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Trustmee 12.04.22 01:18 am

Mage game (Risen)

On the 10th lvl, we swing the power of FIRE magic (I tested, believe me, everything else is funny feces)! It will be difficult to complete training in the monastery (Quest for Arik) and quests in Harbor Town (Quest to kill the main henchman in the city of Don Esteban in a brothel). But DO NOT spend skill points on any bullshit like strength.
We get a mana pool of 50 at lvl 10 (just a restoring mana in one elk)
By lvl 12 we download alchemy to max and rivet eliks for +10 hp constantly, well, eliks for mana if you want to become like a homeless Vasya, you can immediately buy eliks from the alchs. Do not forget that brewed Eliks can be sold even for HP if there are too many of them.
From 13 all skill points are thrown into the mana pool. As soon as possible, make yourself 2 rings for +20 mana (New blacksmith for max -15 sp. +40 mana -40sp Facial benefit). By the 20th, try to find 200 Wisdom. The downside is that these earliest tablets are very easy to miss due to their vile chameleon coloring to match the color of the stones. On the 21st I had 165 mana pool. 10 lvl fire. 200 wisdom and lvl 4 runes. Which gave me the AD skill.
My record of 2umya yuzomi hell demolished 4 lizard elites and 5 warriors. The swordsman and the archer are far in the suction in terms of combat parameters. Most importantly, we rivet eliks for mana and enjoy life, not forgetting about such wonderful skills as the speed of summoning a skeleton and levitation.
For noobs, buying all the banks from the alchemist, we go out, click on a second auction with him and bam again the same banks in the same quantity. Repeat until the desired number of jars.

As a result, we get an Armored (Armor is the same for everyone) Monster with a bunch of HP. Only we can eat and make Eliks for +10 HP. For mana, we still don’t need 160 mana optimally (For 2 hells and a bunch of fireballs), we still have to eat Eliks. If you could make 1000 mana (that would fight from sleep to sleep). But alas, this is not given. Strong men need Eliks for strength, dodgers for dexterity, and I repeat once again for HP.
For example, for 4 fireworks, you can demolish a haze, an ogre, an Elite lizard. For 3 Raptor Warrior. For 2 Skeletons of a warrior, a black wolf, shit like a turtle with the head of a mutantoid worm, a ghoul. Everything else for 1in fire. And do not forget THAT FIRE SPLESH! I mean, in the crypt, 4 warrior skeletons fly away for 3 fireballs.
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CrowleyTwoGun 12.04.22

Apparently, all the same, a warrior of the order, not a magician :) The option with seals in the dialogue with Ignatius opens from the very beginning of the 2nd chapter

Pril Balsam 12.04.22

You can also put a patch to fix bugs in the game

Candy 12.04.22

How do you become a mage and how do you become a warrior?

CrowleyTwoGun 12.04.22

How to become a warrior, Tristan tells on the farm of novices: get into X-T without getting caught by the Inquisition patrol, do 4 or more quests for the order, take a letter of recommendation from Carlos, come to Master Pallas and order a class - magician.

Candy 12.04.22

No, GG purposefully went to the monastery, in X-T he was already sent from the monastery to restore order.

Pril Balsam 12.04.22

[10] CrowleyTwoPistols
08/13/10 10:42 As Gloomy says in the game "Dungeon Orderlies" - "Well, I don't even know ..."

Here's the situation - before the final battle we talk with the ex-inquisitor Mendoza and he rushes at us with a staff . He does not want to notice Fred's skeleton, fencing near the GG. I am a paladin 28 (or 29 - I don’t remember) lvl, I stand in a block with a shield and a titanium hammer ... The blows are so frequent that it doesn’t even allow me to pull out the crystal, not to mention the fact that with the crystal I lose the shield, because I hold it with 2 hands. Well, what's the charm of the magician? Explain?

I'm a magician, last conversation with Mendoza. Mendoza hit only once with his staff, then he himself received blows from me with a fire crystal, and all because I ran away from him, charging the crystal on the go, and along the path of the crypt, running, turning around, hit him with fire from the crystal. The most important thing is to watch where you run, and that there are no enemies behind.

The easiest game is to play as a mage. The main thing is more mana, pump some crystal to the end, and that's it.

