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The ghost of Russia 10.11.21 03:28 pm

Zone and Stalkers of real life. (STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl)

People write who was at least once near or in the city of Pripyat or its environs, it's just interesting to talk with such a person, I honestly was in this city without jokes, it's really dumb,

well, or write someone who expects to see there or those who would like to go there
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ALEX MD Kurta 10.11.21

Hmm ... found on the internet. Maybe not everyone knows ... How did the accident happen?

The accident at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred on the night of April 25-26, 1986 during tests. The operating personnel had to check if the turbines could generate enough residual energy during a power outage to power the cooling pumps before the emergency power supplies were activated.

To prevent interruption of the experiment, the emergency protection systems were deliberately disabled. To carry out the experiment, it was necessary to reduce the reactor power to a level of 25% of the nominal. However, this process did not go according to plan. Suddenly, for still unclear reasons, the reactor's power dropped to below 1%. The reactor had to be slowly accelerated again. However, 30 seconds after the start of the experiment, the power suddenly increased sharply. Emergency extinguishing of the reactor (stopping the nuclear chain reaction) failed.

In a split second, the power and temperature have increased many times. The reactor is out of control. A powerful explosion took place. The explosion threw out the plate covering the 4th power unit, the weight of which was 1000 tons. At temperatures above 2000єC, the fuel elements (fuel rods) began to melt. Then the graphite shell of the reactor caught fire. In a real fire storm, radioactive fission products from the melting core began to be emitted into the atmosphere.

What were the causes of the accident?

When clarifying the causes of the accident, it was not possible to turn to the experience of similar cases in history. They had to rely on eyewitness accounts, as well as the results of measurements and experiments carried out after the accident. The causes of the accident today are considered a fatal combination of human incompetence and imperfection of technology.

The experiment during which the accident occurred was carried out under time pressure conditions. Almost once after the start of the experiment, on April 25, 1986, it had to be interrupted for 9 hours. It was necessary to supply electricity to the capital of Ukraine - Kiev. As a result, the experiment was carried out at night. However, today it is believed that numerous errors in the design of this type of reactor have played a decisive role.

This includes primarily manual control of the control rods. The power of the reactor is reduced using the so-called control rods: the fewer control rods are between the fuel rods, the more power is generated by the reactor. However, such a "braking" system in this type of reactor has one fatal drawback. When all the rods are withdrawn and then reinserted between the fuel rods, at the first moment this leads to the opposite effect. The reactor power is not reduced. On the contrary, at the first moment it begins to increase.

When a large number of control rods are simultaneously withdrawn and then simultaneously put back in, as happened during the experiment at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the reactor power increases so much that the reactor collapses. A similar mistake, which, however, did not lead to such serious consequences, was already committed once in 1983 at a similar type of reactor in Lithuania. However, no one shared this experience with the Chernobyl operators.

Binocl 10.11.21


Andariele 10.11.21

I found another article: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/memorium/post39586841 The story of Alexander Naumov, a stalker who walked around the Chernobyl zone many times. The article is not new, so most likely all interested persons have already read it. I post it like this, just in case, who has not read the International Federation of Journalists) Very interesting.

ALEX MD Kurta 10.11.21

Good Stilka ... Hmm ... Good ...

ivanl 10.11.21

Guys, the CHAES accident is not a big grief for Ukraine, but for humanity in general. People still mourn the dead. But some of them have made a fortune! For example, the budget of the game Stalker is 3 million or a billion (needs to be clarified). GSC Game word made a big hit. They also talk about tourists, about which they were looking.

I myself am from Ukraine but I live oochchchchchchen far from that city, I would like to go
but a pancake with a dosimer will be more reliable !!!!!))))))))

We are looking for -  ...and we are unlearning double-posting.

Binocl 10.11.21

You are strange people ... Those who live close don't want to go there, and those who are far away just trudge ...

ivanl 10.11.21

because the closer you live, the more fearful you are !!))))

Virus_LR 10.11.21

I VERY WANT TO GO THERE !!!!!!!!! AS ONLY 18 will be, I will wait for summer, and instantly there!

