The game pirates on the net!!!! (Borderlands)
A pirated version of Borderlands you can play online. And help us in this applet Gameranger it is possible to download from here download the prog, install, signup and start GameRanger. in the Section, select My Games and you will get those games that you can play through it. Borderlands one of many. Just order 600 games. So...I'm a bit otexa from the topic =) Seeing the room go to the one that will like it and Go! enjoy a cooperative game! =)Yes and also one... a little Prog on the net inglish, and basically there is a Bazaar in English, between users... so the need for language skills is present, but not sure =) good Luck!
gamspy not available only when running the game via GameRanger, GameSpy falls very rarely.
ser4768 that was not empty coming in online first choose the Persian, who to play with. And then look for the servers.
So I'm the host,just my friend's Internet is slower.
When he created, we both lag.
When I created everything was normal.I say that we used to play,but then that is such crap.
P. S I ksat just before this game launched and played via GameSpy and then this crap showed up.
We downloaded the RePack and only played using Game Ranger!!!
playing through GR immediately kicks you both in the Lobby, poke Ready and drove. In gamspy to go is not necessary. If you are from the same network, you can do using BattleLAN to play, knowing the IP of each other.
The problem came about because of what?
So I'm the host,just my friend's Internet is slower.
When he created, we both lag.
When I created everything was normal.I say that we used to play,but then that is such crap.
P. S I ksat just before this game launched and played via GameSpy and then this crap showed up.
We downloaded the RePack and only played using Game Ranger!!!
Problem appeared after I played through GameSpy.How to fix it if you know write for more.
playing through GR immediately kicks you both in the Lobby, poke Ready and drove. In gamspy to go is not necessary. If you are from the same network, you can do using BattleLAN to play, knowing the IP of each other.
The problem came about because of what?
check whether the same version of the game you have. Play through one or through GR or GameSpy. If you have friends, create a game and just invite it to yourself. With the latest Adon MadMOxxi released patch 1.2.0
Problem appeared after I played through GameSpy.How to fix it if you know write for more.
Using GameSpy is not working,15 seconds goes out and all the Versions are identical,and the patch try download.
check whether the same version of the game you have. Play through one or through GR or GameSpy. If you have friends, create a game and just invite it to yourself. With the latest Adon MadMOxxi released patch 1.2.0
Using GameSpy is not working,15 seconds goes out and all the Versions are identical,and the patch try download.
Lyudi I can to help , problema this: my friend gamali on the Internet played 10 minutes gamali then diconekt and all now waiting for 15 seconds when pokupaetsya and yet it is impossible now
Lyudi I can to help , problema this: my friend gamali on the Internet played 10 minutes gamali then diconekt and all now waiting for 15 seconds when pokupaetsya and yet it is impossible now
Help! I should add-on the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned! I go to network, write, to play online download patch. Press Yes and go to the website download patch! I downloaded it, extracted, ran the install, and he writes to me This package will only update the retail DVD version of Borderlands. lf you purchased your copy from an online digital distribution service that allowed you to download the product, then you must receive updates from them.! What are they doing?