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z_sail 25.07.20 09:11 pm

Skyrim is a disappointment (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)

First impression was that the game would be a perfect 10 out of 10.
But with the passage of the second time realized that it is crude and half-assed.
No memorable characters, dull gameplay, and epic invasion of the brothers tempest in Whiterun at all amused, monotonous caves.
Perhaps the best in the game is dragons and the world itself. But all that inhabits this world is dull and boring.
Especially this feeling is increased as you progress through the Witcher 2 and comparing these games.
One can see that the creators of the Witcher have thought through every detail, every corner, the plot is just like the movie! Atmospheric toy.
PS And you were disappointed? You still cheated? For me Oblivion better than Skyrim.
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Tomomi 25.07.20

Ah, well then it is necessary to compare not current on this forum - there should actually be one opinion...
although sometimes come across like GeniusW234, with their damning arguments of the 9 letters,but is a lover of intellectual games most likely...

Whyrauch 25.07.20

I don't think you will be able to collect on this forum exclusively like-minded people. Still have to develop a backup plan. Can bribe others... :))) But with GeniusW234 will have to Tinker: not flint!!! :)))

Tomomi 25.07.20

in the literal sense,right?
by the way you don't mind that I read your nickname in Russian?

GliGliKo 25.07.20

Oh my, these fans of the Witcher, I painted, so painted that I made the most pointless purchase in my life-bought kollektsionku the Witcher, the bullshit, cards and other things. and even 5 minutes of play... the bottom of something else)
in Skyrim I don't like the repetitive dungeons, too, the Dwemer ruins and all sorts of gatherings of Draugi
but the magnitude of the game, intelligent game the world and many of the smaller stories do not give the abyss the interest in this game even two years after release)
although the fact that the dragonborn, saving the world, running around, looking for the grenade to a dealer a little fun, but it's just a game :)
but with the end of may, something pushed me to play as after the game) beginning a new passage, already at 54 level and quests as a first pass, passing by reading about them on the TES wiki and learn a lot, so if you immerse yourself fully in this world, he is probably the best of the game)

sorry for little off, but it is lol)

KIRGO 25.07.20

Citizen, you must be at the beginner level and played with a cheat?
Then clear the stump - no interest in the game will not submit!

Tomomi 25.07.20

all true(although about dungeons monotonous ruins of the Dwemer and all sorts of gatherings of Draugi slightly bent)!
but judging by your avatar(and it's passport photo if anyone knows) - do you really love Skyrim...and rightly so

Pril Balsam 25.07.20

It's funny to watch when HS, building a castle for Merak at the stones of Solstheim, wipes the sweat off his helmet

Tomomi 25.07.20

eeemmm... enlighten me...

Paul Langergans 25.07.20

Skyrim normal game with a good story,beautiful graphics,why drive on a good product?

Tomomi 25.07.20

envy on the GREAT often driven because of this...

Pril Balsam 25.07.20

It's in the DLC Dragonborn, we get to the island Solstheim

Tomomi 25.07.20

have not played,need to have to do this...

Stradalik 25.07.20

Do not find fault with yoke, yoke,great as Oblivion. It all depends on oneself. The characters of grey? do what they want with Skyrim NPC Editor. Download add-ons the ones that match your worldview,but not everything. And do not be stupid to follow the plot, and so he himself will manifest. Different variations of quests and character can change the game beyond recognition. My son tried it and didn't recognize the game. Other people, other companions and do not behave. And everything else and clothing and weapons. I play a female character and brought his GG to perfection. I like that better. Me 64g. and in my life seen a lot. Fighting in this game is not the most important thing, but if someone wants more blood and fights play to another or load the file that bloodthirsty and don't miss this game!!! So, improvise and all will be interesting. I play the game a second time.The first was relatively interesting. Now playing more than a year, no end in sight. GG and the rest go on the other, behave as I prefer,all have their homes, trade for my income, even
dressed differently, war is less, and play more interesting. So, what about the game is that it does not match(to WHOM?), I don't agree.


KIRGO 25.07.20

Absolutely agree!!! the game - and endless variations - the car and small truck with trailer and freight train length km type 1000!)
The NORDS are people severe!!! Skyrim - the way of life!!!)

usoid 25.07.20

Tired of Skyrim. Level to 40-mu desire to play it constantly eroding. Overpower yourself or to postpone the game for a while. Anyway, yesterday I put Morrowind and now in anticipation of great merrymaking. You can start to envy )))

VadimGold 25.07.20

Yes, it's so hard to put really, goes to envy

Infiltrator 25.07.20

Mirak disappointed.

KIRGO 25.07.20

Require continuation of the Banquet!=)))

Tomomi 25.07.20

Oh,what a disappointment,that current I saw five of ones

irin_ 25.07.20

in men jarls to choose.