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termoblаs 10.11.21 07:25 pm

Why do people take loans?

Many people take out loans for cars, furniture, household appliances, apartments, and more. Why do they do it, because they are overpaying frantic interest, it is not easier to accumulate this way. Or their salaries are so small that they cannot buy a thing right away. How do you feel about loans, did you take out something on credit?
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adrax 10.11.21

An apartment on a mortgage, I
'm paying here I had to take it for the reason that the growth in housing prices exceeds the rate of my savings, and it is simply impossible for me to save up for such a purchase

Jackson [x] 10.11.21

No credits!
Anything to refrain from buying, or if you really need to save up.

Infiltratоr 10.11.21

Take so take, that's their right. Let them think for themselves what the consequences might be.

GTAman 10.11.21

I see the point in small loans for a short period. And the overpayment ... Well, the desire to buy something this very minute is worth it. At least, it was worth the only time when we took out a loan to buy me a mobile phone.

Bouuy 10.11.21

such people are called voluntary slaves.

Grunt 10.11.21

Be content with what you have, no need to climb into a hole in debt

EVIL PLAYER 10.11.21

In general, somehow FSUs.

petyabw 10.11.21


Devil208 10.11.21

You don't always have money, for example, for an expensive car, but you want to ride one, so they take it

Grunt 10.11.21

They will take loans, and then the financial crisis begins, everyone wants more

Infiltratоr 10.11.21

They only think about debt afterwards, which is the worst thing. Although the culprits are looking for their own troubles.

Greaser. 10.11.21

Why do people take loans?

To pay for them later. Obviously!

mort666 10.11.21

Hmm, an interesting question. Well, people take loans for the reason that at the moment they do not have the amount of money that they need. For example, a student loan. The child should be arranged in a university, he did not get on the budget (since the educational system is shit, but that's another story). Salary is also a separate topic, because the salary in the country is different in different regions. And yet, depending on what purpose the loan is, let's say 1 price for a laptop, and for a car .... That is, the differences are also significant.

Okruta 10.11.21

Credits are the System's weapon against humanity. Get a loan, you help the System and strengthen its power more and more. Give up loans, don't feed the System!

Fantasy cat 10.11.21

Author, are you not living in Russia? The phrase, "They have little wages or something," killed ... That's why they take loans.

Lord ozon 10.11.21

What do the words "credit" and "decree" have in common?
- In both cases, everything starts with pleasure and ends with problems.


Aarvinok 10.11.21

let them take it. if they don't know how to wait

zxc099 10.11.21

We in Kazakhstan give an interest-free loan for equipment without overpayment, without prepayment (some banks) you only pay for life insurance (the maximum loan term without overpayment is 1.6 years)

Ripper man 10.11.21

Such a life

Antoine777 10.11.21

This is SLAVERY!

SpoilerYou are born and die in inequality. Because equality in modern society is not physically possible. One person is born with a height of 2 meters, champion genetics and in a wealthy family, and the other is born in a family of alcoholics. From that moment on, they are not equal. The first will have more resources and opportunities to take possession of the second. But whether it will be one way or another always depends on three decisions that these people will make.

For thousands of years, mankind has lived in a slave system. As a matter of fact, it is from this period that the conscious history of Homosapiens begins (all these Egypt, Sumerians, etc.). There were masters who owned resources and "fundamental methodological" knowledge (how and why certain things happen) and there were slaves who were one of these resources. The slaves possessed only “substantive-factual” knowledge (how to grow grain, fix shoes, melt metal). For thousands of years, slavery was open: one person was the property of another person or the state. It was natural.

But as the number of people on the planet increased, the struggle for freedom became more and more fierce, because the number of slaves, overflowing with hatred, significantly exceeded the number of masters. To contain such a number of people with the help of open violence and fear of death became more and more dangerous. And then the owners came up with a perfect solution. They invented such slavery so that a person enjoyed his chains, being in the illusion of freedom. In general, in order to control a slave, there are two main mechanisms.

The essence of slavery is very simple: the subordination of one being to another. BUT in order for such obedience to be possible, the SLAVE MUST (control mechanisms):

Either they are afraid of PUNISHMENT in the form of restriction of freedom, physical pain or death.
Or not to realize that he is a slave (to be in the illusion that he is free)
Religion and science have created a wonderful basis for manipulating other people due to their fear of DEATH.

