Impressions from the full game (Afterfall: InSanity)
Russian version of the network, unsubscribe about impressions.I play, in principle, seemed not even bad, the only thing that is very annoying is the animation and facial expressions of characters. As I understand it the unreal engine 2, so if 3, then I think the game would be much better. But still texture at a normal level and the lighting is sometimes very nice surprises(see 3rd screenshot). Just like the rebound and rolls not too bad use. in the fighting. Of course it is clear that the game combines a lot of other popular games, Dead space, f.e.a.r. 1, doom 3, etc. Shooting and the behavior of opponents with firearms of course epic fail.
Screenshots with max graphics in 1080p:
So you don't ask stupid questions! Play first and then write good or bad.
Yeah. First play, and then I would be interested, good game or not. So I understand you?)))
How was the game?Worth to download? -So I do not understand, and what hinders? > In this situation, everyone will say shit, and the game. And you'll miss it.
Seriously, I don't understand such issues. Download and play draw a conclusion. Because everyone has different tastes.
This does not negate the fact that the game is complete ... and your Wang methods and the history of man through the monitor, once again proves how dois sits sometimes at PG and rants about the previous games, which they've never seen, trying to sound experts. Marburg was playing a normal game? Oh laugh, last spring it has been proven that about all those games that he listed, he is in the shower does not know about them absolutely nothing. Except for alpha Protocol. To add yourself to the list of random games with familiar names and see themselves as almost gods of the game world. Seen, know these.
Always amuses the opinion of such people of aquabiolab - if the game he liked, it becomes an automatic interesting for everyone. But I played, and I can speak for myself.
if the game he liked, it becomes an automatic interesting for everyone. -And you get that if the game didn't like me, so she G who plays it down. Che tries this nonsense?!!
Tkni finger, where I write this. Nowhere jabbing, so come learn to not read between the lines and understand the meaning.
I've already explained, you cannot answer for yourself as you can't be responsible for others. And here, experts?
I liked the game so I write, and why are you here if you don't like it?! Or do you think you are God of the game world?
PS by the Way on PG of course there are old games but not all!
Now what right do you have to write only those who liked the game? Well, logic, direct, concrete. I caution those who haven't bought this miracle igroproma.In my opinion a complete waste of time and money. I liked the game so I write, and why are you here if you didn't like it and I didn't like it now to forbid me to speak?
And why not! If the game does not like me,when I did not go to her page. Here is a complete waste of time. And what about the purchase (hmm) you deliver me please from your high-chustvitelnost-ego,as people sitting behind a computer and use the Internet and go to the shops to buy myself igrulki,and then prove to all and Sundry saying that THEY are someone out there help??! It's 15 years ago was considered chutli not a knighthood, but if now to do it,it is called degradation. Still have a shovel, and dig with your hands!
Oh dear what does that you your Postica tweak the top and bottom. Shame and Fear!?!
By the way this just proves once and perhaps a second time which I use sometimes sits on PG. Once you edit their posts, then your sentence ((and I can speak for myself.)) says the opposite.
To buy discs for your degradation even if you liked the game? Love our country, if you can make something free to do, to not care what people have tried to do from dushi and not for show, and lots of money in high budget games (battle code). You can consider me an idiot and a moron but I think buying the license is possible and necessary!
I am a patriot of his homeland,and Poland does not belong to her!
You know you've got not cash! Want to buy the game you want to download download it's your business, but once you've bought the game be proud of and exposes her to ridicule as some!
to not care what people have tried to do from dushi and not for show, and lots of money in high budget games
LOL, you're such a naive fool. The phrase was taken, definitely. :D
Tkni finger, where I write this. > It does not negate the fact that the game is complete ... -Scratching without thinking?