost overlap). Problems running, teleportation, graphics was not. But the ending just killed, the other I see the end of it even inspired. Developed even a hint of any future possibility of GH in the future was given.
Before the end of the game thought that I would play again, for clarity, and now everything, even took with the company.

RaNDoMeR 03.10.19

Played. Liked the game.

Here is all the yelling about animation, so not all companies in our time, the budget not rubber, it's like they say, I read somewhere.

Also a bit poor graphics, coupled with the animation I want to cry, but the RPG graphics are not important. 5/10.

Like skills and how they are enforced, detailed video abilities(not seen this anywhere else).

The story is banal, nothing new, 6/10

Sound - 8/10.

Gameplay - 7/10/

The replay value for me personally, no.

Generally I do not advise to fans of RPG skip this game, despite the shortcomings of the game, the game is quite good. IMHO.

KrouliDvaPistoleta 03.10.19

By the way, the ending, though tragic, for in fact dostatochno original - all the yoke we are talking about the knight, the traitor, that would be the end it turned out that he is the knight. And Ryan at the entrance to the temple Mahosa. in General it is absolutely fair gives an indication of Mariusz to execute GG. Okay, it'll all make sense in the Flames of revenge...

Tiamatis_aka_Innos 03.10.19


Crowley))) if you forgot something at the end you can choose between 3 how to introduce myself 1.I-fiery knight 2.I-dragon hunter 3. (mine) neimeet values who I am,most importantly why I'm here

although the idea of the knight-the traitor/YY in the past,I was also visited.

KrouliDvaPistoleta 03.10.19

Don't buy Ygraine clearly outwitted you. And still to fence with the paladins and the chosen one. I probal, when passed the first time, all 3 options - Rivellon still dies

Tiamatis_aka_Innos 03.10.19


Yes you are right,there anyway still getting four-wheel pariah,see how people bend over,and realize that all your adventures on a quest full of bullshit in relation to world peace))

z.s. Rivellon doesn't die,all the same, part 2 will be......)) saving the world all over the world, etc.) (I think)

Stroitel Administracii 03.10.19

the game is good, but not juicy colors, smoothing lousy(worth dh11), shadows jumping at times, not know whether I have one, but when falling from great heights my Superman is alive! Don't like the camera movement, it is not convenient like that. Shake the second episode, and I will enjoy more.

KrouliDvaPistoleta 03.10.19


Yes you are right,there anyway still getting four-wheel pariah,see how people bend over,and realize that all your adventures on a quest full of bullshit in relation to world peace))

Oddly enough, the main achievements of the GG can be called 2 things - the ability to transform into a dragon and hatred of Igraine and Damiana.
Well, generally in games or all lived happily ever after or ... and you have completely destroyed the world by the name of Arcanum!. And then the ending is unconventional - you cheated, as the last naivnogo, but continued all show someone - anyone! :)

Tiamatis_aka_Innos 03.10.19


wow che you remember (I mean Arcanum) well the sequel is gonna show someone-anyone,but the first part really reduces CDA ))) although the idea is very good,you're filled with pride that you are the last flame. knight,go to resurrect a dead woman,and even old fool in the hat gives an incentive to perform,still Zandalor......after all, he's still in the first part of HS saved from the dragon)

KrouliDvaPistoleta 03.10.19

Arcanum on a modern engine type Oblivion or Fallout 3, I'm sure to shut up for the belt many modern hits. There really was a broad social idea and one of the richest battle systems. One ballance between MAGIC TECHNIQUE which was!

As to the ending of divinity, then, if I agree, actually not fair to make a scapegoat of HS - were deceived all, including Zandalor, which then propels you on a mission.

Renda - DarkNight 03.10.19

I know where on the Internet write that the game is terrible and blamed Divinity 2 all of the words I got from the game the most pleasant experience. I played 5 times, I wasn't bored and I'm always open to something new. About the graphics no specific complaints, I have a strong enough video card, so everything is fine and almost never crashes. Anything to add? Waiting for the continuation! ;)

KrouliDvaPistoleta 03.10.19

Interestingly, in the German version of Flames of revenge for six months, came out, and locating why it is not.