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protas.y10a 03.03.22 11:01 pm

Where to get the best artifacts? (STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl)

Many people say that artifacts change their position with each download.
it's not like that, only some change their position, while everyone else retains, for example, the spring is always on the water tower
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Lavuer 03.03.22

Soul - "fish" place is in the Landfill. Behind Bes's parking lot. Near a pile of cariesels. They appear randomly, but with a probability of 80% one Soul can be found.

Moonlight - 100% lies in the laboratory on Yantar. Fumble around the corpse of the Ghost. In one of the cells in a niche on the floor, there is art. On Pripyat in a hotel, in the ritual room of the Monoliths.

Mom's beads - given by an informant in the Bar for completing a mission to destroy a veteran stalker.

Crystal - Miser in the Scuds location, mission to destroy the bloodsuckers in the village nearby. Laboratory X-16 - in the very last room, lying on the floor.

The film is the only exact location - the location of the Wild Territory, an underground tunnel, next to the corpse of Freeman. You can also find it in the stash on Yantar. You can also find Soul there.

Gingerbread Man - Nychka on Amber. On top of a tower crane. Appears randomly after searching zombie corpses from Yantar. Can appear with a 30% chance on Pripyat in the same room of the Monoliths.

The most balanced set: 1 Soul, 2 Moonlight, 3 Mother's beads. + 1 crystal in the backpack to remove radiation.

Steve Fox 03.03.22

In the dungeons of the Research Institute of Agroprom at 2:05 you can find 2 Moonlights, and about 6 Flashes.

Russell 03.03.22

One Moonlight is enough to never get tired.

Danila STALKER 03.03.22

Disagree. I usually carry 2-3 of these artifacts with me at 40-55kg of weight, and they are not always enough for a fairly long run (somewhere across the floor of the location).

stalker7162534 03.03.22

With only Moonlight, you can only run light without getting tired. I also always wear 2-3 pieces. Even with an overload of 50, you can often run, tired - went on foot, very quickly the strength was restored.
Crystals - a lot of the base of Freedom, in the grass near the entrance to the tunnel with anomalies.

ezhzh 03.03.22

on amber, almost all the stashes of corpses - art:
"cache under the cross" - spring
"old safe" - mica
"pipe with good" - soul
"backpack behind the garages" - golden fish + 2 energy
"cache of the group" - sea urchin :-) )) + 2 energy
"old cache" - kolobok
"scientist's cache" - film
"treasure in a log" - dummy
"box with good" - battery
, etc.

gid86 03.03.22

Where did you find goldfish art? I found in 4 places: Yantar, Radar, Pripyat, Chernobyl

ezhzh 03.03.22

to gid86
happy birthday, comrade!
golden fish sticks out in the buttocks:
"backpack behind the garages"
"treasure in the tower"
otherwise it appears just on the ground

Zander_driver 03.03.22

at the exit from the bar towards freedom near the Kamaz there are boxes, they have a good random. mica has already been written about here, but somehow I once found a soul. +600 health. although more often there is all sorts of nonsense, F1 grenades most often.
The film can be obtained from Sakharov for the mission "Get the Fireball Artifact" in the Artifact Retrieval mission chain. if the chain is not completed to the end, then you can take this mission again, there are a lot of fireballs in the game.

Danila STALKER 03.03.22

I know where to get the worst artifact. At the nuclear power plant. Nobody wants him there...

pilich 03.03.22

To sell artifacts, I run to the landfill, if you can find a dofiga around the whole location.
And finally it’s better to search the corpses so that the caches are added and look for on the stash.

combat engineer 03.03.22

I don't know how in stalker (shadow), but in "Unknown anomaly" you can make some artifacts yourself. For example from Gravy. Put in the "electronic", then in the "jelly". It turns out art. no side effects from radiation. All recipes are acquired by searching corpses. One, I remember, was with a psycho-sniper in a swamp near the base of freedom on a flash drive. All the recipes are in the diary. I won’t say anything about the “shadow”. I didn’t carefully read the diary. Now there is simply no game at hand to watch.

ezhzh 03.03.22

to combat-engineer
comrade, this mod is a "hidden anomaly", and transmutations and other things are taken from the amk. but this fashionista steers, I myself gamble into it, I cook art, such as "snotty porcupines" and "beads of the burer's grandmother" :-))))

jonnii 03.03.22

is there someone alive

jonnii 03.03.22

skinte who knows transmutation titanium kolobok who gives such a recipe ato without a prescription is not transmuted

ezhzh 03.03.22

to jonnii
, you have to choose the words, girl...

Titanium Gingerbread Man (meso-modification of tear resistance, bullet resistance and fire resistance)
Steel Gingerbread man modification (+ 5 gap, + 5 bullet resistance, + 7 radiation) is thrown into the Carousel anomaly (transmutation time: 5 hours zones). The resulting meso mod has the following characteristics: + 7 gap, + 10 bullet resistance, + 15 radiation, + 25 fire resistance. Further transmutation in this anomaly is impossible. Chance of successful transmutation: 50%; degeneration probability: 35%; chance of rejection: 15%.
Recipe received: Mercenary PDA Entry

Danila STALKER 03.03.22

Ipat people, but where can I download this miracle? It sounds somehow ... anomalous ... A couple more questions in pursuit: How much does it weigh, and are there many bugs?

ezhzh 03.03.22

to Danila STALKER
comrade, tse amk or "hidden anomaly", weighs 200-something meters and 2.5 giga respectively :-)))) so you want to release "snotty porcupines"? :-)))) There seems to be no bugs on the "hidden immorality"

Lisaa 03.03.22

PEOPLE!!! I kind of figured out where the art is, I manage to collect them a few more before the debt. never understood. Or did I really misunderstand something?!?

Danila STALKER 03.03.22

2.5GB?!? What did they put in there?!? Kick... The toy itself (licensed) weighs 5.54 GB, and here it is almost half... There chtol all the textures and models are replaced?!? Why such a wild size? Damn download this...