Dumb AntiMat
Here, I tried to write a post on Programming. And then an error popped up saying "in the body of the message the word "[deleted]" is found. Do you see it there? I don’t either. I spent about five minutes trying to find where the hell I was swearing. I press Ctrl + F, I type in the search bar on the page "[deleted]". But there is no such thing. So the antimat is stupid. I sweated for about five minutes to figure out what and where to fix it. As a result, "by weight * how" interfered. I had to do "by weight like" ... EVERYTHING, ALREADY HUMILATED SO PIRHATS AND HUMILATE!!! For six (?) years of the existence of PG, no one has thought of correcting the anti-matter normally. However, the money that protects the PG of the doer is unmeasured here, but they don’t want to work normally. Who agrees with me, put "+" to my post.
EnglishQuaker Well
, at this damn thermal power plant or state district power plant, people who work to ensure that V-Nine has thermal power, swear only like that (I myself was a witness).
The main thing is that they do not write it in PG.
because of the anti-mate, I didn’t write a couple of smart messages and didn’t help some people pitch to
the Patam that the anti-mate can read in a checkerboard pattern. every 10th letter as a word. back to front and top to bottom.
and I can't read. I don’t have enough RAM for a 32-dimensional archive of letters and sounds, posony.
Really, nonsense. I also found a female dog. After looking at my comment, I still didn’t see the mat.
who can't sleep in the dead of night, echo: [deleted] - [deleted]. - We
made a papi car for a ride. - It didn't work.
Pedagogical education - pedobraz
Antimat is such a shriveled teacher-pedobraz, tirelessly observing the ideology of Lenin's party ...
No more experiments needed.
Just Stand
One can freely use the euphemism "football referee".
Oh, [deleted], I created this topic 7 years ago, chtoli? Wow, time flies fast.