Technical Problems (Manhunt 2)
Good time, can't start the game crashes here's the errorUnable to initialize sound card. Please make sure a sound card and/or driver is installed.
System is XP SP 3, all drivers and DirectX updated.... what is the reason and how to deal with it ?
Hello maniacs!This game has problems with Wndows7? Because I have even nespuskalsya like Ninja Blade.Stupid nothing happens after clicking on the executables!!!how to start a toy?who knows? tell me...
People !!!! Pomogite ! same problem ! Unable to initialize sound card. Please make sure a sound card and/or driver is installed.
I people I decided the problem with the Screen of Death at Menganti 2. Anyways trouble was that the wood viduh. Watts as I climb on resources, people talked and all I heard was I understand Manhunt 2 bad smykaetsya with the wood equipment, especially not rodnymi, sound, video etc. my Stavte native fire wood and all will work fine. Already 20 people happy)so here are the things here. For owners of cards Nvidia stavte wood version 178.24. in a word, everything is solved.
The main character in the game does not raise the dead. When this door opens the boxes and stuff by pressing the space bar. Management to reassign impossible. Has anyone encountered similar?
manhunt 2 Unable to initialize the sound card. Please make sure a sound card and/or driver is installed.
how to recover from this sore?
the computer office Windows to bear - no options.
I have a problem, the same as that roman777roman... but that's when the first black screen has become, a friend suggested to restart the level and everything fell into place... now I have to break the brick box and when I press RMB the good old black screen... what to do???? help out plz..
The people I have a small but secularity problem. I have the Nautique game works on it just above low settings 800x600 razshirenie, smoothing on 0, texture 2, shadows on 1 and shorter in some moments I reduce rasshirenie the game runs fine. but I want to play on higher or even no brakes on the old settings. Help
Similar situation, but have me on full settings rushing super, and if the resolution is more than 800x600 do, retards.
Have me problem people!!!! Manhunt2 does not want ustanavlivatsya(pointed out the installation folder of the game and she's not even responding....stand still,and then when cancel writes like ошибка1620). Help pliz!!!!
!!!HELP!!!!! when I start the game Manhunt 2 and the K-Lite Codec displays error Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libray
Runtime error
-Floating point support not loaded
what to do?????
also when I run CCleaner and Casper 10 they just fly!(((((((
Danik16 Change Windows - more can't suggest anything , well, to put only native soundcard driver...
people help!!!is not stored,writes the file is corrupted what to do?
The problem has been discussed many times, get the Cyrillic alphabet from the path to the folder with the saves, or create a temporary profile with English title and it play.