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_GrID_ 15.01.21 08:09 pm

Technical Issues (Section 8)

Here we discuss problems with the game. Here is the first one:
at startup it gives "Failed to find default engine .ini file to retrieve My Documents subdirectory to use. Force quiting"
What to do?
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Vasyatka 15.01.21

I have such a problem, after installation, a virus is detected in the S8.exe file and it is automatically pushed into quarantine without this file, please give me a link to this file (weighs 24 kb), thanks in advance

STALKER WOWter 15.01.21

Vasyatka I have the same problem and on the license, and where the Loader.exe file is required, it's a pirate

FreeZy121 15.01.21

Help! Who has a non-cracked file S8.exe pliz (better in HP)

UNIS 111 15.01.21

I suffered for a long time, igruha went, give me a key for playing on an Internet

krot8463 15.01.21

good people, HELP PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!! this creature will not let me go (GF windows live) !!!!! tell me what to do, but a very large prose in the EARTH LANGUAGE

Villeas 15.01.21

Hello everyone here! So someone was able to solve this problem with the initialization error Games for Windows LIVE in the game Section 8, otherwise we have been torturing the computer for more than a day, and everything is useless, and we are registered on LIVE, AND THAT IS A STRANGE OTHER GAME Games for Windows LIVE starts and plays fine but this one does not want to. Tell me who managed to cope with this? !!

Villeas 15.01.21

We have the same problem with this game ...
And a license from 1c.
It is installed without problems, it starts too. After the introductory video, "Press any key" appears. When pressed, the "Games for Windows - Live initialization error" window pops up, on which there is only an "OK" button. When it is pressed the game falls on a working stol.I we removed everything that is said and rebooted, but the problem remains so, and even bought a disc for nothing what? Here's how to run other games and run the exact same example
BioShock2 and on and running and when uninstalling Games for Windows - Live, but this one does not want to play, but that is, after the splash screen, it starts. Here are the problems ...................... with ?! !

Villeas 15.01.21

We put a livuha, russified it, and it is played normally, without any license we bought! And the money spent, though not so big and big, we donate to 1C, let them enjoy ours and others who bought and spent time and money, and we went through a lot of them on the sites with this problem !

Vasili Kylik 15.01.21

When the game starts, it throws an ERROR error. Does anyone know what the problem is?

777SASHA777 15.01.21

help me have such a problem, when the game starts, an error (ERROR) flies in which it says: Files Missing, Reinstall the Game. And then the Generic 17.AAPY Trojan horse virus crashes. I have an AVG antivirus

MdeN 15.01.21

Save people! I go into the game and I get the following message: "Please use the Games for Windows live Launcher" how to start it with this garbage?

razer51rus 15.01.21

People skip if you can. Everything is fine, but at startup the physxcudart_20.dll error appears. what to do ?

Zeed ... 15.01.21

physxcudart_20.dll You do not have Nvidia PhysX installed, reinstall it or install it from the game disk, or find this file and drop it into the game folder or system32

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happens if you have the newest version or the old one without a new one marketplace!
There is a topic in the neighborhood, I wrote there how to remove it!
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Keys from Dr. GFWL games will NOT work! Unless you can try the key from the previous part of the game.

Weletsss 15.01.21

Help, the game itself is running fine, but the camera is not working. No gamepads are connected.
P.S. In the settings, only 2 slots for the camera (left and right) should it be so?

VenomArrow 15.01.21

at startup it gives out "Failed to find default engine .ini file to retrieve My Documents subdirectory to use. Force quiting"
did anyone come across? I need help, otherwise after completing the 3rd part, nostalgia tormented ...

Mobius96 15.01.21

the "Press any key" window appears. I pressed all the keys, but nothing. only when you press Ё the console appears. what to do? how to make klava work

Adamast_IS 15.01.21

How did you solve this problem with the .ini file? And then I have the same

Volrest 15.01.21

People help me with such a joke with the game.

I start all the normul, then he asks to press any button I SHOOT ALL BUTTONS NEFIG DOES NOT WORK EVERYTHING ASKS "Press any button" What to do ????????

dima21322 15.01.21

writes what failed to start life

KyoNeX 15.01.21

Here is a solution to some problems:
1) if an error about physxcudart_20.dll pops up at startup, then go to the game folder, open the "Binaries" folder there, find the cudart.dll file, make a copy of it in the same folder and rename this copy to physxcudart_20 .dll, start the game

2) Solving problems with Windows LIVE:
0. It is advisable to do the following before installing the game, and during installation do not check the box "install additional software"
1. through " add or remove programs" remove all related Games for Windows Live
2.after uninstallation, restart your computer
3.download (but do not install yet) the latest version of this application http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/Live/PC/DownloadClient
4. right-click on it, the "compatibility" tab and select run in compatibility mode with Windows Vista (SP2)
5. run and agree to the installation
6. check that the programs with the names "Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE Redistributable" and "Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace"
7. open the store, log in, close it with a cross
8. start the game (and if it is not installed, then install and run)

Source: http://answers.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows / forum / windows_8-gaming /% D0% BF% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B1% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% BC% D0% B0 / 814adfdb-1ca4-4f85-a387-c11dc12a92bd