SCIENTIFIC point of view: I am a person. I am MY BODY and MY CONSCIOUSNESS, because it consists of thoughts that “run” inside my head. In the head is the cranium with the brain inside. The death of the body entails the death of the brain. If the brain is dead, there is no consciousness. Horror…. My I AM DIED. I am no more! I'm afraid ...

RELIGIOUS point of view: If we are God's slaves, then God is a slave owner? Heh ... heh ... Okay, the meaning is this: I am the SOUL. BUT the soul for bad behavior after the trial will go to HELL to the Devil where eternity will be tormented in boiling oil. Horror ... boiling oil is bad for my karma. I don't want to die! I'm afraid….

Merging BODY with CONSCIOUSNESS (in the definition of their I) gave slave owners an amazing opportunity to cause fear of the death of the body and control it under the threat of this death (this was actively used in the past). Much later (in our time), this made it possible to create an artificial transfer of the needs of the body to the need of consciousness and introduce a more progressive mechanism of slavery - financial (this is what is actively used now). The slave constantly thinks that his body needs better clothes, a better car, a woman, housing, etc.

Modern slavery

For thousands of years, the dominant class FORCE forced most people to work for it under the threat of violence and death. And then, rather quickly, the dominant class of CAM abandoned such coercion throughout the entire world. Strange ... isn't it? It's just that the POWER OWNERS have realized that the populization of material values ​​works much more efficiently than a stick and a whip. They realized that they would be able to keep people in poverty, hunger and get all the necessary work for a penny anyway. And so it happened.

The main families, the real OWNERS, the planet have not gone anywhere. They are in the shadows. They are not on the Forbes lists. Because these lists are kindergarten for them. The Rhodshelds and Their Neighbors: The Freemans, Morganans, and Rockefellers have survived states, wars, revolutions, and royal families. Because for many centuries they have been the true masters of the planet. Wars, revolutions and royal family names change at the wave of their finger.

Most people on planet earth live below the poverty line. Not of their own free will or coincidence. They are not lazy or disabled, but they cannot afford a car, a house, or even a decent defense of their rights. Absolutely nothing! Moreover, this is even in countries with enormous natural resources and in a stable peacetime. What the hell is this?

Hosts create an unnecessary world of luxury and consumerism by inventing countless unnecessary things that you can perfectly do without.

The owners (using the media, films, advertising, show business, etc.) popularize material values ​​deliberately overstating their value. The owners assure you that owning it is the main indicator of success. "What have you achieved in this life?" - form an assessment in a purely material sphere.

The owners underestimate the value of your work because you are worthless to them. We are forced to huddle in slums or concrete multi-storey chicken coops. We earn with blood and sweat for bread, clothes and one short trip of a semi-lousy vacation a year. While the owners (bankers) simply draw for themselves the required number of bills, for which people are ready to die. Capital dictates laws, fashion, politics.

Modern slavery is a man's slavery to OWN desires artificially inserted into his consciousness through the base needs of his body.


All these artificial desires have the same artificial equivalent - pieces of paper (MONEY), for which they can be satisfied. The owners are the people who PRINT these pieces of paper. Many people think that billionaires (such as Abramovich, Deripaska or Khodarkovsky) are the owners. BUT this is not at all the case. These are the OPERATORS of the system that govern the labor of the slaves. In fact, they are also slaves. The hosts don't make money. THEY PRINT them, and have everyone around! Yes ... and by the way, Rodschild is not on the FORBS list. I think Jacob Rodschild laughs when he sees the numbers in this respected publication.

Only the OWNERS have the right to print colored pieces of paper (money) and only they know how many of them are actually printed. Anyone who dares to print them on their own will face harsh punishments. For these purposes, there are structures of overseers and punishers (as in ancient times). The law, the police, and the court not according to conscience but according to the LAW of the owners. Thanks to which they send us to war, put us in cages for debts, restrict the possibility of relocation or the right to have weapons. So who are we?

