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GTAman 10.11.19 11:11 pm

Cheats and cheaters in GTA Online (Grand Theft Auto 5)

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ComptonBlocc 10.11.19

can a cheater rewritten in session a stranger a nickname?
I threatened the person in session I 20+ times failed. after more than an hour into the game a man walked in with a different name (not which I cut down) but pokazyvalas murder that it was him. began to threaten that will be copied my nickname and will cititi until I was banned. it's a shame that I 2013 play, no ban and here is the story
someone was framed?
just in case your nickname slipped. (if anyone understands English)

Demon59901 10.11.19

Tin. Write to the support team the situation. And throw a flag on that guy.

Veselyy_pekar 10.11.19

Yes garbage, don't worry, the usual shkololo threats

pashtet0210 10.11.19


hardqest 10.11.19

The demon in this case the rights to make a screen with his threats and send him support,his ip, and banned.

The Dmitry Disaire 10.11.19

Yes, hammer and roll report is all.

Aleksandr Kozlov Evgenevi 10.11.19

Not stsy, banyat Social Club Id, you can kill him and continue to sleep peacefully.

Dragon Land 10.11.19

and for that he report to throw and ban?! because he threatened to ban you? he can not do that and you can not ban for empty threats. Lock it into a social club. And more you will not find in the game.

Bupycop 10.11.19

Well, he can't make a nickname like yours, because it will be busy, as a COP, to threaten that I'm gonna make nick like yours, will turn on cheats and you banned.
PS In the distant past, there was a similar situation in cs 1.5, the person ruined my reputation on the servers, played with my nickname and cheat, good to know lots of people and they have repaid my trust.

JetFIRE13 10.11.19

So the ip and id are different,even though your nickname will of the coat.Not support fools.

vatsonification 10.11.19

ComptonBlocc wrote: I pokazyvalas murder that it was him
Just stat glitch, after he came out of the session, the score was zero
As if he could ever for you to connect again?

ComptonBlocc 10.11.19

dok925он saying how he has a channel on YouTube called. what would I have thou would himself saw me (he and my nickname) citit. but I English is not Gud I understand, I forgot(
all and anything. the fact that he is going to ytou to put that on there I have been punished, like a link, report not sent but there is a video.
I would seriously not react if I did the first time seen. he has twice come under different nicknames in a random session. it is 100% he TK the number of murders 20+ I in this session only one mug issued)

in session, besides me, a lot of people, likely not by accident. and I session have not changed. found as not know, it would wish, and maybe accidentally. but I'm with him Golosova chat said at the very beginning. I'm sure he is.
nigga, unhappy that I kill him

vatsonification 10.11.19

He might have 2 Akka: clean and cheat. And connect it back, because either his friends remained in the session, or gang

MiGamer86 10.11.19

Rokstar also do not consider that report with the evidence - only in-game reports and there account and a certain nick. And the account has a nickname and even your iD.

ComptonBlocc 10.11.19

if I had known this before. when meeting in session, will these mice to tear up in the gap even better

DEKOLTEN__9999 10.11.19

in kitarov a lot of very became

.-.- 10.11.19

Why are so many of them and they are so brazen?In GTA there's no bans?

The_Undertaker_ 10.11.19

Anti-cheat is, but bans it, as a rule, honest players that suffered from cheaters, taking from them a couple of million

Levokos 10.11.19

From public cheats there is only 1 (this is enormous progress compared to the year 2015), from privato - about 5-6.
Bans are, but: the Cheetah is a function of the change of the nickname (in game time) - the report will not come, if only to reportit the player profile.

KARAS NE RYBA 10.11.19

because consoles need to play