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Irvalande 11.06.20 09:23 pm

Pair questionyou on the classics. (Diablo 2)

Hello.! Started doing Sorka on the paravozov through the classics first character (I read somewhere that it is useful), but when the fourth act of the Hel go to Lod perehotelos and wanted to stay on the classics. In this regard, such issues.

She Sorka LVL 69
50/30/245/45 and 50 free

Blizzard, blast, km - 20
Nova, frozen armor - 1
spike - 3, bolt 6
Nova 4, LM, static, television 1
warmth - 1

Things sad will not show..)
1) How to get HKS on 1 ppl with a bunch of cold imonov of oblivion?
2) to Kill Diablo?
3) to throw loose the stats?
4) Continue maxing out synergies to Blizzard or anything else?
5) Where to get standards things?
6) What to do with the stones?
7) Where to swing?
8) heard somewhere about the usefulness of Bo-barbarian. As it is faster just to rock with this sorce?
9) is There any reason to download the ENCs Sorka?
10) does it make sense to parasite for rannyh of the rings ormusa and Akari?

Everything seems to be..))
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Rivnyanyn 11.06.20

I did so, only samanera) OMG, and that without telekinesis/EC Yes, with the MX doesn't make it? Do regular blissco when there is no the cold imonov - and she quickly spravlyaetsya.

Irvalande 11.06.20

What to do if cold imune appear?) Summoner need bodies with blizzsorc not very friendly..)

MX - maphack? It seems to be forbidden also.,)

Irvalande 11.06.20

From what I saw in the guides about paladins

wizzard spike
spirit shield
peasant crown
rings for fcr and Reza (the idea is taken a break 125 fcr)

On XS, I guess, rare items. If expensive at all, considering that, except for PG to buy there is no possibility? There is a chance such a hammer to clean the HF?

redoolf 11.06.20

There is a chance, of course. Importantly, Hephasto was no threat of the mods to TP and not in the crowd, that was where to go.
Armor normal to begin with. At the prices it's hard to say, there are those who this and free give (but rarely), there's a huckster that for every rags not smaller pool will ask. Most simply this is not selected, and therefore not traded. Ask around in the chat, should be the ones who are 5-10 PG sell.
I recommend to swing Barba to free t-Bo gave a little bit easier task.

Rivnyanyn 11.06.20

Summoner need bodies with blizzsorc not very friendly
Summoner necessary evil merc, there will be 3 ppl, enough of the INSs in the elite/need Bolva and LVL Nada b 80 to swing. If was cold immune, I jumped Sorka in TP, then necro it and already did the corpses, max CE to help you! Head Hefesto cast clay Golem and sales are the most evil(Fana/extra strong/cursed) can have nothing to do, and if it is a couple revinetix Ugarov, the sales are not hit. It may be useful to LT, I always shake his Summoner, but if you want to play safe then we can and decor to swing. The main thing TP put it, to necro bumped a cloud chudovisch right at the entrance. I beat in HC without Bo and not once in there did not fall. The only downside, the very long hammer Fiz-imuna, but in this case, I came back with Sorka and was quickly finished with it:)

Irvalande 11.06.20

Thank you!)

Irvalande 11.06.20

Thank you!)

minovalo 11.06.20

Ham Ani. No less.

Irvalande 11.06.20

Now the question for hammer. From the guide to the classics:

Communicating 1. Blessed hammer, Concentration (can be simultaneously) - 20 Holy shield - (1-3), Redemption - (1-5), Vigor - 20, then decidewhen in HS to ~5 (if shield block is low and/or floats often perekashivaet) and in Redemption to 9 (many), and then swing Blessed aim "to stop." To ~88 lvl should throw 1 in Salvation – in the race two to hammer someone with more Conc leaves her, and You include Sal. It is very safe.

As used redemn? After killing the pack of mobs it, so as not to waste banks or is there some more valuable use?

sxDiablo2 11.06.20

Something like this is only Redemption restores faster cans. Some manage without it, but for me personally, Redemption is like manna from heaven, an skill that at high levels almost do not drink the bottle. Especially if HKS is fast, dumb and seek to raise the bottle off the floor or run to the NPC.
On the other hand, what else to download? Holy Shield? If a block 75 is reached, then the extra points to give only the length and defense, but the fanatical Doom Knight-s will still break, not much to gain.

