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z_sail 25.07.20 09:11 pm

Skyrim is a disappointment (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)

First impression was that the game would be a perfect 10 out of 10.
But with the passage of the second time realized that it is crude and half-assed.
No memorable characters, dull gameplay, and epic invasion of the brothers tempest in Whiterun at all amused, monotonous caves.
Perhaps the best in the game is dragons and the world itself. But all that inhabits this world is dull and boring.
Especially this feeling is increased as you progress through the Witcher 2 and comparing these games.
One can see that the creators of the Witcher have thought through every detail, every corner, the plot is just like the movie! Atmospheric toy.
PS And you were disappointed? You still cheated? For me Oblivion better than Skyrim.
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... ... ... 25.07.20

Well, very much букв1. Did not like the idea of forge. Not well thought out. The money allowed, and allows, in combination with alchemy and enchantment, to make uber and break a game.
About the forge +1, but what about creating the uber-character - matter of each.

2. Not the hot keys Ala console. Bilby who's pile )))
Partially agree. But for example if I use bow/crossbow, and sometimes a melee weapon in the inventory, well, a lot of stuff that seems to be unnecessary, but throw a pity, to dig on the property very well, too annoying. Although I actually care about these keys only 2. On the unit put a sword at deuce crossbow.

3. Did not like that the classes posuti nothing special steels differ. Removed the constellations and stuff. Everything goes to the fact that it will be enough one standard balanica to start the game.

4. Hotelosby more extensive dungeons. Such that it was possible to stray.
Absolutely agree. Hang around these intestines very well, too boring. Especially remembering generirovanie random dungeons of Daggerfall, where getting lost could be in two accounts.

5. Hotelosby real artifacts and not the misery that the game offers. There are of course exceptions but they are few, such as spell breaker. Here it is good. The artifact must have an artifact, not a pathetic piece of hardware, such as the sword of the dawn.
Partially agree. Mentioned sword of the Shining Dawn is designed for battles with the undead. There is the sense of it there are many.

6. Where sakly hacking? Why MAG needs to be picked with picks like some kind of thief?
Another +.

7. Poorly thought out the branches of the perks. A even makes no sense to take even as the best. For example, the whole branch of eloquence or hacking, it is not necessary for anything useful posuti does not.
+1. In one of the previous saves have reached 50+ levels, pumped hacking to a hundred and not a single perk from the appropriate Noi branch is not taken. And have not regretted once.

8. Stone guardians posuti you all to throw and leave one sign of the Lord. In comparison, the rest just don't make sense.
A private matter.

9. Some cities do not deserve to be called them, their name - village, farm, or kolkhoz, well, not a city )))
And I standards.

10. The starting quests and the same line GW, TB, and civil war is made to back off and only cause irritation. Incentive there to jump in just yet. And these guilds, not guilds, and a pack of scumbags and cut do not give.
Alarm. Maralovodstvo. Especially considering that GW and TB worked out where more of those same companions or the College.

11. A lot of bugs. Too much. Patchi bad rule and mostly only added to the shoals. That's annoying.
Well, there and say nothing, anyone would agree.

usoid 25.07.20

Yeah. And you play on doubles weapons or megavoip and will curse this wretched menu for quick access.
About morality. Yes, probably. I always citaty dialogues, and not just stupid vypolnyat said. To me it is important that I am asked to do or require. And always disgusted by the bastards, even if they are just game characters.

DiLouk 25.07.20

Lol, in the menu you can assign any object to any numeric key. Sword 1 shield 2 potion 3, etc.

usoid 25.07.20

Date th? And how to assign the left-hand one sword and the other on the right and the main thing that at once, one click and that is not messed up? How to assign to one hand the axe and the other lechilku and I click 3 could it once have it anytime, anywhere? Don't know and don't whistle )))
With dorogami this channel, and the rest of the bolt Been there, done that. ))

GamEr 25.07.20

Here I liked the game. Of course, the count was not very good. And balance was also not very. But I downloaded SkyRe, Climates Of Tamriel and Climates Of Tamriel - Interriors as well as Better Dynamic Snow, and right now a Mage - Dark elf play. Very much, given the way I have another mod worth of spells Apocalypse. :)

GamEr 25.07.20

Besides, in Oblivion I can no longer play, after Skyrim. :)

Podovan 25.07.20

Skyrim it is great, but it's hard for me to play it after Morra and obly. And yaschitayu that the region was much better.

... ... ... 25.07.20

On Megafone play at the moment. Well, I basically did the sounds of the crossbow. A melee - sword and fire arrow. And everything is normal.

D.Artist 25.07.20

The Witcher? Tried to pass the first part, I almost puked.
Play for the gray-haired man with three neschatnyh styles
the battle which now look shabby, and only one variety
gameplay: potions.
Yes, the dialogue, the plot (for an Amateur), but where's the customizing?
How can I call this game an RPG? The head does not fit.
For the second Witcher, even the brothers do not want, except for the graphics
I was there for myself did not find. I can't play the characters,
where the hero is not handsome, the wager fails, I will not be able
blind it what you want, it's closer still to the shooter.

