The new season of 2020 (Diablo 2)
Ladder reset coming to an end, and soon the realm will be available for play starting the new season.Unfortunately the event due to the current situation, had to be in a hurry and not everything that was planned to do before reset, done but still have time for it.
All existing characters are transferred to non-ladder mode of the game. In order to participate in a new competition for level 99 and play with everything we need to create new characters. Old characters converted to non-ladder, to play along with a new will not.
The mechanism of randomization loot has been slightly adjusted. This is a forced measure as the last in some circumstances, led to a serious imbalance and even multiple complaints from players. Changes do not affect the chance of the drop, and on the gameplay the vast majority of players should not be affected.
The same will soon be fixed two bug that could cause missing subjects in some circumstances. (apologies to the player who have been waiting for the answer to your query on this subject, but earlier opportunities to do so do not exist)
Read more about the ladder here.
How to connect to the server
Please note that using cheat programs with the game is strictly prohibited and will result in the loss of the character. Cheat are considered to be any programs except those which are officially written that they are allowed.
Enjoy the game in the new season.
1. Install a clean D2 1.14 d ( if you haven't already ).
2. Download and unpack in game folder alternative client. ( confirm the replacement of files )
3. Create a shortcut to Diablo II.exe.
4. In the shortcut properties add space-separated parameters run -w-res800 -nohide -nomove -multiwin -orbtext -nogroup
5. Run the game from shortcut and enjoy the multiwindows extended stash on LVL 80-95-99'Ah.
I'll try to work some magic with the properties of the shortcut. Alternative client does not wobble. Writes that the file is moved where-that! Error 404
And this topic is not about connection problems and about the reset on April 11.
here infa when reset)))
There is a claw straightening program for crabs. You can start by pulling on your wigs. And study the layouts.