How is it? Got it? This, comrade, is not all. Understanding perfectly well that the value of pieces of paper is regulated by their quantity, slaveholders skillfully manage our diligence, increasing their number (which makes it easier to earn), or reducing it, which forces us to plow twice as hard, overcoming the "economic crisis". Only the owners decide how many of them will be printed: so that everyone has enough or that there is a deficit. Only they decide whether to put more of them into circulation and make it easier for us to buy a new can of protein, or to withdraw some of the pieces of paper from circulation and make us work even harder. No whips, as you can see….

This is how workload management works. Deflation and inflation are not economic processes at all - they are tools for managing SLAVES.

Modern slavery takes on the most brutal and sophisticated forms. This is, first of all, the alienation of people (people, slaves) from land and natural resources through unjust privatizations, monopolizations, and indeed the entire system of law as a whole. Russia is the richest country in the world, provided that this wealth is equally distributed, we would not have to work AT ALL as citizens in the UAE. The countries of the Middle East, with their oil among the bare deserts, are babies in comparison with the adult “Mother Russia”, if we compare the quantity and quality of them and our reserves. We have all the main resources and in the largest quantity in the world. From fresh water and forests to oil and gas. But I don't see something around prosperity and prosperity ...

A person cannot even take and simply build a house for himself on a piece of land that no one needs, because the slave owners have arbitrarily given themselves the right to give permission for such buildings or not. Will they give such a right in exchange for what? For MONEY (paper)! What is MONEY? This is your work, your efforts, time, sweat and blood. You are forced to WORK, promising to give what already belongs to you by virtue of natural (human) rights. Slave owners make you work (give money) for land that does not belong to them. Now, even for the right to bury a body in the ground, they take money from the relatives of the deceased and distribute which piece of soil they will give for burial and which one they will not. As a result, most people were unable to afford a piece of this planet in order to build a roof over their heads there.

The fabulous value of real estate and the inability to collect enough colorful pieces of paper to buy them gave rise to the most monstrous form of financial slavery - CREDIT SLAVERY.

The essence of this slavery is revealed in such a film as "Money - the pyramid of debts" and the article "The Tale of the Wise Jeweler." The point is this: money is created not by the state system, but by a private organization (like the US Federal Reserve System). In fact, they can print as much money as they want, because no one controls it (what drugs, weapons and prostitution…. This is all babble, friends. Printing money is a "business" worthy of attention). All this printed money IS then ISSUED: to states, transnational banks, IMF, World Bank, corporations or individuals IN DEBT AT INTEREST! For every ten pieces of paper, you need to return twelve a little later. Where can I get two more? Answer: SAME on debt and at interest! This is a vicious, endless circle! The number of colored pieces of paper is ALWAYS less than the number of debts that need to be paid back for their use.

Thanks to such a senseless but very effective system, modern slaves are more and more drawn into credit bondage, through the mechanism of "loan interest". Every day the modern slave needs more and more, because A modern slave, in order to pay off an interest-bearing loan, takes a new loan without giving up the old one, creating a pyramid of debts.

The most terrible shackles are CREDIT. You may understand everything perfectly, but you always remain human, and even the smallest purchases (thanks to the zombification of us by the slave owners) will bring you pleasure. This is what banks are counting on when they offer you to take a LOAN. It seems to you: well, fig with the fact that the price increases by 50%, but how much pleasure I will get from this purchase. It will be so until you realize that you are in a complete ass. Then the understanding will pass that you are addicted and cannot do what you want.

Now there are loans and mortgages for decades. By agreeing to repay the loan for 30 or even 50 years, you thereby relinquish control over your money and agree to be in debt all your life. This is pure enslavement. You will not be able to easily control your life (change permanent residence, change jobs, etc.), because it will be risky to pay off your debt. Dude! You are a slave!

The modern slave is forced to work non-stop until death, because The money earned by a slave in 1 month is enough to pay for housing for 1 month, food for 1 month and travel for 1 month. Since the modern slave always has enough money for only 1 month, the modern slave is forced to work all his life until death. The pension is also a big fiction, because A retired slave pays his entire pension for housing and food, and a retired slave has no spare money.

