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Pupsik22 28.05.20 05:26 pm

The average temperature in the hospital?

In Russia, according to Rosstat,in 2016, the average salary was 616 dollars (about 36,000 rubles).
Is it really so?
Can you estimate the average salary among the PG people (your or your ancestors, if still not working)?
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ColonelJason 28.05.20

A. Soldier of Light

A. Soldier of Light wrote:the Middle class is the best that can (and should) be in a developed society.
From the point of view of some utopian sociologists perhaps. But as a stage of individual personal growth, the middle class definitely should not be a limit aspirations.

maxxim1891 wrote:Fascism stinks
From your statements about my kids? No, it's the usual nonsense, they just smell like.

ColonelJason 28.05.20

requiemmm wrote:Firmly standing on his feet people rarely even draws attention to the fact that it is surrounded by rednecks and idiots.
Well, I don't often do. He said once, quietly, and circles can see what went...

Vanya Rygalov 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
Look, you is very painful all took it...
Spalenbrunnen? Not the word - crying, weeping bitterly, and the mother nature with their social-evolutionary processes so that all convulses. God forbid you die, who the arrows to transfer you, lad?
ColonelJason wrote:
...I did nothing these people are not accused:
Blame, insults, and only the voice of nature with their social-evolutionary processes (interestingly, his thoughts are in this bright little head?):
ColonelJason wrote:
just some people are degenerates, descended from degenerates and is not able to produce anything but the same roundnose worthless degenerates.
Rhetorical question - whether estimated in a similar way, people use the same methods of evaluations (extremely sheer) and an equally boorish expressions with regard to their appraisers?
Mother nature with their social-evolutionary processes suggests that they can. It's a democracy, the mother of her dig-dig!
ColonelJason wrote:
Ordinary genetics.
Heh, heh... Holy shit! Michurinets fucking...
ColonelJason wrote:
You have done a great job...
That is what it is. And... merci for kompliman.
ColonelJason wrote:
...that you honestly do not want to put himself above this category
Yeah, well... this is... how nice his soul... equality? No? Wrong?

Spoilercrack simple question - do you consider yourself at least to some extent, an intellectual (well, there is the middle class, mental ability, fifth, tenth...)?

ColonelJason 28.05.20

Vanya Rygalov
Vanya Rygalov wrote:Dude,simple question - do you consider yourself at least to some extent, an intellectual (well, there is the middle class, mental ability, fifth, tenth...)?
No, I do not. Still, I'm confused , what is your tselepolaganie in this interview. To show the ability to empty helpless demagoguery? Well, it showed. To prove himself a complete fool with the position of you're a jerk, because I think right themselves in time, as the right may be just me, because I'm me, I'm clever over the edge, and I have really a wonderful irony condescending, well, see , see, what a delicious irony?. Showed. To convince everyone that bestial consider myself a redneck? Convinced. What is it that you want? What would I have repented, and said you changed your mind that ordinary people the essence of wonderful people, salt of the earth and the hope of the nation? They are the same as I? It is unlikely. As I said, your self-criticism is commendable, but do not need all the dub for themselves, some genes were more fortunate.

A.Soldier of Light 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
But as a stage of individual personal growth, the middle class definitely should not be a limit aspirations.
And I'm not talking about it. But if you do this, then tell me, what is your desire? Go to the next level? $) Class to the rich?

ColonelJason wrote:
you're a jerk, because I think right themselves in time, as the right may be just me, because I'm me, I'm clever over the edge
It's more like your position ) Because it is in your worldview, all who are below you in income equivalent to cattle? If not, explain.

Wing42 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
Goal setting.


20000 Makhachkala Dagestan

ColonelJason 28.05.20

A. Soldier of Light
I never claimed that all who are below me on the income - cattle.My income is also born, and lived in very different ways. I said that poverty is one of the signs bydloty, but is the consequence of their inferiority, not the cause.

Vanya Rygalov 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
Still, I'm confused , what is your tselepolaganie in this interview. To show the ability to empty helpless demagoguery?
Yes, of course. My tselepolaganie - to have fun, feeding their empty demagoguery helpless characters, like you, so cute and funny in their desire to jump out of the crowd and spit on those who mistakenly (and sometimes reckless) consider inferior.
By the way, it is not so empty and helpless - because you're adopted and supported it. Heh, heh... and has already written enough for you to apply
Article 282 of the criminal code. The incitement of hatred or enmity, and humiliation of human dignity
(as amended by Federal law of 08.12.2003 # 162-FZ)
Спойлер1. Actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, and also on humiliation of dignity of a person or group of persons on grounds of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, and likewise affiliation to any social group, committed publicly or through mass media or information and telecommunications networks, including the network Internet, - (as amended by Federal law from 28.06.2014 N 179-FZ) shall be punished by a fine in the amount from three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles or the salary or other income of a convict for a period from two to three years, or compulsory works for a term of one year to four years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term up to three years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of two to five years. (as amended by Federal law from 06.07.2016 N 375-FZ)...
Nonsense - you say? Don't know, it's the laws of your country and you live in it.