Skyrim turned out the way had to be
anything extra, I pass the second time, some enthusiasm.
Delivers even more than Morwa at the time.

P. S. Use fashion, the interface I changed already long ago
on classic, for quick menu used and very
conveniently, all the same I wish.

Lunh 25.07.20

So disappointing, played in Oblivion two years , to Skyrim 2 months and no longer pulls.

usoid 25.07.20

What is normal? When you pereklikaetsya on the bow and back to the same knop, kind of Yes. But if I want some options? For example, I want the button 1 to have a sword and a dagger, the button 2 having the axe and agnisar on gnome 3 to have lightning and talisman, on the 4 button ... to Continue or do you already own even so guess?

... ... ... 25.07.20

Put 1 sword 2 dagger, 3 axe, 4 Agnese, 5 lightning, 6 talisman. Press the two buttons are not so difficult. Not much harder than one.

D. Artist
For the second Witcher, even the brothers do not want, except for the graphics
I was there for myself did not find.
Don't forget the disgusting, spread optimization.

Kalduar 25.07.20

hohohoho how many of the Witcher said bad).not even going to go into the dispute and to list the pros of the game,yet everyone has their own opinion.and on topic:no,for me Skyrim is not a disappointment.of course,it is not so addictive like the last part,but still the game is VERY good.I admit,sometimes boring,but if you don't play it for a month and return after a long break,then again immersed for a time with his head.well, if Skyrim sanded modes(normal quality),it will be even better.

Loken2 25.07.20

In the first pass of the game terribly much, but during the second pass, the cons are already visible, and they were quite significant: the Guild in comparison with the previous parts lame, the characters, with rare exception, uninteresting, and of leveling (or rather its simplification) is annoying.
If the Irradiation and Morro played about 2 years in each, the sky month of may wandered and tired.

D.Artist 25.07.20

I honestly find it difficult to understand people who are not inspired by Skyrim,
because the game is truly a masterpiece.
The game is incredibly dark, cold, creepy dungeons (certainly in comparison
with pred. parts), the enemies are done superbly, dragons are fascinating, such
landscapes with Northern siankam, etc. I have never seen (go at night to
the statue of Azura, see for yourself). Approaching the vampire castle in Dawnguard I
jaw dropped, all very Gothic and ambitious.

Passed the first time Demerom - killer - magician illusionist/necromancer,
later became a vampire, put mod Sanguinare Vampiris, and I honestly
say, such a fun game for vampire, especially immersion level,
hardcore passing and other things you even in Vampires the Masquerade
Bloodlines do NOT get it. It's just amazing.

The second time was a Redguard fighter in heavy armor with two-handed axe
(Yes, as he Ysgramor) - battle mage/healer, a former Werewolf (thankfully
healed) - a Vampire hunter and so evil. Put the mod SkyRealism -
Feast and Famine. The game has new faces, now we need to drink, eat and time
to sleep. Indescribable pleasure, where your character is hungry, dehydrated
and tired, left without supplies in a backpack barely dragged on frozen
forests of the night, and he is attacked by a pack of wolves, the fight will be very serious, even for
pumped Persian, because the penalties are very severe. And suddenly, from afar can see the fire,
or a lonely tavern to get drunk, Nestle, fight and sleep it off.
All this makes the game unique, just that you will not see anywhere else, like
may not like it?

In addition, I have a bunch of mods ruling the game in the direction of realism,
Oh, what-what, but the monotony of Skyrim is not exactly threatening.

First Guild in the Sky made commercials 10 times better than in the same Oble
for thoroughness, in color of characters, the presence of interesting,
do exciting quests. In the second place, the pumping, there is only
one drawback: you don't have to sleep in front of the distribution points characteristics
and perks. Unlike the previous installments where you could slacsite
ALL the parameters of the Persians, and to make him a God who 1 shot all the tears,
in the Sky to have how to think whether to take one or the other
perk because ash stump points is not enough for all.

The_apathy 25.07.20

The best impression gives the first game,an incredible study of the world is mesmerizing,
again, nothing unknown,in caves and strongholds are fear,love that you can equip a weapon in each hand,dragons-that says it all.
I do not agree with prediduschim statement fashion of realism in the Sky and not so vivid(at least I did not like).
Guild Oble was much more interesting,especially the Dark Brotherhood.
Even after Skye to the Field to play no longer want, really hurt the graphics in it seem miserable.

Loken2 25.07.20

D. Artist

Guild in the sky better than Oble?)) This is certainly not)In the sky Board and the thieves - well, just lame(IMHO kanesh), TB and Colleagues, more or less, but I Oble the same still more Guild like. And about the pimp in the Sky can be crafted so the armor that God be not at maximum settings...
Fashion is not considered as a mod and the region looks absolutely differently.
PS About mod for vampires Yes indeed good, but in the same oble was a good vampire mod, only not remember the name.

Drimer_ 25.07.20

For me
Oblivion better than Skyrim. che Smoking?

JekST 25.07.20


Outer [survived the end o 25.07.20
