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ferrumban 14.05.20 12:38 pm

Hammer Editor v.2 (Half-Life 2)

In this topic, ask questions and get answers on the Hammer Editor, the map editor for Source games.

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spectre from TM 14.05.20

//for additional file exclude for the batch file, not whether kakimto way to sew it into a batch file, such as file creation and filling exclude and then remove after work, or even specify the batch file as file excludes, prietom first went to a section excluded, kakimto way removed from processing by the batch file, and the code at the end of the batch file? thinking out loud about the unitarity

xDDGx 14.05.20

Yes it is possible, of course:

echo pysch-pysch>file.txt
echo moar pysch-pysch>>file.txt
echo moar pysch-pysch>>file.txt

Even within each procedure to add the creation and deletion of such file, for example:


echo C:\Games\Mapping\BSPquakeditor\пы щьHalf?Life\textures\>exclude.lst
echo C:\Games\Mapping\BSPquakeditor\пы щьtutor_bsp.swf>>exclude.lst

set name=BSPquakeditor
set paths=C:\Games\Mapping\BSPquakeditor\*
if exist %prefix%\%name%_* del /Q /F %prefix%\%name%_*
%archiver% %prefix%\%name%_%postfix% %paths% %options%

del/q/f exclude.lst
:: although this is not necessary if we all use it > to add the first row, because it creates a new file (and >> just appends to the end)

goto eof

It is only necessary to correct
set optionsпы щь=-x@%WINDIR%\exclude.lst -mx9
at the beginning of batcha to
set optionsпы щь[email protected] -mx9
Well or instead of exclude.lst everywhere to prescribe the full path (in some thread a temporary directory, type %TEMP% or %WINDIR%\Temp). It is better to have this variable that any thread %exclude% or %exclude_file%, and always specify it for the convenience.

With vitiam in the batch file have XS, given that with conventional exclude 7-zip behaves ugly... But in principle, we can add a section, like so:

@echo off
goto :main

:: here is our exclude


:: everything else

But we must not forget that 7-zip will see all the following commands and most likely will think it's exclude. Therefore, the consequences can be unpredictable.
On the other hand, apparently, it operates on the principle of"rather no than Yes", so probably just proignoriruesh all the teams, especially since almost all of them have spaces, special characters, etc, need to test.

//the wise pagac somehow spoils the line set optionsпы щь[email protected] -mx9
//fixed; and in the previous post too

Kuzko 14.05.20

Guys Help this problem I pixel с17_01 map from the WC Mappack'a under Missing Information corrected all the errors returned textures, objects and set up a cubemap's and restored some scripts but after I attempt to launch the cards in the missing information he knocks me the standard error"Discontinued operation of the program hl2.exe already all pereprobyvala not even know what to do, help who than can
P:S you Can throw the source code in PM if need be!

spectre from TM 14.05.20

and what version of hammer Campiglio? not later than missing information?

Cvoxalury 14.05.20


Almost certainly this is due to group objects, which holds physics the fault of the reporters (where the pistons and all that), phys_hinge entities and phys_motor. They should all practically redo it, otherwise crashes.

Kuzko 14.05.20

Not SPS, I figured out I have some reason refuses to work the title of the Chapter first (which in nastrojach card ukazyvaetsya) because it was a departure cleaned it and it worked strange of course that doesn't work the title of the Chapter

Cvoxalury 14.05.20


Yes, I remember, at me too such was.

Corporal Shepard 14.05.20

I have two questions
1 How to make opening door combines.
2 How to edit the original map HL2

xDDGx 14.05.20

Corporal Shepard
Well sobsna, the key to the answer to the first question will answer the second. For this you need a Decompiler. The most fancy was vmex, and now, perhaps, based on it BSPsource. Now, to see how is made one or the other feature of the game (the same door combines), you have to remember or find a map where it is present, decompile it, open it in hammer and find the place in the source code.
For this program you need Java Runtime (JRE).

In addition, the source pair of cards should be in the SDK. There is another option: you can download beta WC mappack — leaked in 2003, a set of source code. You need the beta itself, as many of its textures and models are missing in the release. Textures you can just copy out of it (used the map textures itself, it will be necessary to distribute a map, or even sew it using pakrat).

You can do without sources, at least, there is such EntSpy utility, which allows you to edit entities without recompiling the entire map, but I'm not sure will it work with a modern version of the BSP, since Tulsa is very old, last version was released more than ten years ago. Perhaps there is a more recent alternative, they are unknown to me (actually, the same effect can be achieved using decompiling the source code and the option-onlyents from vbsp).

In General, base their work on the decompiled material is undesirable. First, the analysis procedure is inaccurate and decompiling the source is never 100% coincide with the original (in terms of geometry; with entities of the same shouldn't be a problem). In addition, it is usually a violation of copyright (the same applies to butovskogo mapaca, but in this case Valve said that they still use stolen material, and we see a lot moddb-based projects on them that nobody bothers), and not to assign work on the basis of decompile as 100% his.

Kaylet 14.05.20

people, what the hell... trying to hammer open some models and it crashes with the error not responding... well if some third-party models open tried is the model with engine sour... took them from the official valve content, like team fortres, day of defeat, portal, etc.

xDDGx 14.05.20

I understand you just copied *.mdl files from the folders respectively. games in your mod, or half, or wherever? One MDL is not enough, need more *.vtx, *.vvd and all the other files in the folder models that have the same name as the model file. Well texture, of course.

Kaylet 14.05.20

Oh, I think I didn't?? I copied only the folders models and materials...

LaFeT666 14.05.20


Corporal Shepard 14.05.20

Who knows how to make a static object (Nar ) to do a specified animation. for example :

Corporal Shepard 14.05.20

Yes, it's all the same ill-fated door
Just keep kampeerauto the map is not comme Il faut

spectre from TM 14.05.20

for this you need to put it on the map not as propstate, but as problimatic, there is even inputi have the relevant animations

Corporal Shepard 14.05.20

Input? No, I understand what it is, but how about right command to execute the animation for example when you press the button ? Or a link to a tutorial on using the Hammer ( especially about HL2)

Corporal Shepard 14.05.20

Input? No, I understand what it is, but how about right command to execute the animation for example when you press the button ? Or a link to a tutorial on using the Hammer ( especially about HL2)

spectre from TM 14.05.20

section map creation contains an invaluable set of tutorials for the novice mapera
for animation, you will need to choose input play animation, or as it's called can't remember to specify the name of the animation parameter //name can spy on for example in the viewer, screenshot which you posted - Open