Rivnyanyn 11.06.20

After killing the pack of mobs it, not to spend banks
Yes. And benefit from it more than max HS, so the Defensa in KL will be a little. Preference dautica easier smote, which valued the combination of FHR, cuts and HP, not ED.

Irvalande 11.06.20

Thank you) I was just confused, that it is more logical like umixit first, all synergy to the hammer, and then swing redemn..)

Irvalande 11.06.20

I'm XS at the expense of Def.) The problem is that you need all at once - no cuts - a body, no FHR dead, no Def -
each blow will fall and imbed in FHR or block - corpse...)

Especially for corki)

Rivnyanyn 11.06.20

Sorka in the HKS stand still contraindicated, or nod your toe, or teleport. Hameru easier, at least some Def nalichistvuet, block 75, two-frame animation of the FHR in short, to wear under break - will okic. And the hammers quickly destroy supostatov, especially the undead)

Irvalande 11.06.20

Just for myself as a reference point for smoto see


Reza on Helle - 90/75/46/1
FKR - 70
unit - grim shield 30/20 +16аллрез +mana
life is 2.2 under Bo
mana 600
defens - 5K under South

armor - Victor (nearly perf Def 512.)
ramy helm - cuts +life +mana
ramy grim shield
Ernie peppers - Reza + Dex
boots Hotspur
ramy belt - cuts + life
Amul - 2сорка +cold RES +mana
rings for 10фкр + triple cuts on them.

This litter of all tanks in the HKS except for the cold of immunol. safely jump into the crowd of lords and standing still pros blizz themselves. However under low cut from obliveon very quickly can kill, so for this case to come Tulku to go in town to run to remove low RES, when all hard.

I just want to take the ladder that is by Sorka, fell purely for the sake of killing de seiza..)

Obsessed 11.06.20

logical like umixit first, all synergy to the hammer, and then swing redemn..)
Irvalande, the only difference is that KL fast quality finishes early. you can safely score on IMHO the author of the guide, and swing redemp 1-3 and finish the synergy and then we throw in redemp more.

armor - Victor (nearly perf Def 512.)
whoa (

rings for 10фкр + triple cuts on them
for me, much better to carry the Mages and rings without fcr, but with hp(30-40)+res+str (in that order).

pests games on KL - immediacy and paraveterinarians. Def nedobirayut because cuts covered, and there already and to hell with him. Victor - settling the question of defom. but zheppa that the exceptional rare cuts consistently low and to catch rare mp/cuirass with: 50-60 hp, two cuts of 20-30 and norms defom (and Sora more and fhr), or something annoy with -30% req - almost unreal. and yet, rare is always better than a Victor, in addition to encha (well, maybe Summoner else).

Obsessed 11.06.20

to the city to go and make lo RES
Irvalande, armor 100 str req WITHOUT FHR, HP AND CUTS on the COP? take the ladder here, it is possible only in the absence of competitors. ;-)

nwn2030 11.06.20

rare everywhere to fill +fhr, victor to replace mage plate 24 fhp/~60hp/2-3 rez >20 ++. Something like from this:

Prez must also at least 50 to have this poison gets you 50% of the time you will be under it

Irvalande 11.06.20

Well, the author had the opinion that the skill +increase damage bliza ---> demolished faster, faster, RAS)

The maximum FHR on the idea of typed - 10+24+17=41 not enough to break, that is, 30.)

But he picked up 95 in this armor! With 30 FHR!

Obsessed 11.06.20

Irvalande, 41% fhr is a joke. :-) it is not necessary to climb on a rock with the weight on the leg, if a certain athlete climbed it with weights. ;-) Victor sucks, skills only Amul 2 sor/hp/res if you're lucky - and even str or dex. fcr is not needed for the same reason as on the rings.

nwn2030, check out what bold cuts to mp. ;-) but happiness. at least the most necessary.