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nat.mih 21.11.21 09:26 pm

GTA Online Festive Surprise 2015 (Grand Theft Auto 5)

New Year's clothes and masks are already available in the game, you can put New Year's horns on cars. Snow will be given later. I never found the New Year's red stocking-mask. Will it be added at all? Or will it only be on consoles, like beer caps?
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victorzh 21.11.21

Kuruma is not on off-road wheels by accident? On mine there are tires with an evil tread, and - lo and behold - she finally drove through the snow. But Tampa, or worse, any lowrider in the snow, is just hell. In Benny's Bukkaner (if the roof is removed) the snow textures show through the floor textures - it looks wild. I think Chino (I don't have a convertible) has the same problem.
I also unpleasantly surprised Dubsta 6x6 - at first I was sure that it would be the best transport for winter, but it always unfolds ... The same Boller, which I have on ordinary, not all-terrain wheels, has no such problem, and ride on the snow is easier on it.

The first half hour of the game I was delighted with the snow and fog. But after playing for 2 hours, I caught myself thinking - oh, how great it is that the snow will be removed soon. It is generally impossible to fly on the vertical (if you look out for something below) - fog and near-zero visibility. The sniper is also a problem. Even a yacht with illuminated sides from the shore is poorly visible.

victorzh 21.11.21

I've already bought a full set of missiles three times - they are used up very quickly :) Well, the prices for them, by the way.

UPD: I went into the game - they gave me gifts. The notification appears when you leave the house.
The gifts are the following (if someone does not want to spoil the surprise, I will clean it under the spoiler):
Spoiler - Pajamas in a red cage;
- Yeti mask;
- Bit (although I seemed to have - I don't remember already);
- Improved rifle and 200 rounds (it was also already);
- All body armor is filled to the maximum (I have 8 positions available for armor, respectively, if you go to Ammunition - writes 48/8 body armor). Those. gave all the existing ones - from ultra-light to super-heavy, which I already had - at the same time).
They gave something else - I don't remember what exactly. Some little things.
No money was given.
The red stocking they wanted so badly didn't appear either.

OlegFо 21.11.21

Motorcycles are still good, leaving the majors on sports cars stuck in snow and traffic far behind.

Gta story 21.11.21

they gave me an automatic rifle which I don't need nafig. do you think it will disappear after the holidays, or not?

victorzh 21.11.21

Gta Story
I think that the gifts are unlikely to disappear. By the way, interestingly: the donated item of clothing (see the spoiler above) has appeared in the category "party wear". Hopefully this is a sign that all of these clothes will remain with the players.

Gta story 21.11.21

if the rifle does not disappear, this is not good. After all, I have removed the Persians many times to get rid of unnecessary junk. then now delete, do not delete, they will plant unnecessary weapons

victorzh 21.11.21

Gta Story
It seems to me that Rocky does not bother at all about "unnecessary" weapons. On a yacht, for example, a bunch of barrels spawn - a machine gun, an RPG, etc. If you don't want it, you can take it.

nat.mih 21.11.21

victorzh The
snow will not be long. Maximum until January 5. Maybe they will remove it even earlier.
Today, a new pajamas, a baseball cap (in two versions with a visor forward and backward), a yeti mask have opened in the game as a gift.

MiGamer86 21.11.21

Custom tires ... I don't know

it's all-terrain or not ... nat.mih But I couldn't hold out for the beast in the new regime for five minutes. A couple of RPG shots and then finished off with a rifle. It seems to me that I need to hunt the beast as a team.

MiGamer86 21.11.21

And where to look for gifts?

victorzh 21.11.21

I picked up the clothes in the clothing store (category "festive"), the mask - in the masks of Vespucci, etc. I can't check the cartridges, because I always buy everything to the maximum after each passing missions or batch in the session - but probably their number simply increases, if not the maximum.

nat.mih 21.11.21

Well, it means there was a chitak. The entire stock of the railgun was gone, though there were some mistakes. Then, 7-9 times were personally fired from the shotgun at close range (accurate hits with clouds of blood), not counting the shots of the rest of the team (it was difficult to keep track of others when the beast ran up to close range and knocked down all three over and over again).

nonakukifu 21.11.21

Today, a new pajamas, a baseball cap (in two versions with a visor forward and backward), a yeti mask have opened in the game as a gift.
they also wrote to me on the left in the corner that they congratulate the type and give a bunch of everything, I did not have time to read everything, but there are most of the weapons and cartridges, but it was nice

MiGamer86 21.11.21

No, there you need a command in sequence. The demolition man explodes with a rocket launcher and knocks down the armor, and then the rest are shot. Like boss fights. No wonder there are several roles given.

_DooM_ 21.11.21

Oh, and I'm tired of looking for gifts, but it turns out that I have already received them.

nonakukifu 21.11.21

is that list that came out? pajamas mask and weapons?

victorzh 21.11.21


nat.mih 21.11.21

We played with friends purely without cheaters. It is possible to kill the beast, but it is difficult. To kill him, you need to shoot at him 4 times from the railgun or 5-6 times RPG. The catch is that the cartridges are not enough. Railgun only 2 shots! Like everyone should hit without misses (players with a railgun and RPG), and finish off the minigun. Simple weapons are useless against the beast. We could not have given it at all! It is very stupid that there are not enough cartridges and there is no way to pick up. There is no ammunition on the map, but first-aid kits for the beast were scattered. Moreover, first-aid kits are for the beast. Hunters have nothing to do with them, because the beast knocks down with one blow. The beast is so strong that there is little chance of overthrowing it. It is realistic to kill an animal if the ratio of players in the match is 1 animal / 3-4 hunters. In this mode, even such a ratio as 3 animals for 4 hunters often falls out. It's just no chance for hunters.
In short, this regime is a complete slag. The balance tends to zero. Everyone wants to be animals, but not hunters. Therefore, when playing with random, it is simply impossible to start a mission, since everyone switches to the team of animals, and there are not enough hunters. You sit and stupidly wait for someone to deign to crawl into the "cannon fodder" team.
Okay, let's not say anything about fast speed and health, but super jumping and invisibility in animals in general [REDACTED]. If you want to feel like a cheater without cheats - play this mode as a beast!
The Roxes had to make a strict observance of the ratio of the beast / hunter at the level of ¼ and give more ammunition to the hunters. At least they would add cartridges after death. And it would be better to remove the invisibility of animals, there are enough of these super jumps behind the eyes (it is simply impossible to aim and hit when the animal jumps high), and even when it is invisible ... It is true that hunters have thermal vision, but where and how it is did not have time to turn it on, tired of this dumb mode.

MiGamer86 21.11.21

Thank you. I also thought where to look for them. I bought a pajamas in a box)))

_DooM_ 21.11.21

Where is the snow? WHERE IS MY SNOW?