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Posledovatel 14.06.20 10:43 pm

The plane crashed into the Black sea

What do you think? Until!! 92 passengers were killed, among them artists and journalists. This is the plane of the Ministry of defence, everything should be clear. So I ask, how long will flourish this criminal negligence led to the death of people!?
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Ne6me6sis6 14.06.20

you're obviously afraid to fly here and gonish.

Wing42 14.06.20

Mayamenstate wrote:
Soviet Union against Nazi Germany
With Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union never fought. Even this country was not like Nazi Germany.

yariko.v 14.06.20

As the saying goes, usually, you learn from mistakes! Once all the way, second time, think about whether or not to fly?
However, I am pleased that you are interested in this topic.

Posledovatel 14.06.20

today almost...

Ne6me6sis6 14.06.20

YEAH if only I was pissing to fly too umazaki would be looking for))))))

Ded Mazayka 14.06.20

You're a little strange. You say that Nazi Germany it never happened. Was Nazi Germany, it is also the Third Reich. Fascism was in Italy, not in Germany. In Germany, the rules of the national socialist party, it is absolutely different things.

Posledovatel 14.06.20

and yesterday could...

Ded Mazayka 14.06.20

And here all this Putin? You never know who said what, there are historical events that do not need to bend. Early and talked about the land that it's flat, so let's now argue it, because why would anyone listen. In Germany it was the ruling party, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, whose ideology - Nationalsozialismus and not Faschismus. It is a different concept, don't replace them. You only corrected the historical mistake.

Ded Mazayka 14.06.20

Are you now laughing? Do you really think that if someone is illiterate sang the song the Nazis, they are fascists? I say again that before talking about a flat earth standing on elephants, etc., and this was certain of all of humanity. However, it turned out it was not so, right? That before all were called fascists, is not proper. Check out ANY official Nazi document, the same brochure Untermensch, any Nazi propaganda poster, any German memoirs, and Yes, even marches of Third Reich to listen to all anything at all, you will not find anywhere else fascism. I understand that you are not aware of any ideology of the Nazis and their politics or ideology of the Nazis, just do not distinguish between such concepts. You can inquire, and I'm on this with you perhaps finish. While there, will finish with all with whom I communicated, said that Lenin, our Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, was in fact not a man but a mushroom. Even here, there is such a transfer where it is proved. Then it is the true truth, nothing more do not want to know and lead a discussion with you will not, because people say so.

Wing42 14.06.20

Mayamenstate wrote:
Was, just no one recognized.
Continue reading I did not consider it necessary.

Ded Mazayka 14.06.20

I understand you do not understand any history at all, nor in the history of Germany especially. Your logic is just beyond human understanding, but you amuse me, so I'll answer again, for the sake of the individual. Where did you find that, though Germany has ever called a fascist? Where. You. This. Took? Please, refer to songs, Soviet songs. Oh, by the way, we were called Soviets, from the name of the country, as you say, not from the name of the party. And the mocking nickname of the West was scoops. And socialists called us, as soon as the party was called Communist, and therefore all included in it were Communists. But Germany never was called Nazi Germany. During this period she had several official names: from 18 January 1871 to June 26, 1943 Deutsches Reich, and on 26 June 1943-23 may 1945 — Großdeutsches Reich, the German Empire and the great German Empire, respectively. Also, while Hitler was and unofficial names, one of which is: Drittes Reich, Third Reich, Third Reich, translated and Tausendjähriges Reich, a thousand-year Reich (Empire), for they planned to build an Empire for a long time. Never in my life Germany did not have anything associated with fascism, neither in the title nor in ideology. Although there were other Mussolini, dictator of Italy, the founder of fascism (one) and the leader of the National fascist party (not the national socialist in Germany, because it is different ideologies, very different). I told you - read though with some Nazi document, music, with anything, you won't find any mention of fascism, there is no mention of Italy.

And now, as I feel that you do not understand anything of what I wrote to you, I will answer your own arguments, which is incredibly absurd: actually, no of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was not only a Union of Socialist Republics Mushroom and called all the mushrooms, because the founder of the country, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, was a fungus, not a man, represented the mushroom Kingdom and founded the Union for the same fungi. Here, in this Soviet, oops, sorry, the mushroom gear and the proved with arguments (which I never saw): Lenin was a mushroom, the evidence is irrefutable and thoroughly tested.

RussianQuaker 14.06.20

Mayamenstate wrote:
called them fascists not the name of their party and their country's name.
The fascism was as one of the elements, and was much more interesting th: the genocide of Roma and Jews, experimenting on people etc are Just the propaganda machine of the USSR as-that it was unbecoming of weight to push the name, containing the word socialism.

Ded Mazayka 14.06.20

Where do you get this information anyway? From Soviet propaganda washed brains? Or washed the same Soviet propaganda books like this? Germany NEVER included Italy, it was a completely different country, which was part of the Axis, the Union of the three countries, Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and Revanchist Japan. Axis called Hitler's coalition, and !Nazi! unit, but not fascist. You absolutely do not understand what they say, why try to prove otherwise? Is it hard to find in the Internet what fascism is, and what national-socialism. It's DIFFERENT political movements, ideologies, this is absolutely not the same thing. Yes, even Mein Kampf review, there is also described all of it. As Germany was a Nazi, and so it remained until the Nazi party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) was dissolved after Germany's defeat in world war II. With the same success can be equated with Soviet socialism to fascism, because they have about as much in common as the national socialism with fascism.

