From GG's just a head (Sniper Elite 4)
Went through the whole game without any problems and started the secondary passage , but with the emphasis on pumping HS and weapons . All the maps , everything is fine, and in the Fortress of Allegra he prescribed one head - no weapons , no equipment . Almost full stealth , enemies shoot through HS , if the head does not fall , and he can not because the weapon is not . A glitch of some strange , because the image of GG from the location does not change .Spoiler
Well ,Yes, a very strange thing , you do seem to have gone the skin , and the very model of a hero , once the bullets fly through and shoot you could not , I do 2 missions was , let's see what will happen , the game would still run .
And I am now trying for another. Deleted all saves and started from the beginning. If this school does not appear, the case is in the saves.
If someone suffers from cut-out pieces in the game , you have a licensed copy with a tablet .
The problem arose, perhaps because the suit that is used at this location in the first passage is closed to use when selecting the location. it should additionally be open. Maybe it will be solved if you just choose a different costume.
Well, now everything is clear. The problem is in the save game. Removed the old saves and new pass (key) to 4th job Port Lorino, which in my game he was one head. Now everything is fine. What this saves, you have to find out. I have it located in 3 places:
_\Program Files (x86)Steamuserdata
_\ProgramData\Sniper Elite 4
Still passed (basic) to 5-th task the Monastery of Abruzzo, which in my game he was one head. Now everything is fine. Hence the Save game is designed only for one pass, and if you replay without the mistakes of the game, you have to start all over again. Have yet to experiment with the Save game and try to find a joint. Then everything will be fine.
_\AppData\Local\SniperElite4 - sohranenki and settings
_\Program Files (x86)Steamuserdata the license file
_\ProgramData\Sniper Elite 4 - some player stats
Reset the game,start this game in the menu of survival :
In the survival mode at all I can't go to the map and the game is over :
Survival tried when I went through all quests and DLC. Worked fine, waves of enemies one after another.
But now, with the deleted old save game and play from the beginning, has come down to 5-th task the Monastery of Abruzzo, tried Survival and it's like you are not working. I understand that Survival works best when you all passed.
To eliminate the joint automatic saves (the loss of the body YY) when preprohormone game, you can use a Manual save at the beginning of each job in the 1st playthrough of the game.
When preprohormone any job, it is necessary to Load save 1-St passage, when GH was normal (with the body).
When preprohormone with better pumping GG, do a Manual save at the beginning of each job, on top of save 1st pass.
I think that it is a jamb of the game and if there will be patches that will correct .
That's where people with litsuhoy when you need them ? Could share their experience , and then the XS,on what to sin. Survival why is not working ? It is available from the beginning of the game , no warnings,the map loads,it can't what? And the game menu? On the second computer the same crap .
I understood - after beating the game , you have to choose a new skin to the player from DLC and play the game with a new character . I have survival mode only works on two cards of the Marina and Port , the rest is buggy .
Decided to check out the version with 40 levels , supposedly the skin razblokirovat - nothing has changed , from the main character one head . But there is a new trick , the last character in the selection is not shown ( a blank window ) , but in the game the spitting image 007 .
Well, it means this joint for all distributions. I made a save in the 1st game,which retains the body YEARS, with the transition to the next question by pressing Continue.
- at the beginning of each Job made a Manual Save.
in 1st Job it's on the maximum level of the Trainer+13, which is preserved on all Jobs.
To replay any Jobs (on the principle of Job-Freedom), no loss of body YEARS, only need to use Load Save made by hand, made on the 1st pass, and play the selected Job to the end without saving it manually. Now you can at any time to replay any Mission and the DLC.