Many modern slaves naively believe that they work for the state. BUT this is not so, because the money of the slave goes into the pocket of the slave owners, and the very concept of state and democracy is used to cloud the brains of slaves. So that you do not ask questions such as:

Why do I work all my life and remain poor?
Why don't I have a share of the profit from the business that I do?
Why can't I live where I want?
Why should I work for pieces of paper?
Why is inflation happening and I'm getting poorer?
Why can't I move and buy property in another city or country?
Difficult questions? Everything is very simple. We are slaves. And the state mechanism forces modern slaves to work at the same job on enslaving conditions for pennies (pieces of paper). slaves simply should not have other conditions and the slaves have nothing and nowhere to run away!

It is difficult to find a truly effective way out, sometimes it seems to me that the institution of slavery is peculiar to humanity. Let's say a modern SPARTAK appeared and defeated the RODSHILDS, abolished money and slavery .... What next? Communism? How many of you will go to work tomorrow for free, simply because you understand that it is so necessary? Units. It would be the perfect solution, but our unfortunate 70 years of experience says that there are always many more assholes than real people. Therefore, the most effective solution will not work ... we have not yet "matured" spiritually and mentally for such decisions.

An intermediate effective solution would be the abolition of credit (no commodity-backed) money. And the transfer of the function of printing this money to state organizations (for people) and not to private ones as it is now. BUT these thoughts were not the first to enter my head. Kennedy wanted to do just that, and Lincoln wanted to do just that. Both of these presidents wanted to start issuing government money bypassing the Fed. And both of these presidents were immediately killed after that. Slaves should know their place!

The next interim effective solution would be to peg the ruble to a gold basis and not peg to the US dollar. This was exactly what was spelled out in the decree of the USSR of March 1, 1950. And it was after this that the most rapid growth of our country began. BUT ... for some reason, Stalin very soon and mysteriously died. Strange coincidences? By the way, Khrushchev returned the peg of the ruble to the paper dollar, and at the same time the exchange rate decreased by more than two times. This rebuilt system of robbery of people is still in effect in all the former Soviet republics, because the slave owners need it.

But all of the above are global solutions, so to speak. And that won't happen anytime soon, because I don't believe in fairy tales. Rather, I believe that the Slaveholders will "reset the counter" of currencies and come up with a new equivalent (new colored piece of paper) instead of the dollar (old piece of paper) in order to continue to powder the brains of the slaves. The point now is not about how to get rid of slavery in general, but about how to get maximum freedom in your slavery. So ...

TIPS (how to get more freedom):

Stop evaluating your success in life from a material point of view. This is imposed on you in order to make you work. Success is like superiority over others, maybe in ANY OTHER SPHERE: who knows better, who runs better, draws, shoots girls, pulls up or composes poetry. In this regard, money is the most flawed and gray of the spheres, because it is not tied to a specific person.
Cool down your financial appetites and learn to live within your means. Most of the things that advertise and that you want to buy with money, you DO NOT NEED! Having fun with a well-drawn painting, a book you read, or winning a sports competition is far less expensive than enjoying the latest Lexus. This will lower your financial needs and free up more time. Less work means more time. MORE FREEDOM!
DO NOT TAKE LOANS! It is difficult, because there are too many advertisements around us that suggest to us that this is right and good. BUT it needs to be done. The only way to deal with this addiction is to learn to understand when and how you are being manipulated. You can take out a loan only if it will reduce your spending. For example, you pay $ 500. for rental housing and here you have a mortgage with the same payment. Of course, in this case, you can take it, because this is no longer a loan, but a minimization of costs. And this is, finally, logical.
Learn to save money. This is your "economic security", which will give more freedom in our slave world. Most people don't have enough self-discipline to save money. That is why most people are in the most terrible slave kobala - in credit slavery. Just learn to save a certain percentage of your income.
Ask yourself, how long can you live with the money you have in the absence of further earnings? Security is determined in time and not in money. If you and your family can live as usual without wasting your time and energy to earn money for 6 months, then MY CONGRATULATIONS. You are a freer (richer) person than 90% of the inhabitants of Russia.
Plan and control your spending (money). But what about? Did you think you only need a plan for training? A plan is needed for everything. Actually, a person differs from an animal in that he can see a distant result "from the outside" and take consistent actions to achieve it. A plan will help you gain more freedom. Get yourself a notebook and write down your micro and macro goals. Create a monthly and annual budget. Create contingency funds and deductions. It can even be fun when approached with humor.