CrowleyTwoGun 12.04.22

I killed Medosa with the Titan's chisel. Although only 45 strength - he quickly fell ... Well, yes, still - hit first, Freddy! :)

The most important thing is to watch where you are running, and so that there are no enemies behind

And by the way, where else did you manage to find enemies in the fortress of Ursegora in the 4th part?

CrowleyTwoGun 12.04.22

If you were sent from the monastery to Harbor Town, then 100% you purposefully surrendered to the patrol or Sant'Iago, and you can't see the seals - you are a warrior of the Inquisition (strand wanderer - recruit - warrior - commandant - inquisitor)

CrowleyTwoGun 12.04.22

I carefully read the previous posts and came to the conclusion that it makes no sense to download a two-crystal magician. Ice kills even better than a fireball. The only difficulty is that it does not immobilize ogres and mist. How to be? We simply use an ice crystal to remove all hits from them (of course, you have to run), and then we kill any other crystal, for example, a shooting one, with one point.

Mikhalych 77 12.04.22

CrowleyTwo Guns

What do you recommend? I pumped the fiery one to the end, and according to your comet, ice is even better. I didn’t like it, the fiery one is enough above the roof. I wonder if anyone with a pumped crystal that shoots the whole game passed? For the sake of interest, I'll try to go through it again when I'm done with the fiery

CrowleyTwoGun 12.04.22

I do not advise downloading more than 1 crystal - it's more interesting to go through several times.

For crystals, so - the biggest damage per 1 mana is for a shooting crystal.
Fire crystal - can kill or damage a group of opponents
Ice crystal inflicts not only a defeat equal to the fire one (but - only 1 target, the undead have a bonus to resistance, but everyone else, except for the mist and ogres - a penalty), but also immobilizes any enemy except for the Mglors and Ogres.

So what is written above - that the shooting crystal is masdai - there is no reason to believe

In your case, I will advise this - blacksmithing 3 (critical 2, but still a lot of points, you can raise good money on products), alchemy - 3, geology, cutting, all seals, crystal - 10, the rest - in mana. Elixirs - for life. We make rings for + 20 to mana, but the amulet can be put on the defense - which the master Ignatius gives.

Jess Shepard 12.04.22

Yes, but for now I have to wind it, my heels are sparkling :)
I just haven't decided yet whether to be a warrior or a magician. Don's people at first seemed closer than the inquisitors ... but now I see that more than half of them are miserable corrupt people (yes, that's how much pathos). So I don't know who to help. And as for strength, who is better - a warrior or a mage? Stupid question: each has its own advantages, but still?

CrowleyTwoGun 12.04.22

Jess Shephard
Well, until you decide, I do not advise you to spend experience points.

A warrior develops in this way: the contactee first raises the strength of the teachers to 100 (the archer - dexterity), then he learns techniques and blacksmithing-alchemy.
A warrior of the order does the same, but he combines techniques with the study of a crystal (compared to a magician, it seemed to me that a warrior has a penalty for crystals - the poppy shoots much more strongly)

The magician from the beginning of the game learns butchering, geology, blacksmithing, and then accumulates points until initiation. After the ritual at the Sacred Flame - we put the accumulated points into the crystal we like, forge 2 rings for + 20 to mana - and take out everything aggressive on the island ...

Jess Shepard 12.04.22

Yep, thanks a lot! He drew such a clear scheme for me :)
Yes, perhaps, the prospect of becoming a magician now attracts me more. But is it possible to develop a magician-thief or a warrior-with-elements-mage normally? Or what happens anyway?
PS That's it, this is the last question, otherwise I clog the topic here)

CrowleyTwoGun 12.04.22

For Jess Shepard

, it's realistic to grow a Thief Mage - you will lose 10 mana, which is not critical. You can’t learn theft at 3, since Delgado’s coach when playing “For the Order” will not teach, at least he will complete the quest. But by the way, 2 points, non-critical for a pure magician, is enough to give you many pleasant minutes.

It is difficult to raise a mage-warrior. Rather, it is difficult to grow an effective mage-warrior.

there are two ways:
You can take the warrior class of the order, study strength up to 100 + elixirs up to 200, 6 points - into an ax (the game will no longer allow), 7 points into a crystal. But the joke is that the crystal of the warrior of the order, with equal wisdom, shoots (either sets it on fire or freezes it) - significantly weaker than that of the magician class (game ballance). So it turns out that 70 points were spent (1 gives Mendoza during the ritual, 2 - from the amulet from the city of lizards, only 10) - and the damage - for chickens to laugh at, the ax hits noticeably better.

