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Forceofprophet 09.06.20 03:07 pm

The game doesn't run (Crysis 3)

In General, when you start training, loading, and"data Distribution download hangs. When launched without obucheniia went live and I was actually excited, but later (as I suspect closer to the end of the video) everything is frozen.
What could be the problem? Help, please.

Comp: win8, i7-2600 3.40 GHz, 16 Gb ddr3, Asus GTX560 Ti (driver delivered yesterday the latest version)
Run as administrator
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olegik55 09.06.20

please borjia ,but what about the Internet so you never said anything?

borjia 09.06.20

the brother has an Internet Ukrtelecom 20мигабит in sikundu

olegik55 09.06.20

borjia well,even though my brother has remained current download and zero cases =)

borjia 09.06.20

olegik55, the game crysis 3 repak from Fennix. Start on cheers thank you Chiba a lot for this advice. olegik55're a very nice person thanks again to Chiba. such people would be more =)

olegik55 09.06.20

borjia please, glad to help, good game and good luck =)

pavlick_98 09.06.20

guys, can you tell me what to do???
game turns on fine but when it loads it turns out the message:
[PlayerProfiles] CGameContext: StartGame: No users logged in
The computer works fine, Windows 8

olegik55 09.06.20

pavlick_98 download from repak by Fennix and all you will have to work,because your Repack broken and do not worry with this =)

axseret 09.06.20

Guys, help! Installed crysis 3 and when run gives the picture and all...
On the form found that if you delete the folder Electronic Arts in the hidden ProgramData folder, the game start. Here's the thing: after I delete the folder and re-run the exe it (the game) re-creates it.
By the way, all that is listed I did, well, I'm talking about renaming the computer, jump right IN, etc.
What to do? I tried to delete the folder in the folder Electronic Arts, and then tried to delete the file that in the folder Electronic Arts/EA Services/License/71503.dlf is the file itself. Tried to put the file and the folder quarantine in the antivirus that could remove it.
Nothing helps.
About the game requirements... you Can not even try to say that my iron does not pull it is not.
In General, help mi, I respect and uvazhuha With:

RikoChiko 09.06.20

The system is what?

axseret 09.06.20

Well written as that all ZBS with iron... 7 32bit

RikoChiko 09.06.20

More specifically.

axseret 09.06.20

Itnel core i7 Extreme Edition 3600MHz
Water cooling Corsair H100
motherboard - asus Rampage IV Extreme, Intel x79
OP 32gb (4x8gb) DDR3 2133Mhz Corsair Dominator Platinum
card 2x 3Gb NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780

RikoChiko 09.06.20

For this iron would be worth 64 7ku put.

License pirates?

axseret 09.06.20

blah-blah-blah, but seriously... What to do?

RikoChiko 09.06.20

Pirates, the license? If pirates download a different Repack.

Steps exactly with instruca respected? File I understand in any case he will be created.
Spoilerville: start the game with Administrator rights.

You need to change the computer user name. The procedure is this:
1) Delete the Electronics Arts folder from C:\ProgramData\
2) Rename the computer name: start>control Panel>System>advanced system settings>computer Name>Change. (Must be English letters and without dashes, Slesov, etc., etc.)
3) Reboot

If again does not start, then try to rename the name of the user account (and, again, must be English letters and without dashes, Slesov, etc., etc.)

After each unsuccessful attempt to run the game execute item 1.

olegik55 09.06.20

axseret Error when you start a game what gives? just write precisely or throw a screen and the invisible cause of the your problem.

Max Fry 09.06.20

quarantine in antivirus

The antivirus and proactive protection are not always notify user about blocking processes. Bran Windows Defender, Firewall and antivirus and try to run the game.

But if the license. If the pirates did not help - download the other Repack.

nesterx 09.06.20

please help. bought the most modern hardware... although the old man all that is downloaded, everything was going Gud. now downloaded crisis 3 and constantly freezes after a minute of the game. tried on max and min graphics quality settings. there is a bug

Event name problem: APPCRASH
Application name: Crysis3.exe
Application version:
The timestamp of the application: 02f2b040
The name of the module with the error: Crysis3.exe
The version of the module with the error:
The time stamp module with the error: 02f2b040
Exception code: c0000005
Offset exceptions: 000c71be
OS version: 6.1.7601.
Language code: 1049
Additional information 1: e110
Additional information 2: e110ba26e624d11dafb9207fbbaa95ab
Additional information 3: a2e5
Additional information 4: a2e5bde2c696d5a19131b14ed16b9830

olegik55 09.06.20

nesterx to the beginning go to this link http://pcportal.org.ru/forum/31-613-1 it rassmatrivaetsya General recommendations to solve APPCRASH. Another game which you will not believe!

nesterx 09.06.20

pirates. that was on an old computer to cheer