Funny (Mafia 2)
We describe funny incidents that happened to you =)I was running away from the cops on the bridge and crashed into the car, the engine was cut out, I was rolling off the bridge 200 meters into an alley) 2 cop cars followed me at low speed on a braggart, side by side, not behind the screen , which is a pity) their sides have merged into one ...
Just a joke: I get into a shootout with niggas, the police come, put me on my knees and it says that you can give a bribe of $ 100, but suddenly, she gets distracted from me, kills one nigga (I'm not running anywhere), again puts me on knees and already requires $ 300, their business is not sickly, right ??)))))
Once Vito decided to work as a taxi driver, and his first client was a cop.
"Swirl my things neatly, OR I WILL ARREST!"
Cop- "Look, birdie!", Vit- "Where?"
Vito: "Well, where is she? ALREADY BROKEN THE WHOLE CAR BECAUSE OF YOU!", Cop: "Yes, there she is, look!"
Ripper Man
Cop-karate players
Grand Theft Aero [Rides Lada Priore] Smiled
about the bird))))
In this demo, you can make a lot of funny screenshots.
In this screenshot, the enraged cops who shoot at themselves))
The first cop shoots himself in the leg with such a face ... I decided to help the second cop ...
........ Tired of the niggas that the cops are constantly pushing them and decided to shoot them an arrow, both sides came, but as the niggas saw that all the cops in the city came to the disassembly, they crap and they started to scrape ... ...... oh and a lot of chocolates then fell ...
By the way, you can hunt pigeons in the game, here are the screenshots:
Before the shot:
After the shot:
again puts me on my knees and demands $ 300, their business is not sickly, right ??)))))
They raised the price for the ammunition spent on that nigga) The cops of our town, as you know, do not regret ammunition - if you shoot, then just a clip!
damn I'm sitting reading posts and really laughing)))
sho you wanted to get up to work at 5 am, at this time the favorite police establishment, "Empire Diner", is still closed =)
The phrase of the aunt from the diner "Okay, take off your pants"
What could that mean ??))))))))))))
from one phrase from her lips "Hello, handsome" stirs me up, and you kill like that ..!)