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GTAman 10.11.19 11:11 pm

Cheats and cheaters in GTA Online (Grand Theft Auto 5)

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Aleksandr Galchanskiy 10.11.19

Is there a working cheat for money in GTA:O? Just 110 level, and I still have dull and long to farm money, even with offices or a premium racing.

Hermes2017 10.11.19


R_Foxworth 10.11.19

Alexander Hulchanski
SNiP off the ban immediately, and then going there to write about how to rabbanites I have no chairil
So if you don't want down the chimney GTA V and 110 LVL you better play fair. Well, or buy a card of account replenishment Shark.

Alexandr Kostin 10.11.19

Generally look it over and it only look one by one

Aleksandr Galchanskiy 10.11.19

Alexandr Kostin
1 game old. 2-Fixed, not? Apparently, really have to continue to play fair, or just hang it up because no one to play with, and the whole is uniformity the Heist-money-machine has become boring.

JetFIRE13 10.11.19

Alexander Hulchanski
You get used to play without cheats.In 6 of actually going apartment to buy in the mortgage,go to work,medical policy issue.A yacht is a figment of the imagination.

Aleksandr Galchanskiy 10.11.19

Why Get Used To It? I have never used, thought the cheat for money is not so Terrible in comparison with the immortality or teleports. By the way, the first ban give for 9 days and haven't taken anything?

Demon59901 10.11.19

And then the post will be BANNED from GTAO FOR anything

MephistoXX 10.11.19

No cheats, but the bugs - in bulk. At the moment, works great glitch to dup cars that allows you to multiply personally protonirovanie machine. Dupes 30-50 cars, driving them into the garage, then at 180-200k sell each using a different glitch that allows you to get rid of the timer at 45 minutes when selling. A total of 3-4 hours, for which he received a 5-8кк.

I myself have already made 40 million, bought a bunch of cars and real estate, the more money there is no need, and you can play at your pleasure. Ban no is not received, the money has not been reset, everything works perfectly. Unlike cheats, bagous almost not palitsya.

Get on YouTube gta 5 online money glitch 1.35 on the first page will definitely find the bug about which I speak. At the same time and others see it, which, however, less profitable. And still filter the videos by date (last month) that old crap that has long been fixed, didn't show you.

Zabugrom 10.11.19

And I know the author.To vary your game world in GTA online, you need to either spend hours zadrotit the same mission (which, honestly, already got), or Donati or to find a cheater which will give the money. I also got tired a hundred times to pass the same. Donati, I don't want to. Early in the sessions of the normal cheaters were caught, that didn't Shine, they could give money. I'd like to use the money to cheat.

Aleksandr Galchanskiy 10.11.19

can you describe? Just a few in the video is not clear, but not working :(

MephistoXX 10.11.19

Alexander Hulchanski
Well, first consider that to dupaty only those machines that you can from the street, dragged into a garage (your own will not work), and secondly, dup does not have on each server. I usually have 5-10 times to change the session until there is a suitable.

The plan of action is as follows:
1. Find the right car for dupa, better suited to these:
Zion 193k
Dubsta 182k
Shafter 199k
Shwartzer 200k
Buffalo 147k
Fusilade 190k
Beejay XL 169k
Ocelot F620 187k
Cavalcade 170k
Landstalker 173k
Habanero 172k
Felon GT 199k
Sentinel XS 199k
Dominator 191k
Next to the name - the price for which you can sell the car with full boost.
2. Break it and break out the driver's door (this is not a mandatory item, but it seems like the machine is less likely to disappear in this case, I always do).
3. Customize the car to the blue marker is the entrance to the garage ECLIPS tower so that after exiting the car we were right within the label and went inside the garage. (Other houses to bring the car to the marker will not work).
4. Exit the garage and get back in the car. It was necessary to do to Bagnoles. If the bug worked, specifically, this machine will not work to bring in garage - will write that this is not the right vehicle.
5. Call any NPC that gives the job, for example Ron, and the requested case.
6. Now the main item dupe - select the resulting job to the phone, slightly overclock the machine and while the machine is in motion, accept the job (it is important that at the beginning of the loading machine was still moving). As soon as you see the lobby - we come out of it. Then wait for about 5-10 seconds. If the server is suitable, it will appear near the copy machine. If the copy did not appear - change the session and repeated all points.
7. If a copy there, then take bagnutuû machine (the one we broke, not a copy) and taking it to the workshop. Improve to the maximum. Then, drive up to the garage and dupem the car (don't forget to beat her before this and to break down the door, just in case). To bring the car to the marker is not necessary, you only need to accept the mission in motion. Have dupoly one machine - driven copy to the garage, came out dupoly another one, again drove the copy to the garage and so far all the garages didn't score copies.
8. When garages are filled, start the machine to sell in the shop. To get rid of the limit in 45 minutes at the sale, after the sale of the car, as soon as the black screen output from the workshop, turn the game Manager (you need to pre-translate the game in windowed mode and positioned next to an outdoor Manager to be able to minimize the game while it hangs black screen). Then, again go in the game and sell the next car.

I will add that it is better to dupaty car in deserted places (for example in ECLIPS tavera Dubai in the car Park behind the tower), not to confuse players. And then another notice and distribute any report.

Aleksandr Galchanskiy 10.11.19

Sometimes the car disappears after exiting the garage. What does that mean?

MephistoXX 10.11.19

Alexander Hulchanski
Bagnuty a machine when you have delivered a copy to the garage, can be lost, then have to find a new one and again to improve it. Therefore it is better to beat the car - less chance that he will disappear (although this may just think so). But it happens rarely, I have 2-3 times only gone.

tuman31 10.11.19

I had so, found the car satunin, at last the grandmother, made the dup, at the base tore off the door of the dup in the garage... getting there is the original( and spat on the case, the dup has sold, but it did not cover the costs was hurt and scored a big bolt on this bug.

MephistoXX 10.11.19

Yeah, it's sad when this happens. I also have 1 times the first car is missing. But it's not so scary - no 1 fair way will not yield such profit as this bug. Where else do you for 3 hours Navarrete 5-8кк)
The only caveat at the beginning of the dupe should have ~1kk cash. To improve 2 cars to complete the program (if first lost).

Gamejoy 10.11.19

There is a wish to look after the machine? =)
I accordingly look after your.
P. S. Two times found working session, and twice this expensive snake disappeared while I was in the garage...
The third is not solved =)))

.Chiken 10.11.19

From the comments on YouTube to this bug, in short: there are three types of sessions - some bug not working in other works, in the third works, but not fully - the original disappears, hit him or don't hit, pull the door or don't pull. I tend to believe this assumption, he yesterday tried to dupot - very long searched for the session, was caught twice session type III. Suggest to have a couple duputy cars in the garage, if the original is not gone - boldly taking it on tuning xD

Aleksandr Galchanskiy 10.11.19

I have some other problem, sometimes the car disappears when I'm going to sabahat(driver's door Knock, break, etc.) come to ECLIPS TAVER, put the car to go to the blue marker, go-go and no car.

Gamejoy 10.11.19

Alexander Hulchanski
This session of the first type...