The most feature-rich game engine pipeline.the day is?
The old man Eigse quite a lot of years and he's still holding on. Third Anril with his engine, the Crisis, etc have also to say the least not the future.In short what engine is now the most mind-blowing, if possible, and most of all corresponds to the time????
In the first place CryEngine 2
The second - UnrealEngune 3
The third - EGO (beauty)
But better still is Source)))
actually CryEngine (any) much less than glyukanutaya R. A. G. E. + Euphoria(you can verify this on the example of GTA 4)
Played a little Far Cry 2, the graphics and physics there really better than in Krayzise! the illusion creates a reverse - blurred under Safari - Ah, would know how to disable all the issues would disappear!
PS have no Idea what the name of its engine!
DiLouk, FarCry 2 Dunia engine. But personally for me, it is much worse than the Cry Engine 2))
Well, so much?) Texture - super? Yes! Grass, bushes, trees - super? Yes! All babakhan, moves and is lit? Yes! Cars covered with dust? EU! water - a sight for sore eyes? ATO! enemies die nicely? Gee!
So what still need?.. Clean....... hmmm... a color filter and pelugo!
The most feature-rich is CryEngine 2 and the balanced and flexible - Source. And the best physics and animation engine, of course, Euphoria.
And yet, as mill called ArmA 2? Painfully realistic, there is a first-person...
And why many of you call RAGE? Pretty crude, while the engine, also to grind and Polish - smoothing doesn't exist.
RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) - (GTA IV)
Europhia (SW : Force Unleashed, FracTure)
Cry Engine 2 (Crysis)
Unreal 3 (Gears of War II)
ID Tech. 5 (RAGE, Doom IV)
Naughty Dog Engine (Uncharted II : Among Thieves)
Metal Gear Engine (Metal Gear 4 : Guns of Patriots)
Guerilla Engine (Killzone 2)
UbiSoft Engine (Sprinter Cell 5, Assasin's Creed 2)
it seems for now)
MT Framework(DMC4,RE5)
Unreal 3.5.(GeoW2)
4 Chrome Engine(Call of Juarez BiB)
1-ID tech. 5 (Rage, DooM4)-Of Course
2-X-Ray Engine (STALKER)-of Course
3-Dunia(FarCry2)-Of Course
4-Unreal Engine 3 (UT3)
5-Source Engine (CSS)
6-the Engine of Empire Total war, up to me how is called
7-the Engine of OBLIVION if you bring to mind that gorgeous buit
The CryEngine 2 engine sucks I tell you, take for example the x-ray 1.5 graphics 3 times better =)