White whale (Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag)
Many asked questions in the forum - Where to find the white whale or Where the white whale swims.I was wondering too gdezh find? If anyone was caught, write a review.
Please help! I have a licensed game, but no network events does not appear. When in game I go there the offline mode. How need to configure?
do you have a uplay account? There is need the game to register.
Personally I run the game through uplay ACC
I don't know how to help then...
Nothing was set up, downloaded the app Uplay, game appeared, launched and - play.
Maybe in the app settings see: settings - network - enable use proxy connection
Also can the firewall prevents the game release and no
hi, here today I found a whale:
don't really understand how it works, but maybe someone will be useful. Found on 10.12.2013 at 20:30 Moscow time the white whale. Coordinates 638, 901.
I attach a screen:
I was enraged, these Only network events! I have no litsuha, no pills, even no shit, no catches! Only two DLC and ULC in one word - HNYA!!!
Here is a link which has the coordinates of all network events(total chests, white whales, Royal convoys), just saying for some who do not understand, if you downloaded the game from torrent (it's called the pirates), then you these three events are NOT AVAILABLE, JUST EXIT FROM THIS thread!!!!! Crafted to suit buy skin in shop for 20,000 R $ /unit.
Duck here still the LINK:
Swim at the specified coordinates events if one coordinate is not present, swim to the other, around the list at least one trunk, at least one convoy or whale sooner or later there will
By the way, look for my post in the topic networking event!