And about the Nazi troops you just wrote above - Soviet propaganda could not say that the enemies of the socialists, though national. And propaganda can do a lot. But what the propaganda says is not true. Why detractors talked about the Soviet people scoops? Yes, because you can. For humiliation, for anything. But we were not scoops. Why people used to say that the earth is flat? Because thought so. But it turned out to be incorrect statement. Why the Germans said that almost all of the nation - untermensch and must be destroyed? Because it was one of the tenets of national socialism, and so worked for German propaganda. But it's not the truth, isn't it? In the German untermensch pamphlet was written and approved at the state level: a human being is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, like a brain, with eyes and mouth, but the striving for destruction, not creation. To him were referred all Jews, Bolsheviks, and those who sympathize with them and help. And this is a term from the ideology of the NAZIS, fascism does not. It was prescribed and in newsletters 112, and many other places, and this was all just part of the ideology called national socialism.
And that this is all true, as someone when it was written? It is obvious that no. If in the Soviet time, Germany was called Nazi doesn't mean she was a Nazi. Germany was never fascist. And no need to prove the opposite, when you are absolutely not aware of this issue, and know only what I said propaganda is one of the countries. It is necessary to study all parties of the conflict, not only one and to be 100% sure of the correctness.

PaulBaumer 14.06.20

Their were Germans, and for others the Italians? Nationalsozialistische in the name of the party is not just worth. Or as needed the party changed?

lel_lol 14.06.20

Mayamenstate wrote:
But attacked only 2 countries of this axis, so the troops was known as Nazi-fascist.
You, of course, sorry that got into a dialogue, but, Like the inhabitant of Primorski Krai always offends me when I forget about everything that did Japan in WWII. Sometimes not worse than Hitler, which is spoken everywhere. But the Japanese are somehow not so often remembered.
If your universe was attacked by just 2 countries, then please no need to spread this idea, leave in the dark only his mind.

But it's nice that you finally resolved all the difficulties in the distinction between fascism and national socialism.

MelShlemming 14.06.20

Romanians, too, we attacked.

Aleksator 14.06.20

In the war against the Soviet Union was attended by the army of Germany's allies — Italy, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Slovakia and Croatia.

Italy in the summer of 1941 was sent to participate in the war against the Soviet Union expeditionary force, in July 1942 converted into a combined-arms army.

In the war against the Soviet Union was directly involved military unit of Slovakia, equal to 2.5 divisions (two infantry divisions, one howitzer regiment, one anti-tank artillery regiment, one antiaircraft artillery regiment, one regiment and one tank battalion — a total of 42,5 thousand troops, 246 guns and mortars 35 tanks and 160 planes)[20].

Franco's Spain in 1941, was sent to participate in the war against Soviet infantry division (dubbed the "blue division") and the squadron of "El Salvador"[21].

Bulgaria did not declare war on the Soviet Union and Bulgarian troops did not participate in the war against the Soviet Union (although Bulgaria's participation in the occupation of Greece and Yugoslavia, and military action against the Greek and Yugoslav partisans freed German divisions to be sent to the Eastern front). In addition, Bulgaria provided the German military command of all the major airfields and ports, Varna and Burgas (which the Germans used to supply troops on the Eastern front)[22].

Croatia in 1941, was sent to aid Germany, three of the Legion, staffed by volunteers-Croats — infantry, air and sea. Three Wehrmacht divisions and two divisions of the Waffen-SS, staffed by Croats and Bosnian Muslims, took part in the battles against the red army during its liberation of Yugoslavia and Hungary.

Russian liberation army (ROA) commanded by General Vlasov A. A. also took the side of Nazi Germany, although the Wehrmacht was not included.

On the side of the Third Reich and was used by the national forces from the natives of the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia — the Bergmann Battalion of the Georgian Legion Azerbaijani Legion, the North Caucasian group of SS, etc.

In the army of Nazi Germany fought the 15th SS Cossack cavalry corps of General von Pannwitz, the Cossack and other parts. In order to justify the use of Cossacks in the armed struggle on the side of Germany, developed a "theory", under which the Cossacks were declared to be descendants of the Ostrogoths[23].

On the German side acted the Russian corps of General Shteifon, corps of Lieutenant-General of the Royal army P. N. Krasnov and the number of parts formed from Soviet citizens and emigres[24].
know where

Aleksator 14.06.20


Aleksator 14.06.20

The Grandfather Of The Mosaic
Grandfather Mazayka wrote:
Germany NEVER included Italy
Holy Roman Empire - Google it.
And Yes, lifted his whining about fascist non-fascist.

RussianQuaker 14.06.20

Mayamenstate wrote:
The Soviet people. Because this was before 1991? And included it in itself and the Russian people, and Ukrainian, and Belarusian.
The Zera gut. Only scoops was not confined to thee named, and the last included in one subgroup of the white race.