Moving game in Epic Games (Metro Exodus)
Today's event many shocked..Such a slap, probably nobody expected. So first we have to sell Denovo, zababahali to your taste and color little system, and now the game have an exclusive, Epic Games, about which I learned only today. It is the crown of creation.I care about this question, however it is not me alone.... According to information from the official website of the game and Steam, all those who pre-order the game until now, and will get it at the time of release and will receive updates and DLC. But after such spitting in the direction of the gaming community, how can you believe all this?
Now in front of me, and many have a choice what to do with the current pre-order on Steam. I sit here and think to return the money, YPD to wait 15 numbers.
gavs1988 wrote:
in Epic Games you can play without Internet connection
And this is by the way another question. It is not possible to run the client in offline mode. It is unknown whether to run the game. May be a third surprise, and to run it will require the Internet.
SanSanZ wrote:
But on the consoles is stupid boring
If console had no disadvantages, everyone would have already ditched their computers. However, there are disadvantages that are more than StarForce, little system, optimization, denuve the launcher.
vitalik76 wrote:
However, there are disadvantages that are more than StarForce, little system, optimization, denuve the launcher.
And what for example?
Received a letter from the beeches to say anything we will stop all pre-orders for metro Exodus. In their store the same only in the queue to receive the game (which will happen in a year) to get up can. Now podeshmanu third-party game services only keys from disks.
So it is worth as much as $ 300 and can not 60fps. And yet the same game is more expensive in the CIS. In short a sea of problems)
PS forgot to add what else you need your hands out of your ass to have to play better than the journalists from IGN.
_Xz4ca920byX_ wrote:
And what for example?
Want to discuss the shortcomings of the consoles, then go to the relevant topic. This is about another topic.
Viss wrote:
Now podeshmanu third-party game services only keys from disks.
So as beech fact, and probably not before through the shop were sold, and the same keys to activate the incentive, or at beeches gave birth to your own client the type of stim?
The news is not very pleasant playing pubg has accumulated almost half a Cusick, wanted to spend it on the subway and the outcome of those times. The game siravno to fly, but not directly and wait for a boxed version.
DisDrak wrote:
While Epixtar exactly two minus
about a very fat minus forgotten, which cancels all the advantages (and whether they do?) - lack of storage in the cloud sopranos from games, I do not know anyone, but for me this is a significant drawback
I just stopped pirates.. the 2nd year I started slowly to buy games then the incentive is to gog ... with such news, epic, Dunyo .. edishen torrent and it will be until the game appears in gog rubles for 250 - 400 not a penny more.. read the reviews on this subject there are just horrible and evil to epic DS , promise black market(torrent) that seems not in the spirit of the Americans or Europeans.. and a just a few copies on all platforms wanted to buy - PS4 , PC, Xbox .. now imagine what charges they will lose.
Who knows, who quickly breaks denovo? From whom to wait for crack? And Repack normal who now makes? Maybe there is already an ad up who threw about the imminent breaking of not yet released games? After such a harchok in the face of strong sonuga that the people, not something that is plaguing not allowed to SLEEP until the crack.
No one knows exactly how fast will crack. This make such groups of hackers as CPY, Codex, all I will not enumerate.
Not too long ago rocked a pirated copy, but to give money in this garbage set, play forget and delete will not. Save money and buy in a year with all patches and add-ons at a discount to the incentive.
Roasted cock in point 5 fell, so did so before the release, they did this backfire, especially if lomanut it quickly, because after a year it no one the incentive for a full price not going to buy, and all people should - pirates around long before the game's release on steam.
And what is Steam? ECCP some fail? The pre-order? Torrent dear our United and faithful choice
Doubt hacking is practically absent
Yes, they already got the money for the game (from epic) + pre-orders in steam (if the game does not. but it will not return after the first minute of the game) so that future sales were not much concerned, though... if the sale will be, it will be a bonus for them, and the bonuses all go crazy)