The second way is to develop the magician's strength up to 130-150. But then there will be a shortage of mana and in the midst of the plot you will ask yourself (and then - me) the question - why did I invest in strength if I am a wonderful sniper and no one can do it before me run?

CrowleyTwoGun 12.04.22

Now I'm playing a magician with a shooting crystal. Compared to the fire mage, he is much more effective due to 1) high rate of fire, 2) economical mana consumption.

As for the author's call not to invest in force, doubts also arose.
Firstly, there are at least 2 places in the game where you need to fight elite lizards in anti-magic zones.
Secondly, it is economically wasteful to spend mana on various shells such as rats.
Thirdly, if the mana ran out, and the enemy stepped into a dense one, the magician who fences better, and not the one who has 200 hp more, has more chances to survive. In the fourth act, the lizard destroys 100 - 150 hp with one blow, so spending 20 hero crowns in order to withstand 1 more hit without being able to hit back well is, in my opinion, unreasonable.

Another note on printing. For the first chapter, I scored 115 wisdom. Perhaps it was still possible to roam in the northernmost temple, the entrance to which is guarded by a patrol of 3 ogres, but it became a pity for the scrolls of levitation.
Having opened the 2nd chapter (and in the first chapter, Ignatius algorithmically will not teach the seals) - you can immediately leave the monastery as an expert on the 2nd seal. Next - Girger + eastern temple + temple on the quest with a druid - and 3 seals are available to us

CrowleyTwoGun 12.04.22

a magician with a shooting crystal, due to its high rate of fire, is practically not afraid of loners who come within striking distance. For an ice or fire mage, this is a fatal

Grimlock152 12.04.22

CrowleyTwoPistols is what saves, spends 2 times less and hits 2 times weaker

with cheats, tested all 3 crystals and FOR ME the most garbage is magical, medium fire and the best ice.

1.Magic crystal. If it were possible to run while shooting, then he could and would have become the best, but alas, about 12 shots are spent on an ogre, which is after all 60 mana, 5 hits or 6 are spent on ice, which is also 60 mana, saving mana is not I see.

2. Fire is an average thing and a splash is good, but this crystal is not for everybody.

3. and finally Ice. Freezed mobs after defrosting lose their aggression, this is a plus, while everyone in the freeze can drink mana, this is a plus, it eats decent mana, this is a minus. At lvl 10, all mobs are sailing. There are no problems with packs either, be it 3 liches or wolves.

In this case, the utility factor of the crystal, I took into account the consumption of mana, probably not without reason, magical and fiery crystals eat less than ice. And all because he has more pluses than minuses, and you have to pay for it.

By the way, the haze seal is a cool thing, you can even play on chapter 4 even without crystals, the main thing is that the NPCs don’t attack you

Grimlock152 12.04.22

Sorry for the multipost, but now the question I wanted to ask.
It is known that mana is not limited to 200, and it is inconvenient to have little mana.
I would like to know who pumped mana for points for how much. And to what mana value can teachers teach?

We count how much you can get: 2 rings (40 mana), Amulet (there are 20 and 30, but the 2nd one is hard to find), eliks from the hero's crowns (100), eliks found 10, cooked food according to recipes +13, increase mana when become a mage +7. In total, it turns out 190 or 200 (depending on the amulet) can be obtained without pumping mana.
I don’t know about you, but I would pump a little more mana somewhere else at 40-50 at the beginning of the game, because the skills will still have nowhere to put them. And the game can be finished at lvl 28

OkAbe-kun 12.04.22

well... the ice mage rules, pumping nada current into mana, 10lvl freezes both haze and orc hatya and for a very short time. mana seems to have a limit of 300 (hatya never reached 300 anywhere) about the item: a magician needs something to cover (a shield is best for this) then a little bit by bit with apples, eliks and eggs in short supply, we gain 30 strength and take an elegant sword (novels or dungeons near Girger's) and so, in general, the ice magician takes away everything and everything that moves, given the speed of his magic of creation at lvl 10, then he will calmly cope with "13 lizards" without hell, but on a trifle, so as not to waste mana, we use our steel magic elegant stick , the magician does not need hp, the current of mana still does not give an ice-cold MGU a bow, even the blunt or magic crystal itself, shtob those who stand after the cast to demarcate and finish off).