Funny (Mafia 2)
We describe funny incidents that happened to you =)I was running away from the cops on the bridge and crashed into the car, the engine was cut out, I was rolling off the bridge 200 meters into an alley) 2 cop cars followed me at low speed on a braggart, side by side, not behind the screen , which is a pity) their sides have merged into one ...
In the demo, the military (in groups), the passenger and the maize fly, there are also yachts, one large ship and barges, tugs ...
Heh, funny)
In general, I started a fight, the cops come up like "get out of here so I don't see you", and the car was open! I sit down and at this time the cop xDD sits down and, in general, I drove with him) he says like "turn off the engine and get out"
Yesterday there was a massacre of 10 by 10 blacks against the cops. It was very funny how blacks are trying to go against the Thompsons and pump-action guns =)
Read the topic name! It is clearly written Funny from the mafia (Not poshalki) and nothing else!
Uncle twisted:
damn ... poor negro)
Empayrbeyskie cops are so severe that collect fence in an accordion Toko like this:
Well, if Vito handsome all the same? xD
xDD Vito negoduE)))