The most feature-rich game engine pipeline.the day is?
The old man Eigse quite a lot of years and he's still holding on. Third Anril with his engine, the Crisis, etc have also to say the least not the future.In short what engine is now the most mind-blowing, if possible, and most of all corresponds to the time????
physical pomoymu most advanced: Havok & PhysX
of graphics: Unreal Engine 3, Source engine, Anvil
EGO engine(who knows, the engine Dirt2), Cry Engine 2, RAGE.the most beautiful at the moment, I think.
Graphically Emgine Cry 3. But for people's behavior no better than the euphoria is not responding normally, you saw it combined with not the best graphics engine RAGE. He would play the game with graphics and physics from the Unreal Engine (The fastest of beautiful) + euphoria.
2,3 cryengine, frostbite 1.5.,2, Duna engine,Unreal Engine 3. most most likely. Well, the most technologically advanced dviglom all time I shield Id thech 3.
Cry Engine 3
Creation Engine
Cry Engine 2
Unreal Engine 3
The beautiful game:
Crysis 2