Spoilers by the way, you quite sensibly refused to consider you an intellectual, realizing that taking this burden, will have to abandon all unfounded estimates and statements that you made earlier.

nechaav 28.05.20

The North, Murmansk, 35 000... This with Arctic allowances, which amount to 2.2 of the salary... Not a lot, in General, for the North :-(

A.Soldier of Light 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
poverty is one of the signs bydloty
I have a different opinion, as poverty may be due to force majeure (reality short). For example, when the bombing of the city thousands of people were de facto poor and homeless. It is hoped that in your rule - poverty are a sign of bydlizma - there are exceptions, otherwise who here is stupid? ;]
In General, I specialist bydlisko, although anyone agree or not is not important. Signs bydlizma can be found among the multimillionaires. This habits at the household level, showing that people rednecks. Not a redneck, stress, and rednecks sometimes. The more rednecks, the more close to the cattle. A rich man or a beggar - without a difference. But what IS the difference, and the stereotype of the redneck.
Example? Yes, here: walking on the street, holding a bottle of any drink (Yes, any!) in hand - bidlisi. Drinking from the bottle - bidlisi. Taking a SIP from the bottle, closed the lid, not wiping the neck - bidlisi &) of Machali, right? These things can be anyone, even the billionaire...
And Yes, laughter is good )
If anyone has questions on bydlisko - ask. I hope to be able to answer ))

ColonelJason 28.05.20

Vanya Rygalov
Oh, it's you with the trumps came. Okay,man, okay, I take your hurtful words back. Simple man - the best man in the world. He lik foldable unusually, and it nice music of an intelligent person pouring, and even professional quality-just a legend. Every major successful company in any country, feels honored and very lucky to get a worker from the Russian heartland.And unknown in Russia, the word unemployment ,just added the best way, decent pay, with confidence in the future. That is an incredible set of unique advantages and positive qualities brought these people to the Olympus of mankind, the envy of roundnose moskalsky dependants. Where they sit in their high status, universal honor and respect. And not die by the hundreds of thousands per year ,in their hideous poverty and squalor as any roundnose worthless scum.

ColonelJason 28.05.20

A. Soldier of Light
Well, in my opinion, the possibility of exceptions here needs no further clarification, it is self-evident. You probably did not pay attention to my words
ColonelJason wrote:but is the consequence of their inferiority, not the cause
from this it is evident that for me, bydlyachestvo is not identical to poverty.However, exceptions to the General trends do not cancel.

A.Soldier of Light 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
the possibility of exceptions here needs no further clarification, it is self-evident
Not a fact, because I don't know you to determine where in your Protocol of what is obvious or not :] Cause and clarifying points.
If it's referring to another example, then everything is clear: drunks are de facto more among the poor. Although, if you look at the numbers...poor segment of the population depending on the country may vary in the range of 60-99%. Then it is better to raise the question of the proportion of alcoholics in every layer of the population. In percent. Alas, I have no such data ) Can only be stupid to guess.

Vanya Rygalov 28.05.20

ColonelJason wrote:
Okay,man, okay, I take your hurtful words back.

Bombardirovschik 28.05.20

it's hot here or what?

Podvipodvertov 28.05.20

Live in Ekaterinburg, of all my friends living and working here, which not a few, no one receives more than 35,000 rubles a month, but less than 25000 is also no one gets shorter 25000-35000, that's it. There are those who earns more than 100K, but personally do not know only by hearsay, like there is a man there is something there that, that he's 100K cuts.
Also, there are a lot of people living in the province, also in the Urals, in towns, cities, mono-cities, where SN is even smaller, from 5K to 20000К(it is considered cool). There are so many friends and even relatives working in Gazprom, almost all with the tower, someone gets 7000, 15000 someone, there are those who have 20K goes, usually people who have been there for more than 25 years worked, almost retired, with a great experience.
I called all the people working at gas compressor stations located near small towns and are the main work for most of the people there. They are all hard workers, fitters, machinists, and instrumentation and automation specialists, etc.
Of course people are holding good managerial posts get more from 60K and above, but there is a fierce bickering and very difficult to hold on to this position long term.
But in the same Yugorsk, the Board of Directors there, Yes, dreams come true, money there spinning not too shabby. Yes, even the head station of any muhosranska gets over 150K on the background of simple hard workers who for 7K vpahivat for 12-14 hours, even seven days a week.
This is what I wrote, just often people far removed from the organization asking me about a thread of a friend or close friend, where is the one for life. They say in Gazprom operates, they all OOO! probably cuts a lot of dough, yeah 7K a month, probably 7K$, no rubles, and no one believes.

Kraicher 28.05.20

Eugene Astrakhan wrote:
In our motherfucking city
In bedraggled, and salary bedraggled. What do you want. )))

KOLBAS 28.05.20

Let me explain. In my opinion one of the main causes of the low salaries of the workers, this is what our old too many parasites sitting...........

The beautiful and looking into the essence of the answer.Plus you mentally shake your hand.

A.Soldier of Light 28.05.20

Podvipodvertov wrote:
There are so many friends and even relatives working in Gazprom, almost all with the tower, someone gets 7000, 15000 someone, there are those who have 20K goes, usually people who have been there for more than 25 years worked, almost retired, with a great experience.
About as it turns out, Gazprom also have a small salary ) Disorder.

Podvipodvertov wrote:
Yes, even the head station of any muhosranska gets over 150K on the background of simple hard workers who for 7K vpahivat for 12-14 hours, even seven days a week.
A Prime example, clearly justifying why, in principle, in the rich world do not particularly like. Partly because of jealousy, but understands the people (it is not necessary to consider all of them idiots) that it is unfair. When the plow working regularly full time for 20K, but his boss has 200K and more and not plow 8 hours a day, all logical (dislike of the rich is logical)...