Wasteland Lynx 10.11.21

I also want to. I'll just dig up some money - and Let`s go !!!

ALEX MD Kurta 10.11.21

You know, they brought me a program, they say "you want to look at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant so much, then look at least from above." , I'm happy ... (Who has 128kb or more, the program flies without talking about 1MB and more)

Andariele 10.11.21

The photographs themselves from the 4th power unit are in the file that I posted earlier. And in general there is a whole photo guide of the zone. Truth is not without blunders)) did it myself. Found the site of stalkers http://x18-kemerovo.3dn.ru/ a lot of interesting films on stalking! Here is a trailer for their new project called "Skif" http://rapidshare.com/files/137964181/SKIF_trailer.avi

Sima4 10.11.21

I wouldn't go. Radiation has not yet been studied. Themselves invented, they themselves did not understand))))))) FIG knows. Moreover, each person is individual. Like Fedya went with him the norm, and Petya went - the pussy fell off. IMHO.

I also want to. I'll just dig up some money - and Let`s go !!!
Agentusik, where are you going. You still have a baby. Sit, at home, gulёna)))))))))))))))))
In the "Bar" we will have things up to the neck, if not higher)))))))))).
And after the Clear Sky, they will still bungle, like "SATLKER: Red Lawn", "STALKER: Square Moon".

WTR [doesnt use PG anymor 10.11.21

They say that if, of course, you do not have breakfast at the bronze monument in Pripyat, then nothing will happen. Because 1 hour in Pripyat - 5 hours of normal life. (Not my statement.) You just need a guide who will lead you to more or less cleared places. And so, in principle, Sima4 is right. Especially if there are no children yet.
ZY In my hometown (especially in the center, a couple of kilometers from the plant), the ratio is 1 hour in Pripyat to 2-3 here. :)

Wasteland Lynx 10.11.21

Agentusik, where are you going. You still have a baby. Sit, at home, gulёna))))))))))))))))
Ah-ah, everyone is allowed, but the agent can't? It is unfair ... especially since I am a risky creature - looking for adventures on my own head - this is something like a hobby for me. As for the danger - people, there, go and nothing - if it really would be so scary there - the excursions would be covered.

Sima4 10.11.21

You won't go. Let the others go, and you and I will be here. Listen to stories. I already have two small ones and I don’t want to. And you have everything ahead. We do not know exactly how the majority of "others" are in health. Maybe they can't even eat right now. Not for INTO. Home. To the Bar. )))

YMKA_A 10.11.21

Like Fedya went with him the norm, and Petya went - the pussy fell off. IMHO.
=) It's just inappropriate to write anywhere.

You can walk around Pripyat calmly - but along the main streets and not getting close to large equipment. Mono even go into houses. And it is practically impossible to pick up brothers to the nuclear power plant, tk. there are checkpoints everywhere. Yes, and you don't even have to write close - you will still fall off =)

Virus_LR 10.11.21

Yes, and you don't even have to write close - you will still fall off =)

And if you feel like it ... what are you going to do? Have you pissed yourself in your pants? HEXE ...)))))
Come on, I'm joking ... But seriously, IMHO, Simaphor is right about this: "Agentusik, where are you going. You still have a baby. Sit at home, gulena)) )))))))))))))) "This, in my opinion, applies to everyone ...

Binocle 10.11.21

I think it's worth going through the tests and finding out if the body is ready to be in the Zone ...

stalker7162534 10.11.21

Agent Avenger Ah-ah, everyone is allowed, but the agent is not allowed? It is unfair ... especially since I am a risky creature - looking for adventures on my own head - this is something like a hobby for me.
This is not a reason to drink yada, it is also probably an adventure on your stomach.
There are enough abandoned cities now even without Chernobyl. Even in the United States, Deytroit died!
And we have such cities. Especially in the north.

YMKA_A 10.11.21

In general, I mean that you can want, not want. There is still a strong level of radioactivity.

2 km from the nuclear power plant, the passage is closed at all - only for specialists. And what they did was kind of like a "cap" - it's garbage. Because oseova was done on IRM "ah - which shine like a searchlight.