The most feature-rich game engine pipeline.the day is?
The old man Eigse quite a lot of years and he's still holding on. Third Anril with his engine, the Crisis, etc have also to say the least not the future.In short what engine is now the most mind-blowing, if possible, and most of all corresponds to the time????
Graphics engines: CryEngine 3, UnrealEngine 4, id Tech 5.
Physical engines: Euphoria, Havok Physics 6, PhysX SDK, Digital Molecular Matter.
CryEngine 3 to write about nothing , it if someone run into the middle and more , that holders of gts nvidia 280/285 and processor i7/extrime ,Dunia cartoon engine , it can be compared with the plot so FarCry2 CryEngine 2(crysis)/Unreal 3.5(ME2)
it's a physics engine , havok is brought to perfection(red faction:guerilla) , and more buggy each Euphoria(gta4)
ID tech 5 , it the game have?
CryEngine 2
Oh loli!)Already released CryENGINE 3)hehe)Ladino,we will assume that you all voted for CryEngine 3,including me)BUT STILL BETTER than ALL THIS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....Source!
X-Ray Engine (STALKER)-of Course
Engine mega speaking out of date,let's but without fanaticism.
SORS - simply and tastefully
Golden words!
Yes, CryEngine3 is a new standard I think for games on all platforms, current of I don't know how it will be implemented on consoles ))) if we assume that MMORPG game from Age OF Conan called DreamWorld FANCOM , by the way, this office is developing a new game for a long time and the screenshots there hoo, it'll probably parabotany and converted DreamWorld and most likely under DirectX11. Well, TKA still waiting on dviglo Crysis2 CryEngine3 and hoard hoard money for new komputer :)))